Qin Minghui certainly didn't know that Gu Changdao had surrendered to the Demon Lord, so she was surprised that the Demon Lord would ask Gu Changdao for help.

Ye Han knew very well that Gu Changdao surrendered and followed the Demon Lord for a while in order to save his life...

Including Ye Han tricking Gu Changdao into lobbying the Demon Lord to release Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde, he also took advantage of this.

If the damn Gu Changdao stood on the side of the Demon Lord, it would be a big trouble for them.

This guy didn't look too badly injured, and his magic power seemed to have recovered.

Gu Changdao saw this scene, his eyes flashed coldly, and the golden sword in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling sword light. He moved his body, waving the terrible sword light, and killed Ye Han.

As he killed, he shouted, "Master Demon Lord! I'll help you!"

Seeing that Gu Changdao actually listened to the words of the Demon Lord, Qin Minghui angrily cursed, "Gu Changdao! How dare you betray Qingxuan Sect?!"

As he spoke, his slender jade fingers quickly pinched the seal, and the blue light magic power on his legs continued to gush out, and continued to flow into the eight crystal clear beads suspended above his head.

The eight bead treasures, countless crystal clear blue light runes exploded at once.

Boom boom boom! A series of water attribute magic beams impacted, bombarding the black shadow of the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord could see that Gu Changdao did not help these human beings, but helped himself, and excitedly shouted, "You are finished."

As he spoke, he grabbed with both hands, and two black magic swords flew out quickly, and a terrifying sword that made people's scalps numb surged.

As the Demon Lord quickly made gestures with his hands, the sword beams from the two black magic swords blocked the blue light beams from Qin Minghui's orb and flew out everywhere...

On Ye Han's side, Gu Changdao's sword light came towards him fiercely, and this terrible sword intent made him feel terrified.

Gu Changdao's sword method is the ancient sword method, which emphasizes the sword method of the body and sword.

A golden light appeared, and the figure had rushed to his side, and the sword light kept crushing him.

Ye Han used the ghost step to dodge Gu Changdao's pursuit, but Gu Changdao's figure was too fast.

He couldn't avoid Gu Changdao's pursuit continuously, and he was about to be cut by a sword...

Boom! Gu Changdao's figure suddenly exploded with a golden light, and his figure flew backwards.

This weird scene made Ye Han stunned. He didn't hit Gu Changdao. Suddenly he realized what Gu Changdao was doing!

"Gu Changdao, you are looking for death!" Ye Han cursed loudly, and slapped his storage bag. A ray of spiritual light flew out from the thorny ring, releasing a large hand made of countless thorny vines, chasing Gu Changdao.

Gu Changdao flew backwards towards the Demon Lord...

The Demon Lord noticed this and cursed loudly, "Useless thing!"

I thought Gu Changdao would hold Ye Han back while I killed this damn Qin Minghui first, but Gu Changdao was defeated after just a few moves?

Gu Changdao landed beside the Demon Lord, spitting out a mouthful of blood, saying: "Master Demon Lord! This damn Ye Han! So powerful!"

The Demon Lord angrily scolded: "Then you can't use my sword...!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Changdao suddenly trembled and turned into an extremely sharp figure. The sword light in his hand burst out instantly, and an extremely amazing sword light flashed almost instantly, turning into a terrible sword, slashing towards the Demon Lord...

The Demon Lord didn't react to Gu Changdao's sudden attack. The flesh wings behind him flapped subconsciously, and the figure was ready to retreat to avoid Gu Changdao's sword!

Suddenly, a vine stretched out from under the feet of the Demon Lord, and the thorny rings turned into two thorny hands that instantly grabbed the Demon Lord's feet...

"Not good!" The Demon Lord never thought that Ye Han and Gu Changdao seemed to have agreed on it. One of them attacked the sword light secretly, and the other used a magic weapon to control his body shape...

The Demon Lord reacted very quickly, and his big feet burst into blood. He actually broke his feet to survive and retreated several feet...

He dodged the sword light of Gu Changdao in extreme danger, but his feet were gone. He roared in exasperation: "Gu Changdao! How dare you betray me?"

At this time.


Qin Minghui shouted, pointed his finger, and a crystal clear gem flew directly over, spinning in the air, and the rune sword light trembled...

Eight beads rushed out, and a series of icy beams bombarded the figure of the Demon Lord frantically.

The flesh wings behind the Demon Lord trembled continuously, and his body turned into a blood stream, constantly dodging the ice shards at the speed of light.

But the giant hand transformed by the thorns chased his body madly.

Gu Changdao's sword energy was also extremely sharp, chasing him relentlessly.

The three people's full-scale siege and pursuit made the Demon Lord almost explode with anger. If it weren't for Gu Changdao's sudden sneak attack on him, how could he lose his legs? His combat power dropped several levels...

A slip, a beam of ice shards hit the flesh wings of the Demon Lord's body, and the ice shards surged in an instant, and half of his body had been frozen with countless frosts.

The Demon Lord instantly realized that his situation was over, and he couldn't use his cultivation above the foundation building, otherwise the restrictions of this dark forbidden land would bombard him and he would be finished immediately...

Kill! Instantly, a golden light trembled above Gu Changdao's head, and the word "kill" flashed out. His sword light suddenly surged, turning into a dazzling sword light. Instantly, his figure flew past, and the sword flashed past the Demon Lord's neck...

Puff! The demon king's golden pupils opened wide. He didn't expect that Gu Changdao would stand on the side of Ye Han and others at the critical moment, and also killed his body that he had spent the last blood pool power to gather.

Bang! The demon king's head exploded instantly, and a dark black light instantly flew away.

"You wait for me!" The demon king shouted in anger in the black light...

At this moment!

"Go!" Ye Han pointed his finger and shouted angrily.

Buzz! The ghost skull mirror flashed out instantly, and the circles of gray light runes on the mirror trembled, and the gray light column rushed out...

Dozens of feet away.

Bang! A gray light and black gas suddenly rose up, and a gray light skull bit the black light figure of the Demon Lord...

The Demon Lord Black Shadow screamed miserably: "Damn it! How did you get this ghost skull mirror?"

His voice was full of fear, as if he was very afraid of this ghost skull mirror...

The gray light skull bit the body of the Demon Lord Black Shadow, directly tore the shadow of the Demon Lord Black Shadow into pieces, and kept swallowing it into the skull...

Puff! The body of the Demon Lord Black Shadow exploded, and countless gray lights were shocked and exploded.

Seeing that the Demon Lord Black Shadow was constantly annihilated...

Qin Minghui shouted excitedly: "Well done!"

Just as the figure was about to pass...


A golden sword light pierced through her chest.

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