Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2475 Is the spiritual water delicious?


Although Ye Han made such a judgment, he also shouted out...

He didn't care whether this Bi Tian Shen Jun was waiting for an opportunity or waiting to be a jackal. He only knew that he was no match for this flying dragon beast. If he continued to fight, he would suffer huge losses and might be killed here...

After all, his cultivation was much worse than that of the flying dragon beast. This guy's huge body was terrifying enough...

And this guy's inner core was still the terrifying metal giant. The metal core and the terrifying defense made it difficult for his Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop to hurt him...

In addition to this guy being too huge, Ye Han had not found the specific weakness of this guy...

But Bi Tian Shen Jun was different. He had dealt with Tong Tian, ​​and Tong Tian became like this, which should be caused by Bi Tian Shen Jun, so Tong Ling hated Bi Tian Shen Jun so much!

But this guy obviously wanted to be a jackal, how could he give this Bi Tian Shen Jun this opportunity?


Lord Bi Tian had no intention of attacking, and there was no sound at all, as if this guy was not on his side at all.


Tong Ling laughed wildly and said, "Hahaha! Do you think this coward Bi Tian will come out? He is a notorious coward who can only hide!"

As he said that, the flying dragon beast burst out with boundless terrifying air waves, and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out dozens of metal giants...

These metal giants emitted bright gray light ripples, holding long swords, and the sword light was shocked to attack Ye Han.

Ye Han quickly pinched the fingers and chanted the spell, releasing countless sword light storms, Da Geng Shen Wu Sword Technique, Shen Wu Sword Technique, Da Geng Sword Technique, and Sword Emperor Sword Technique, and continued to attack.

Although Ye Han has practiced these sword techniques for many years, he has not yet reached the highest level. After the sword clone comprehended and practiced the sword techniques...

Ye Han's sword cultivation broke through his current level and entered a higher level. He finally practiced these sword techniques to the extreme and truly brought out the essence of these sword techniques.

The power of the sword light attack that burst out, the sword intent of the sword technique of Da Geng Shenwu was overwhelming, and he took thousands of golden sword lights to attack, which beat the metal giants one by one...

And Ye Han felt that his shouting was indeed useful. Originally, this flying dragon beast attacked him crazily. After his shouting, it seemed to remind him that this guy was still very afraid of the Bi Tian Shenjun.

Although the sword attacks of these metal giants released now are fierce, it is very difficult to kill him. Obviously, they are on guard against the sneak attack of Lord Bitian...

Tongtian shouted loudly: "Bitian! You have been planning for so many years, but this fairy treasure still hasn't fallen into your hands. Are you really willing?"

"Yes, you have never dared to take risks. You only dare to let others die for you. It is rare to see such a dirty guy like you in the world!!"

"Bitian! I tell you, things are different now. If you really dare to take action, you will die!!"

"Bitian!! Do you remember how I played you? Hahaha!"

"Damn Bitian! With your ghost appearance, you still want to become an immortal and dream?"

"Bitian, you don't have much life, come out quickly."

This flying dragon beast Tongling really hated Lord Bitian, and kept roaring and cursing there, just to irritate this damn guy.

But for some reason, the more he talked, the angrier and more manic he became...

Ye Han's sword energy burst out like a rainbow, and the sharpness of the two bone-refining swords was extremely terrifying. Even though this ling was a divine beast, he was also cut with scars! !

And the metal giants that besieged him gradually couldn't keep up with his figure.

After all, Ye Han could continuously perform teleportation magic, and with the blessing of Jiuchong Qinghong, his speed was so fast that he was already the best among the best among the fusion stage cultivators! !

Damn it! How can this guy have so much mana? There must be a top-grade secret space, or a heaven-defying treasure that can restore mana! ! ! !

When the flying dragon beast ling saw this scene, his eyes showed horror, although he had long known that the damn immortal cultivator in front of him was definitely not an ordinary fusion stage cultivator...

If it was an ordinary immortal cultivator in the fusion stage, he would naturally not be his opponent.

And this guy is still practicing the Vajra Fire God Art, and it is the Vajra Fire God Art that has already been fully developed. What does it have to do with that damn immortal guy?

However, Tong Ling hated that damn Bi Tian Shen Jun the most, and he kept insulting him in an attempt to provoke that damn guy to come out! !


At this time.

"Tong Ling! Is the spiritual water delicious?"

The voice of Bi Tian Shen Jun came out in the space unexpectedly, saying only one inexplicable word, and the tone was full of a different flavor, making people feel that there must be something wrong! !

Sure enough, as Bi Tian Shen Jun said this, Tong Ling roared like a volcano erupting: "Bitian! Get out of here!!!!"

With this Tong Tian roar, the huge flying dragon beast continued to burst out. Amazing blood light, a trace of blood light and electricity rushed out, and after the rush, a terrible storm of rage and suffocation broke out...

Kaka Kaka! !

A huge mana matrix twisted and exploded behind the flying dragon beast, and a series of terrifying black and red blood light columns were impacted, which continued to bombard in all directions...

Boom boom boom boom!!

A series of violent storms, hundreds of miles of black and red flame light columns were impacted, and there was no gap at all where they passed. The space was bombarded, and a series of shocking and suffocating ripple storms...

The huge fragments of the Great Dream Fairy Palace within a radius of thousands of miles were hit by this terrifying black and red flame light column, and were directly shocked into pieces by the attack...

At this time!


Roar! !

The roars and roars of the terrifying monsters that shook the earth came out...

In the bursting rock fragments, huge ancient beasts and beasts rushed out! !

These guys burst out one by one, roaring and roaring with extreme anger, shocking thousands of storms, and rushed towards the flying dragon beast and Ye Han's battle group!

Why are there so many mythical beasts and ancient beasts?

Why did these guys rush out and attack me?

Tongling's eyes were full of anger.

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