Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 266 Uncle Master?

Ye Han knew that the stunning woman in the crystal clear bead in front of him was the master uncle of the Jindan-stage great cultivator who had exchanged bodies with Qin Minghui and possessed Qin Minghui.

Ye Han knew clearly that even if the Jindan-stage great cultivator had only his soul left, it was not so easy to deal with.

And he didn't believe that this master uncle would not have a magical treasure to save his life, or a stronger killer to kill his opponent.

Sure enough, this golden cicada ribbon looked ordinary, but it was so powerful that it killed Gu Changdao in one go...

It would be very difficult for Ye Han to really kill Gu Changdao. After all, this guy's cultivation was higher than his, and he had made great progress in practicing the ancient sword method. Unless he fought desperately, it was still possible.

He was able to entangle with the Demon Lord because he had been thinking about how to deal with the Demon Lord and thinking about his shortcomings.

The weakness of the Demon Lord is that he has no physical body and cannot really exert his true cultivation. He can only attack by controlling his demonized beasts, although he has buried the killer of zombie puppets.

But he still did not get out of the scope of control. His initial plan was to fight a war of attrition and constantly consume the Demon Lord's shadow.

Ye Han naturally relied on his purple tripod to replenish his mana at any time.

However, he did not expect that the Purple Demon Lord was so difficult to deal with, as if he could use mana without limit.

In the end, he died in the joint efforts of Ye Han, Gu Changdao, and Qin Minghui.

As for Gu Changdao's attack, although Ye Han had prepared for it, he did not expect that Gu Changdao did not attack himself, but was so bold to attack Qin Minghui.

Fortunately, Qin Minghui's uncle, a great cultivator in the Jindan period, was stronger than expected, and he also hid the enemy-killing treasure such as the Golden Cicada Ribbon, which killed Gu Changdao in one fell swoop.

But now Qin Minghui's uncle, a great cultivator in the Jindan period, has come out and asked Ye Han to explain what happened?

Ye Han didn't want to explain to this Jindan-stage great cultivator, so he asked, is it time to explain now?

As he said this, he looked at the figure in the blue bead in front of him with a sharp look. This reminded him of the black bead that was swallowed by the purple tripod in Tianhuang Valley. There was also a figure on the black bead, but it was an old man. It seems that the old man and the black bead were undoubtedly the soul of the evil cultivator.

The beautiful woman in the blue bead looked at Ye Han's strange eyes and said coldly: "Who are you? What is your purpose? Shouldn't you explain it?"

As he said this, the golden cicada ribbon turned into a rune aura, swirling around the beautiful woman's bead, protecting her soul.

Yes, the strength shown by Ye Han, the treasures he possessed, the extraordinary calmness and wisdom, are definitely not an ordinary Qi Refining cultivator.

It is also difficult for the beautiful woman to believe that Ye Han has no purpose.

More importantly, the current situation is hard to say. Qin Minghui's body has already excluded her soul and spirit. Now she only has her soul and spirit left, and can only use the Golden Cicada Ribbon to protect herself.

Ye Han looked at the actions of Master Jindan, and said with a smile: "Master! Don't be on guard against me, don't scare me, you can only use this ribbon once, and you can't use it a second time."

Yes, Ye Han guessed it, if this Golden Cicada Ribbon can be used continuously.

This Master Jindan has already used this treasure, because this Golden Cicada Ribbon is his last life-saving killer, so he used it.

Ye Han himself is the same. Even if he was chased by the Demon Lord so badly, he would not use the Wooden Dragon Staff until the most critical moment. If he didn't keep the treasure at the bottom of the box to save his life, he might lose his life.

This Master Jindan is the same. The Golden Cicada Ribbon is so powerful. If it can be used several times, he will not be beaten so badly.

After hearing this, Master Jindan said unhappily: "Boy! You are quite bold. Aren't you afraid of the same fate as Gu Changdao?"

Ye Han suddenly took a few steps back, and said as he retreated: "Master! Your words are very hurtful. You compare me with a scum like Gu Changdao. Aren't you looking down on me?"

While speaking, Ye Han was already dozens of feet away from Master Jindan, and continued: "Since Master does not trust a small Qi Refining disciple like me, then there is no problem. Now you go your way and I go my way. How about we separate now?"

Seeing Ye Han far away from him, Master Jindan said: "Wait a minute! Did the Fantian Pagoda fall into your hands?"

Ye Han shrugged and said: "Master! I said it is not in my hands, do you believe it?"

Yes, now there are only two of them alive, and just now the Fantian Pagoda was chasing Ye Han strangely, and she also saw Ye Han using the Creation Heavenly Formula to resist the self-explosion of the six-clawed electric dragon monster.

She also guessed the reason why the Fantian Pagoda chased Ye Han, probably because Ye Han had the Fortune Heavenly Formula.

But when they caught up, the Fantian Pagoda had disappeared. Who would believe that it had not fallen into Ye Han's hands?

However, without the treasure-taking formula or powerful enough magical power, how could Ye Han take the Fantian Pagoda away?

Of course, she didn't believe Ye Han's words that it was not in his hands.

The problem now was that her situation was very bad. Her soul was rejected by Qin Minghui's body. She had taken a great risk to launch the Golden Cicada Ribbon to deal with Gu Changdao's surprise attack.

Ye Han had her in his grip. This golden cicada silk ribbon was her last resort and could only be used once. If she used it again, her soul would dissipate. What good would it do to kill Ye Han?

Damn it, a Jindan-stage cultivator like me was actually being held in such a tight grip by a Qi-refining disciple.

If I were in another place and had my physical cultivation, I could kill this brat with just one finger.

However, she was able to survive, although the current situation is very miserable, thanks to this kid Ye Han, who played the damn Demon Lord around and exhausted him to death...

Thinking of this, Master Jindan said in a deep voice: "Ye Han! It's not that I don't believe you, but it's a serious matter. How can you, a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage, keep such a precious treasure?"

Ye Han shrugged and said: "Master! In fact, I really didn't get the Fantian Pagoda! It doesn't matter if you don't believe me now. After we go out, the Fourth Elder and my master are here. He only needs to search my storage bag to know the truth, right?"

After these words came out, Master Jindan's blue light beads trembled slightly. What Ye Han said seemed to make sense!

Could it be that Ye Han really didn't get the pagoda?

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