Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 255: So angry that he vomited blood

After Demon Lord Black Shadow has used this move, he cannot actually use it again.

On the one hand, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here has been exhausted, and on the other hand, the power of the blood pool consumed by this move.

That was the magical power he gathered using special means, and it was originally used to deal with unexpected situations.

If he could perform it continuously, he wouldn't have to be so secretive and lurk in the dark forbidden area for so long.

The most important thing is that he also hates Ye Han very much. Everyone else was seriously injured. In his opinion, the overall situation has been decided, so he will use this move.

Demon Lord Demon Lord was so angry that he vomited blood. The originally fatal blow was actually dodged by Ye Han so easily!

Only one high-level substitute talisman was used!

Why not make the Demon Lord so angry that he vomits blood?

Ye Han activated the Blood Escape Talisman and rushed into the huge hole created by the golden beam.

What's more important is that Fantian Pagoda also chased after him!

If this Ye Han really gets the Heaven-turning Pagoda, wouldn't all his hard work be in vain?

If he didn't get the Heaven-turning Pagoda at the critical moment, his decades of hard work would have been in vain, and his ray of soul wouldn't be able to persist in the dark forbidden land for another few decades.

Then, Demon Lord Black Shadow shouted angrily: "I will never let you kid escape!"

After finishing speaking, he muttered something in his mouth, and a piece of bloody runes flew out from among the zombie giants, towards the demonized monks, and the monsters flew in...

Ouch! ! Those demonized monk monsters roared and roared one by one, and chased Ye Han...

The zombie giant possessed by the dark shadow of the demon king chased after him with huge steps and crazy steps.

There was a surge of sand and dust throughout the valley...

When Qin Minghui saw that Ye Han actually used the avatar like this and escaped disaster, she exclaimed in amazement: "You brat have it for you!"

However, although quite a few of the monsters and monsters chased Ye Han, many of them still stayed here and besieged the four of them.

It was obvious that Demon Lord Heiying hated Wujiwu and had no intention of letting them go and letting those demonized monster monks continue to attack them.

Seeing this scene, Qin Minghui didn't hesitate! He kneaded and chanted the incantation continuously, patted his storage bag, and released eight crystal clear orbs to fly out...

Then he took out a blood-red elixir and stuffed it directly into it. The consumed mana was instantly restored, as was the energy and blood. The injury seemed to be healed instantly.

The price paid was Qin Minghui's life and longevity.

But at this time, there is no time to worry so much. If we don't fight hard, there is only a dead end.

After Qin Minghui fully recovered, she quickly made hand gestures and chanted incantations. The eight orbs hovering above her head were full of water aura, and they were full of mana. They continuously bombarded blue light beams and bombarded those demonized monks...

The bodies of the demonized monks who were hit continued to freeze and condense. Many of the demonized monks were directly pierced through their bodies and turned into ice sculptures. The monsters even slowed down their movements and were unable to catch up with Qin Minghui...

Qin Minghui killed seven or eight demonized monks and quickly chased Ye Han...

They had spent so much effort, and of course they couldn't just let the Demon King Heiying snatch away the Fangtian Demon Tower.

After all, she also needs to get the Heaven-turning Pagoda, and the three of them can exchange for more cultivation resources together, so that she can break through the realm and continue to live...

She only has more than a hundred years of life left. For a high-level monk like him, more than a hundred years is just a blink of an eye...

Only when she breaks through the realm can she continue to pursue the path to immortality and continue to practice.

No one wants to die at this time!

When her level of cultivation reaches the end of her lifespan, she will try her best to find treasures from heaven, materials and earth, and risk going to dangerous places to find treasures that can extend her lifespan...

It was precisely because his longevity was approaching, and because Qin Minghui was seriously injured when he ventured to a dangerous place to find the treasure that would extend his longevity, that he agreed to the Seventh Elder and the Fourth Elder's adventure to come to the Dark Forbidden Land to open the Five Elements Formation and seek to obtain the Heaven-turning Pagoda.

Now that the Heaven-turning Pagoda is right in front of us, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

The most important thing is that she feels that Ye Han gives her a feeling that although his cultivation is low, his methods are high and his mind is mature. He is not like a young monk in the Qi refining stage!

She felt that Ye Han might have other methods, and there might be a chance for the two of them to join forces. If she didn't catch up and help, there would be no chance at all.

Qin Minghui chased after him like this!

Demon Lord Heiying felt that his men were being killed one after another. He looked back and saw a hint of murderous intent flashing through his golden pupils...

These damn human cultivators sabotage their own affairs time and time again, and their years of hard work are ruined in one go!

This Qin Minghui is not easy to deal with either, so we should get rid of her together to avoid long nights and nightmares...

So Demon Lord Black Shadow was about to order the six-clawed electric dragon monster to stop Qin Minghui.

Suddenly his eyes moved, and he saw Gu Changdao further behind, fighting with a third-level monster of his...

In addition, Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan faced off against some monsters and demonized monks, but were beaten back and forth...

Seeing this scene, the devil's golden pupils flashed with light, and he muttered words, and a sentence rushed towards Gu Changdao.

Gu Changdao was fighting while looking around. He only prayed that Demon Lord Heiying and Qin Minghui would fight to the death. It would be best if they died together and it would be settled...

He didn't use his sword skills at all, thinking to conserve his strength first and then find an opportunity to escape.

I was ready to wait for the Demon Lord to go away, and then I used my sword skills with all my strength to kill these demonized monks...

"Gu Changdao! Find an opportunity to kill these two guys, and then follow me to kill Ye Han and Qin Minghui. No one in the dark forbidden land is my opponent!"

The voice of the dark shadow of the Demon Lord rang in his ears!

Gu Changdao's expression changed after hearing this. He didn't expect that Demon Lord Heiying would order him in such a chaotic situation.

It was obvious that he had discovered that he was not using his full strength to preserve his strength, so he only thought that he was still his?

Gu Changdao's expression changed, and he found that the demonized monks who besieged him retreated and went to besiege Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde.

Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde were originally not low in cultivation and could be regarded as the top disciples in the sect, but they were still far behind Gu Changdao Ye Han. In addition, when they were broken out of the Heavenly Pagoda, the formation backfired and injured them. He had lost himself, and was now being beaten back steadily, unable to withstand the siege of so many demonized monks.

Gu Changdao's eyes flashed, and he rushed towards the besieged Sun Houde and shouted: "Junior Brother Sun! Let me help you!"

As he said that, he waved the golden sword with bright sword light and killed those demonized monks. He killed two demonized monks in an instant and landed next to Sun Houde...

Sun Houde's face widened and he expressed gratitude to Gu Changdao: "Senior Brother Gu! You saved me again..."

Before he finished speaking, a golden sword light flashed towards his neck...

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