Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 28 Changes in Ziding

Now whenever Ye Han has time, he will spend a lot of time studying this purple tripod to see what kind of treasure it is. How did it turn into stone that day?

These days he kept recalling how he got this purple tripod.

However, what happened that day was too sudden, the monster was so terrifying, and his head was injured. He has always been a little confused about how he got this purple tripod.

But he remembers very clearly that when he got this purple tripod, a strong light surge suddenly occurred.

It was because of this strong light surge that he was discovered by the monster.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the goddess, I'm afraid I would be eaten by the monster...

How could I have come to this Qingxuan Gate alive?

So, he felt that his luck was still good.

In addition, when he first started practicing Qingxuan Gong, the situation was not as easy as he thought, and he only made a little progress.

However, one night later, he suddenly found that he had successfully practiced the first level of Qingxuan Gong...

And the purple tripod, which was originally like stone, began to turn into purple jade.

Therefore, he concluded that the purple tripod should be a treasure that absorbed some kind of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, so it turned into a stone.

When he was practicing, he could absorb the spiritual energy from the purple tripod, and the effect of this absorption was extremely good.

It was much better than what Zhang Qingshan told him, that taking some natural treasures would have a much better effect.

So this purple tripod has other benefits for cultivators. Although he has been in Qingxuan Sect for more than half a month, in fact, he still has a vague understanding of many things in the world of cultivation, and he has no idea how this thing is used.

However, this purple tripod must be an extraordinary treasure, otherwise it would not be put together with Qingxuan Ling.

So he had to find a way to figure out how this purple tripod is used.

Just now, he took out this purple tripod and wanted to study it again, and he found that this purple tripod had changed again.

The purple tripod still had the texture of a crystal-clear purple gemstone, but unlike before, there was actually a ball of green spiritual light inside the purple tripod, which was only the size of a finger and emitted a faint green spiritual light...

Seeing the green spiritual light inside, Ye Han was full of curiosity. What on earth was this spiritual light?

He looked at the green spiritual light inside over and over again, and it was impossible to open the purple tripod.

Because he had already seen it a long time ago, the lid of the purple tripod seemed to be completely integrated with the purple tripod. No matter what method he used, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it...

And before, there was no green spiritual light inside. He saw it yesterday and it was still gone. Now there was suddenly a green spiritual light, which made him a little confused.

I don't know where this thing came from.

But the purple tripod suddenly changed again, which made him very curious. What is this green light? Will it affect his own cultivation?

Because in the past ten days, except for that day when he rested after being tired from practicing, he reached the second level of Qi Refining Stage. He has practiced for so many days, but there is no change.

Or there is, but it is not obvious.

In short, he feels that this may be because of his poor talent.

When he practiced Blood Refining, he made faster progress. Although he looks so thin now, he has gained a lot of meat and his skin is much whiter.

It seems that because of practicing Blood Refining, his physique has changed, and his strength is greater than that of an average adult.

Take the stone bench in the cave for example, it weighs at least two hundred pounds. He couldn't move it before, but now he can barely lift it.

Of course, it is still far behind those who really practice martial arts.

Ye Han studied the purple tripod again, but still didn't find out how to use it.

He felt that he might not be able to figure it out by himself.

However, the treasure is in the world of immortal cultivators. If the treasure is exposed, I don't know how many people will want to take advantage of it?

So, after thinking about it, he decided to put this matter aside for now, and wait for a chance to slowly figure out how to use this purple tripod.

After studying it over and over again, he tried to use Qingxuan Gong to absorb the spiritual light in the purple tripod, but there was indeed no reaction.

Not to mention other methods.

After running out of options, Ye Han put the purple tripod away, and suddenly he felt his stomach growling...

As he improved in practicing the blood refining technique, he felt that he was getting hungry more and more, and he needed to eat more and more.

Zhang Qingshan told him that this was because the blood refining technique he practiced would accelerate the consumption and transformation of the body's qi and blood, so the qi and blood power absorbed faster and faster, and of course he needed to eat more and more.

Ye Han walked out of the practice room and went to the storage room to get food. He was shocked to see that the remaining food was only enough for him to eat for one meal.

Seeing this situation, Ye Han frowned a little. Zhang Qingshan had not come back yet.

He was a little worried about him, and he didn't have enough food to eat now.

After all, he still has the physique of a mortal, and needs to eat, drink, defecate, urinate, and sleep.

Only when one has cultivated to a very high level, a cultivator in the foundation-building stage can practice fasting, or just take fasting pills or other pills to maintain life.

It is not that immortal cultivators do not eat food. Low-level immortal cultivators still need to eat, while high-level immortal cultivators do not need to eat. They take pills and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to maintain themselves.

In fact, they still need to replenish the blood and qi in their bodies...

The spiritual energy pills of heaven and earth are one of them.

Of course, immortal cultivators can not eat food, but it does not mean that they do not eat. Many immortal cultivators also have appetites. Many places also have special medicinal food, spiritual soup, monster barbecue, etc....

It's just that Ye Han can't afford it.

Ye Han frowned while eating and thought to himself: "It seems that I have to go out to find food!"

However, there have been rumors about his true identity outside during this period. It may be a bit dangerous for him to go out casually.

But Ye Han felt that this was the Qixuan Peak of the inner sect of Qingxuan Sect after all. Apart from the disciples of this sect, where would there be outsiders?

Even if it was a disciple of this sect, it would be impossible for him to take action here casually.

So it should be safe for him to go out.

Anyway, he can go and come back quickly. Besides, he has been in Qingxuan Sect for so long and dared not go out a few times.

How to go? What does this sect of immortal cultivators look like?

So after eating, Ye Han opened the cave and went out.

Just after opening the cave.

A cold voice sounded outside: "Are you Ye Han?"

Ye Han didn't expect that he would have someone waiting outside just after opening the cave. He frowned and looked over...

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