Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2717 Transmission Dispersion

Thump, thump, thump! ! !

Ye Han walked in a long corridor, his footsteps echoing, and the whole corridor was filled with a very amazing fairy spirit...

When Ye Han walked to the end of the passage!

Buzz, hum, hum! ! !

The end of the whole passage suddenly vibrated with countless aura rune brilliance, and the passage entrance, which originally had only one passage turn, began to shake out countless amazing spiritual light runes, causing the entire passage entrance to begin to twist at this moment, turning into a passage entrance with five forks!

Seeing this scene, Ye Han frowned and couldn't help muttering, "Tsk! Here it comes again!!"

While speaking, Ye Han looked at the five forked passage entrances, drove the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness, and sensed the passage entrance.

"The fourth entrance!!"

Ye Han felt that the passage entrance had a very strong induction aura for the purple tripod, and walked directly into the fourth passage entrance! !

As Ye Han walked into the fourth entrance, the other entrances began to twist and turn with a wave of rune auras, and then disappeared!

Ye Han walked in the passage without looking back...

Yes, just as As Saint said, as soon as they entered the side hall of the Immortal Palace, they were directly teleported out by the amazing teleportation force of the side hall of the Immortal Palace, a force that they had no way to resist...

Ye Han saw himself appearing in this very strange place with a very amazing space restriction formation...

Every time he reached the end, the same situation would occur. Originally there was only one passage, but suddenly it became several passages, making it very troublesome for him to walk in this passage space.

At the beginning, Ye Han did not rely on the Heaven Devouring Cauldron to judge the direction of advance, but after suffering two losses, he became more honest and let the Heaven Devouring Cauldron sense the direction of these passages...

This method has been tried many times in Ye Han's past immortal cultivation career in many dangerous places. As long as there is a purple cauldron sensing the direction of protection, the direction of advance must be correct, at least at that time, you can find a very extraordinary treasure or opportunity!

Of course, there is a prerequisite for such a Heaven Devouring Cauldron to judge, that is, there must be a treasure or a natural treasure that the Heaven Devouring Cauldron is interested in, in order to use this method!

Otherwise, there is no treasure that can be sensed by the limbs over there, what is the use of this sensing?

Therefore, Ye Han is also lucky. There is something that he can sense in this side hall of the Immortal Palace...

Otherwise, even with this Heaven Devouring Cauldron, Ye Han can only keep trying his luck and be dealt with by that very troublesome opponent!

On the contrary, Ye Han actually prefers to act alone. Although it is much more dangerous, the magical treasures he controls can give him enough confidence to display all his magical treasures, without having to hide them in front of As Saint and others. Many magical treasures dare not be displayed!

Especially when the purple tripod can sense the existence of treasures, he can go wherever he wants according to his own wishes, without having to care about other people's thoughts! !

Of course, the treasures and spoils he obtained are only his.

It is worth mentioning that when they entered the side hall of the Immortal Palace, As Saint asked the Immortal Thieves to divide up the spoils they had previously harvested, the bodies of immortals, and the souls of immortals...

Ye Han also got a lot of treasures, but what Ye Han liked most was the bodies of immortals, which allowed him to refine the demon blood elixir containing immortal energy, which would be of great use in the future when he practiced and broke through the Mahayana stage!

However, so far, the demon clone has not succeeded in refining the demon blood elixir, and has consumed a lot of immortal corpses, elixir materials and treasures, which makes Ye Han very sad!

On the contrary, if it can be successfully refined, there is no need to find any chance treasures, and it can also allow Ye Han to advance to the Mahayana period with a considerable success rate.

However, Ye Han's cultivation has not yet reached the peak of the fusion period, so there is no need to rush to break through.

On the contrary, if everything goes well, he should be faster than the ghost god demon king and others to pass through this special space restriction channel, right?

And Ye Han thinks that this may be intentional by Asi Shengzi, who wants to separate them and give himself a chance?

But why did Asi Shengzi do this?

Ye Han doesn't know.

However, Asi Shengzi also said that there are not only one immortal palace in the real immortal secret realm, but five, each of which has a special immortal treasure. If you get this immortal treasure, you will have the opportunity to go to the real immortal palace and find the real immortal fate! !

However, whether it can succeed or not, we should do the things in front of us well! !

Time flies! Eight years have passed in a blink of an eye!

Ye Han ran all the way, constantly relying on the purple tripod to determine the direction...

Before he found the end of this space channel, something happened that surprised Ye Han! !

The saplings born from the law spirit sucked in by the Heaven Devouring Cauldron are now fully mature!

A special golden-green fruit condensed on it, which is indeed very different from the previous spiritual root fruit!

The breath exuded contains an amazing wood-attributed power, and a trace of the breath of the law of life...

Ye Han looked at the fruit in his hand that exuded green light runes and had a special feeling!

Take it now?

Ye Han thought so and was about to take the fruit with golden green glow in one gulp...



In the place where Ye Han was, circles of space ripples of light suddenly surged and burst out.


A strange hand with purple and gold runes swirling in it grabbed it out from the light of the space ripples in an instant.

The speed was so fast that Ye Han didn't react. It seemed that he was controlled and his body hesitated for a moment!!

Just that moment of time!


The golden green fruit in Ye Han's hand was instantly grabbed by this strange hand and dragged into the space ripples with purple runes swirling...

Not good!!

Ye Han's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that at such a critical moment, the fruit that he had waited so hard for the Heaven Devouring Cauldron to swallow and grow was snatched away by others.


Ye Han was furious and roared, "Don't even think about running away!!"

A suffocating circle of space law power suddenly burst out from his body, and he grabbed at the void fiercely!!!

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