Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 252 Pagoda Breaks the Ban

No one expected that at this critical moment, the Fantian Pagoda would shrink rapidly by itself?

Qin Minghui immediately shouted: "Quick! Use all your strength to open the restriction!"

Even she, a Jindan-stage cultivator who had practiced for a thousand years, did not understand what was going on.

But she knew that if there was any abnormality in the Fantian Pagoda, their risk-taking would be in vain, and they would also have to face the siege of the demonized cultivators of the Demon Lord Black Shadow outside...

As Qin Minghui shouted like this, everyone instantly used all their strength to operate the skills, madly driving the magic power, trying to quickly open the forbidden light shield of the Fantian Pagoda...

I saw that the pagoda was a phantom of thousands of feet, and it was directly and drastically shrunk to only a few feet in size, with countless mysterious gold and silver runes emanating from it.

Even the Demon Lord Black Shadow could not expect such a situation, and could only force his men to attack the forbidden light shield of the Creation Heaven...

If there were other abnormalities in the Fantian Pagoda, he would have wasted so much energy and effort...

But it was too late.

The shrunken Fantian Pagoda was no longer virtual, but had become a real pagoda, with a burst of golden and silver rune brilliance.

The Fantian Pagoda actually rammed into the Five Elements Restriction Light Shield!

Bang! !

The Five Elements Restriction Light Shield cracked wildly, and the colorful spiritual light of the restriction splashed everywhere, and the light shield exploded in an instant...

No one expected that the Fantian Pagoda would actually blast open the restriction light shield by itself and come out...

Qin Minghui, Ye Han and the other five who were performing the Five Elements Restriction Formation felt the backlash of the magic power of the light column of the Five Elements Formation...

Bang! ! With a muffled explosion, the token of the Five Elements Formation they controlled exploded.

The five people were shaken violently and were shaken off the pillars of the formation. They spit out a large mouthful of blood and flew backwards with severe injuries...

Ye Han was the leader and suffered the greatest impact. He was hit by the backlash of five magic powers at once, flew out, and hit the Fortune Heavenly Square, spitting out a mouthful of blood... and fell to the ground.

Although Qin Minghui also suffered an extremely strong backlash, he gritted his teeth and used terrifying magic power to withstand the backlash. He jumped onto the pillar and grabbed the Fantian Pagoda in the air!

Although I don’t know why the Fantian Pagoda attacked the Five Elements Restriction by itself, now is a great opportunity to take the treasure!

The Demon Lord Black Shadow brought his demonized monks and the magic beasts that were still isolated outside the Fortune Heavenly Square and watched the Fantian Pagoda break through the restriction light shield.

He was isolated from the Heavenly Creation Square, and he didn't care about anything. He muttered something in his mouth, and quickly made hand gestures and chanted incantations...

As the black shadow of the demon lord made hand gestures and chanted incantations, the ground trembled with a rumble, and zombie puppets emerged from the ground one by one.

The zombie puppets emerged from the ground, entangled with each other, and their flesh and blood began to connect, and began to merge into a pair of big feet, and they were still growing, and a terrifying and suffocating breath burst out...

At this time.

A scene that no one could have imagined appeared.

The Fantian Pagoda that had just been rushed out suddenly rippled with gold and silver runes in the air, and the mysterious and extremely terrifying breath burst out like a substance...

The first to bear the brunt was Qin Minghui who rushed up and was shocked by the shock of the gold and silver runes.

"Not good!"

Qin Minghui instantly released a crystal clear bead treasure, which turned into a water ripple light shield to protect her body.

Bang! The gold and silver runes hit Qin Minghui's body like a light explosion, and the water ripple light shield on her body burst instantly, and the crystal clear beads and treasures were also shattered...

Qin Minghui's figure flew backwards dozens of feet and hit the mountain wall. The mountain wall roared, cracked and exploded, causing her to slide down in extreme pain.


Buzz! The Fortune Heavenly Square released by Qin Minghui began to shrink rapidly, and turned into a beam of gold and silver light, spinning in the air and rushing into the Fantian Pagoda.

Everyone could see clearly that this shrunken Fortune Heavenly Square was just embedded in a square gap in the middle of the Fantian Pagoda, without a single gap.

Seeing this scene, everyone reacted. It turned out that this Fortune Heavenly Square was part of the Fantian Pagoda.

At this time, everyone understood that the reason why the Fantian Pagoda took the initiative to break through the Five Elements Restriction was that it sensed that a part of itself was outside, so it broke through the Five Elements Restriction.

Of course, this is also because Qin Minghui, Ye Han and others have actually used the Five Elements Formation to open the Five Elements Restriction Light Shield almost completely, allowing the Fantian Pagoda to sense a part of themselves outside, so they sensed it.

But now the most troublesome thing is coming.

After the Fantian Pagoda absorbed the part of the Creation Heavenly Party, the Creation Heavenly Party Restriction Light Shield naturally no longer exists.

Everyone is exposed to the magic beasts and demonized monks of the Demon Lord Black Shadow.

More importantly, because of the sudden impact of the Fantian Pagoda, the Five Elements Formation backfired on itself...

Each of the five of them suffered a lot of injuries, and because they used too much mana to drive the formation, facing so many magic beasts and demonized monks, how could they resist?

"You are dead! Hahaha!" The Demon Lord Black Shadow laughed wildly, chanting for a while, and the zombie puppets he released continued to gather, and actually formed a giant with a size of more than ten feet, whose body was composed of zombie puppets.

I saw that this huge zombie puppet was covered with zombie puppets, its roaring head, and its flailing limbs struggling. It didn't look ordinary ferocious and terrifying.

The dark shadow of the Demon Lord suddenly penetrated into the zombie giant.

Fierce golden pupils appeared in the zombie giant's eyes!

The demon king has controlled the aura emanating from the entire zombie giant, and it is actually more terrifying than the six electric dragon monsters that are larger than the third level peak.

This is the real trump card of Demon Lord Black Shadow.

However, he couldn't care about others anymore. With a flick of his consciousness, he let all the demonized monks under his control attack Qin Minghui and others.

He controlled the zombie giant and rushed towards the Fantian Pagoda crazily. Although this zombie puppet was huge, it was not slow. It only took two steps before it hit the formation pillar and stretched out its huge arms to grab the Fantian Pagoda. passed...

The devil's golden pupils showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that this Heaven-turning Pagoda would really come out. If he got this Heaven-turning Pagoda, then he would be...

But don’t wait for him to think about it!

Buzz! A burst of gold and silver runes erupted from the Tianfan Pagoda, and it actually rushed towards Ye Han at an alarming speed...

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. What happened to the Tianfan Pagoda?

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