Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2478 Shatian Bowl!!

Ouch! !

The spirit of the flying dragon beast let out a roar that shook the earth, and the chains on its body shook continuously, and everyone burst out with sword intent storms...

Boom boom boom! !

The boundless storm of black and red blood and light also continued to impact the flying dragon beast, forcefully breaking away a lot of the power of the earth attribute law that Ye Han had released on him! !

but! !

There is still a lot left in the spirit of the flying dragon beast! !


Ye Han's figure trembled, and he appeared again in the sky above the left wing of the flying dragon beast. The five-element golden cudgel of thunder turned into a thousand-mile size, crushing and bombarding it heavily!

Bang! ! !

There was a heaven-shaking light explosion, and the entire huge body of the flying dragon beast staggered, sinking hundreds of miles toward the boundless sea of ​​stars...

More soil with the power of earth attribute laws erupted on his left wing!

What's more important is that in addition to the soil, there is also a suffocating piece of ice that erupts...

Ouch! ! !


The flying dragon beast roared angrily, opened its mouth, and sprayed out a huge black and red bead. A circle of black and red runes erupted, and the boundless star sea void with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly seemed to have stopped.

The magic and magical powers that those ancient beasts attacked stopped for a moment...


Where is Ye Han? !

The moment the flying dragon beast released this mysterious bead treasure, the aura and mana instantly dropped a lot. It was obviously a heaven-defying treasure that consumed a lot of mana to cultivate.

But Ye Han's whereabouts could not be found!

He originally released this Law of Time Divine Orb just to catch Ye Han, but he didn't expect this damn guy to disappear.

As long as this guy is within the range of this rare Law of Time Divine Orb, I will definitely give that guy a fatal blow! !


Lord Bitian! ! !

Go to hell! !

However, the flying dragon beast discovered that a familiar figure appeared not far behind him. Lord Bitian released a slender long knife, exuding a terrifying killing intent, and looked like he was about to attack him...

Obviously, Lord Bitian was going to sneak attack him at this time, but he didn't expect that he would have this Law of Time Divine Orb, and his figure was revealed all of a sudden! !

Although he did not use the Law of Time Divine Orb to immobilize Ye Han, he did immobilize the Bitian Divine Lord whom he hated the most! !

Ouch! !

Evil Heaven Bowl! !

The flying dragon divine beast opened its mouth and spat out, and a black bowl with swirling black runes of blood-evil flames rushed out, turning into a cluster of very terrifying blood-light black evil spirits. The flames swirled and instantly covered the stationary Bitian Divine Lord. …

Damn it! !

How did the Divine Orb of the Law of Time fall into the hands of this damn bastard? !

Lord Bitian didn't expect that he had been waiting here for a long time, and the moment he took action, he was very sure to kill the flying dragon beast!

As a result, the Divine Orb of the Law of Time, which I had been trying to obtain for who knows how long but failed to obtain, actually fell into the hands of the flying dragon beast.

And at this moment, the driver burst out with magical power, and suddenly he was stuck in the void...

Move me! !

Lord Bitian drove his magic power crazily, and a circle of terrifying power of law rushed out, and his body moved a little bit...


boom! !

That terrifying black Evil Heaven Bowl had already covered his figure, and suddenly his figure was sucked into the Evil Heaven Bowl...


Lord Bitian roared angrily, and his magic power burst out. The slender long knife in his hand instantly burst out with a terrifying knife intent...

Whoops! !

That long sword turned into a sword light thousands of miles long, and hit the left wing and body of the flying dragon beast...

Bang! ! !

There was an astonishing explosion of metal collision, and blood spurted out. The left wing and a small half of the body of the flying dragon beast were cut off, and they were all filled with metal bones...


The flying dragon beast roared and recited a curse suddenly, and its magic power was like a tide, rushing towards the evil bowl trapped by the Bitian God...

Bang bang bang!

The Bitian Shenjun, who was trapped in the Evil Heaven Bowl, was bombarded by the boundless and terrifying evil energy. His entire body began to fall apart, and his flesh and blood splattered out!

at the same time.

Snap! ! !

The Law of Time Divine Orb also collapsed and shattered directly at this time, and a circle of light spots burst out and exploded! !


Although the Time Law Divine Orb is powerful and consumes a lot of mana, it is a heaven-defying treasure that can only be used once. Once the driving force is used, it will be destroyed directly like the talisman...

If it was a treasure that could be used continuously, how could the flying divine beast be willing to use it now?

That’s why! ! !

However, it can kill Lord Bitian! It's worth it too! !

This Lord Bitian was trapped in the Evil Heaven Bowl, and there was only one way to die! ! !


At this moment! ! !

The flying dragon beast suddenly felt a strong and boundless dangerous aura coming, followed by a terrifying cold air that made him tremble! ! !

See! !

Buzz! ! !

Boom boom boom! !

Above his head, Ye Han's figure trembled like a phantom, his magic power driving the Absolute Cold Divine Sword brightly!

Boundless terrifying sword intent, earth-shaking icy breath is erupting, the whole world is filled with terrifying boundless cold air, condensing into boundless icicles...

A thousand-mile-long Ice Emperor-like figure is shaken out of Ye Han's body, driving the Absolute Cold Divine Sword! !

Go! ! !

Ye Han did not hesitate to press his finger heavily, and the Absolute Cold Divine Sword slashed out a terrifying sword light of ten thousand miles, crushing the boundless starry sky and earth, and bombarded the head of the flying dragon beast...

No! !

How is it possible? !

The flying dragon beast did not expect that Ye Han would have such a shocking treasure, and could drive such a powerful power to burst out. Isn't that the legendary treasure of the demon clan...

Absolute Cold Divine Sword?

The flying dragon beast did not have time to think about it, and spurted out a blood-red light shield treasure...


Kakaka! !

Before this treasure could burst out its magical power, it was frozen into ice in an instant by the icy sword aura of the boundless and cold sword that was impacting it! !


The terrifying and incomparable cold sword instantly swept across the void and hit the flying dragon beast! !

Bang! !

There was a roar that shook the earth, and the entire huge body of the flying dragon beast was slashed by the terrifying cold sword and was directly cut into two halves...


Kakaka! ! !

The boundless icy ice shook and exploded, and the body of the flying dragon beast that was cut open continued to spread ice, and the whole thing was frozen into an extremely huge iceberg! ! !

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