Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 259 He has it too! ?

Both sides chased each other, and they had already flown several miles in just a dozen breaths.

The Demon Lord was very surprised. Ye Han's continuous use of body movements to escape was definitely extremely consuming.

But this damn Ye Han's mana seemed endless. He had used it so many times, but his mana was not exhausted.

On the contrary, because Ye Han kept using talismans to counterattack him, his speed was greatly affected.

More importantly, he was also consuming the zombie puppet. The longer he controlled it, the greater the blood pool consumed. Not only did he fail to catch up, but he also consumed too much of the blood pool power he collected.

If this continued, this guy might really run away.

But at this time.


The six-clawed electric dragon monster had caught up, and let out an astonishing roar. The six huge claws actually kept spitting out.

Boom! With a thunderous roar, a terrible purple-black electric light bombarded Ye Han's back.

Seeing this, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and a gray ghost skull mirror appeared in front of him. He pointed his finger at the ghost skull mirror, and a gray light beam was shocked out and blasted towards the purple-black electric light.

Boom, there was a flash of lightning and thunder, and countless purple-black electric lights flew everywhere. The ghost skull mirror dimmed and dissipated a lot...


Ouch! The six-clawed electric dragon monster opened its mouth and roared continuously, spitting out amazing purple-black lightning and madly bombarding Ye Han...

Ye Han blocked an attack with the ghost skull mirror, which was already the limit, and the mana consumed was really terrifying.

If he continued to fight like this, he would be caught by this damn demon king shadow sooner or later.

Ye Han suddenly gritted his teeth, pointed his finger, and a bright golden light flew out of the storage bag...

A golden sword talisman appeared in his hand. This golden sword talisman was given to them by the seventh elder when they set out.

That contained the power of the Seventh Elder's magic weapon...

As Ye Han chanted, the sword symbol emitted a brilliant golden sword energy, which condensed into a sharp sword light in the air.

"Go!" As Ye Han turned his finger back and tapped heavily.


The golden sword symbol exploded into a sword symbol that was more than ten feet long, containing a terrifying magic weapon power, and rushed out, passing through the space and slashing towards the six-clawed dragon monster...

The six-clawed electric dragon monster was also very unlucky. The six-clawed sword, spear, stick, fork and shield treasures were specially made for him by the Demon Lord.

Just now, he was sucked into the Fantian Pagoda. Now where can he get a weapon? He can only use six arms to cross in front of him...

Bang! ! ! An astonishing sword energy burst out, and the dazzling golden sword energy scattered everywhere, and the black and red blood scattered...

The six-clawed electric dragon monster screamed, and the six claws on the arm had been cut with a sword mark several feet deep, and it retreated miserably...

Seeing the six-clawed dragon monster injured, the black shadow of the demon king changed his eyes. There were too many good things on the damn Ye Han, and he couldn't entangle with him anymore.

"I don't believe it! Die!"

So he cursed, his golden pupils showed a crazy look, and he muttered something in his mouth. Countless blood runes flew out and drilled into the six-clawed electric dragon monster.

The six-clawed electric dragon monster roared crazily, and its body continued to expand. Countless purple electric lights twisted and trembled in its huge body.

The four thighs rushed crazily, the whole body was covered with purple light, and the electric light burst out, rushing towards Ye Han crazily.

Ye Han continuously directed the golden sword light transformed by the sword talisman to attack the six-clawed electric dragon monster, emitting a series of sword light and electric light explosions...

Although there were more blood marks on the six-clawed electric dragon monster, he had completely ignored his injuries and rushed towards Ye Han frantically, with a murderous aura of violent destruction...

Not good!

Seeing this, Ye Han's face suddenly changed, and he was horrified. This damned demon king shadow simply wanted to let this third-level peak six-clawed electric dragon monster die with him!

When the six-clawed electric dragon monster rushed to dozens of feet behind him, the purple-black electric light on its body exploded even more violently, and the terrible electric light continued to surround its body, and its entire body was a violent and suffocating destructive force.

This damn six-clawed electric dragon monster is going to explode.

Seeing this, Ye Han's face changed drastically. This guy exploded, and he couldn't resist it at all! He didn't have a substitute talisman to use now!

However, Ye Han didn't want to end it like this. He gritted his teeth, slapped his storage bag, and the Fortune Heavenly Cube appeared in his hand.

Seeing that Ye Han also took out a Fortune Heavenly Cube, the black shadow of the demon king opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "Damn it! How come he also has a Fortune Heavenly Cube?"

At this time, the six-clawed electric dragon monster had already rushed to Ye Han's side for several feet.

Boom! ! The whole body of the six-clawed electric dragon monster cracked, and a trace of terrifying and suffocating electric light continued to penetrate and impact from the cracks.

Ye Han couldn't defend himself with the Fortune Heavenly Cube, but he covered himself with the Fortune Heavenly Cube and hid in the groove.

The terrifying and suffocating purple-black electric light of the six-clawed electric dragon monster's terrifying self-exposure spread wantonly, and the power of destruction exploded crazily...

Boom! ! ! With a deafening sound, a purple-black pillar of light shot up into the sky, forming a purple-black electric light column dozens of feet in size, which spread and crushed in all directions!

The surrounding stalagmites and rocks continued to break and explode into purple-black electric light, crushing them into powder. The area of ​​hundreds of feet was filled with terrifying purple electric light that kept roaring and exploding...

For the Demon Lord Black Shadow, if he could kill Ye Han by self-destructing a six-clawed electric dragon monster, he could seize the Fantian Pagoda and end this farce.

Of course, the Demon Lord Black Shadow would sacrifice the six-clawed electric dragon monster without hesitation. To him, these low-level monsters were just some controlled puppets.

What's wrong with sacrificing?

However, he spent a lot of energy to subdue this six-clawed electric dragon monster.

The main reason was that he saw that Ye Han actually had a piece of Good Fortune Heavenly Fang just now, which made him understand why the Fantian Pagoda was chasing Ye Han.

It turned out that this guy also had a piece of Good Fortune Heavenly Fang on him, attracting the Complete Pagoda to chase him.

Damn it! The Fortune Heavenly Fang is in the interface where his body is located. It is also a very precious treasure...

It appears here one after another, and it also attracts the Fantian Pagoda. It is really depressing...

The purple-black electric light column of the six-clawed electric dragon monster exploded and rushed into the sky, wantonly destroying everything around. The light was only dozens of feet large, and the sky was hit by a black and purple electric light vortex...

Qin Minghui, who was chasing behind, saw this scene and his face was ugly. Such a terrifying purple-black electric light column was obviously a move of the six-clawed electric dragon monster...

Could Ye Han be killed like this?

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