Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2741: Pill Success

Why did Ye Han make such a judgment?

That's because!

Ye Han felt that the position of the treasure sensed by the Heaven Devouring Cauldron had not changed, and the degree of the triggering reaction was exactly the same, so Ye Han felt that he was still standing still and did not move forward!

Because Ye Han's current cultivation and consciousness were strong enough, when the Heaven Devouring Cauldron sensed the direction of the treasure of interest, the closer it was to the location of the treasure, the more violent the vibration would be...

Before, his consciousness was not strong enough, and he could not sense this subtle difference at a short distance. Now his consciousness is strong enough to distinguish this very small difference.

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly accelerated to confirm his judgment and rushed forward rapidly.

Ye Han was afraid of encountering any dangerous existence. Although he was constantly accelerating, he did not move at full speed, but it was fast enough. He flew thousands of miles in a few breaths.


It's true!

I got hit! !

Ye Han paused. At the beginning, he had not moved forward at full speed. Later, he felt that he was indeed standing still and had not really moved forward. The direction and position of the treasure sensed by the purple tripod had not changed at all! !

Then he could be very sure of his current situation.

He looked around carefully...

But it was useless. When he was running just now, Ye Han had tried to distinguish the true situation of this space channel. No matter his spiritual sense observation or his full-strength driving mana to observe, he could not really find the loopholes of the forbidden illusion array...

In fact, Ye Han had used all means, but he could not detect any changes in it!

Ye Han stayed in place helplessly. He had to admit that he had not found any way to leave this place. The existence of setting up this channel restriction was too powerful. He was not able to see through it at all!

Damn it!

How to do this? !

Ye Han thought about it, sighed and said to himself, it seems that he can only slowly find a way to move forward or break this restriction here...


Ye Han could only release the Qingxuan Palace and set it up to give himself a safe place to practice...

Observe and see if there are any changes in this passage first! !

Who knows.

Ye Han waited like this, and was trapped for 131 years! ! !

In the Qingxuan Palace!

Ye Han sat cross-legged in the fairy vine tree cocoon, and the amazing and suffocating fairy energy and magic power on his body surged and rippled...

He was not practicing, but concentrating on looking at a red pill in his hand that was emitting an amazing red color!

The red pill was surrounded by a trace of golden runes, and it was extremely mysterious and profound, emitting an extremely amazing breath and medicinal power.

"Tsk! I finally succeeded in refining this Mahayana Against the Sky Pill, but failed to break through the barrier. Can it only be absorbed by the purple tripod?!"

Ye Han sighed deeply and said to himself helplessly.

Yes, as early as 112 years ago, Ye Han's demonic clone absorbed the purple metal rune in the Heaven Devouring Cauldron, and his elixir skills increased greatly. As he expected, the success rate of elixir refining and the medicinal power were greatly improved.

After having the purple metal rune, he succeeded in refining the Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill for the first time, and he successfully refined three at a time.


Ye Han's cultivation was not enough, so he decided to take the Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill to break through the barrier when he reached the Great Perfection of the Fusion Stage.

Just three days ago, he successfully advanced to the Great Perfection of the Fusion Stage, and actually felt a very good state of breaking through the barrier!

So, he decided to break through the Mahayana Stage.

As a result, he prepared for a long time, and after everything was ready, he took a Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill, and the reaction caught Ye Han off guard! !

Because, after taking that one Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill, it was actually swallowed and absorbed by the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron. On the lid of the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron, a small sapling grew out, which was already two feet tall, with long and thin leaves on it, emitting an amazing aura of divine light and fairy spirit...

Yes, Ye Han had encountered this situation before. It was because the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron absorbed a powerful enough pill to advance to the next stage, and it was about to grow a fruit of the Mahayana stage!!

This situation made Ye Han unexpected. The Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill was not absorbed by the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron, but was absorbed by the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron.

This made Ye Han a little bit stuck. He had only successfully refined three Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pills. The natural materials and treasures he had on him could only allow him to refine one more Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill.

And not all of them could be successful. It was good luck that he could successfully refine three this time!

In Ye Han's opinion, these three Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pills could not mature the Mahayana stage fruit of the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron.

That's why Ye Han felt it was difficult. Should he imprison the Heaven Devouring Cauldron to absorb the Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill and then take the Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill to break through the Mahayana stage?

Or should he wait for the Mahayana stage fruit to mature?

Then take another Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill and try!

Ye Han decided to try again.

Although the result of his deduction was not very good, he still had two Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pills, and the Mahayana Heaven-Defying Pill with ordinary efficacy was 50% stronger, so the chance of success was not small.

Thinking like this, Ye Han restrained the devouring power of the Heaven-Devouring Cauldron and swallowed the Mahayana Heaven-defying Pill in one gulp. Suddenly, an astonishing suffocating power hit Ye Han's meridians, and his flesh and blood instantly burst out with boundless horror and suffocation. breath……

The power of this Mahayana Heaven-defying Pill was so terrifying that Ye Han was almost bursting out of his body for a moment, but he immediately started to use the Immortal Flower Technique and absorbed the power of the medicine, and he felt much better...

It must succeed! ! !

Blah blah blah! !

Above the sea above the huge pillars like Optimus Pillars, the sea water surged up and hit the huge pillars, sending out a series of surging waves...

And these huge pillars emitted countless rune auras, forming terrifying forbidden space light shields surging in the sky.


Boom! ! !

Waves of astonishing roars and surging storms rippled in the sky, forming boundless dark clouds that continued to ripple and vibrate in the sky!


Sizzle! !

Pieces of blood-red thunder and lightning rolled and surged in the boundless thunder clouds!

Thunder clouds of catastrophe! !

As the tribulation thunderclouds continued to spread and impact in the sky, the sky for thousands of miles was filled with terrible dark clouds, and the entire sea and sky were dark! !

Who is going through the tribulation? ! !

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