Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 314 Daoist friend, please stay

Ye Han looked at Fairy Qingfeng, who was flying away with the lotus treasure, and his eyes showed a strange look...

He didn't know why Fairy Qingfeng was so concerned about the matter of the eldest brother.

But this was before the matter was really exposed. He would never leak the matter of the purple tripod.

In fact, Ye Han had another guess. In addition to being related to the ancient teleportation array inside, the disappearance of the eldest brother might have a great relationship with the purple tripod.

Or the reason why the eldest brother disappeared was very likely because he got the purple tripod and was chased by someone, or encountered some danger, so he had to teleport the purple tripod back with the teleportation array, but he didn't come back.

Of course, all this was just Ye Han's guess.

Nothing can be confirmed before the truth comes out.

However, Ye Han did not meet the people of Qingniu Village. That night, he went around Qingniu Village and cast some magic on some wells, making the water in the whole village different. Finally, he stayed at Mr. Lan Qing's residence for one night and left.

In the following period of time, the people of Qingniu Village found that their health had inexplicably improved a lot. Gradually, Qingniu Village became a well-known longevity village, and the lives of the villagers were getting better and better...


Black Demon Forest.


With a shocking roar of a beast, a four-clawed turtle beast, about three or four feet in size, with a terrible demonic aura all over its body, fled madly forward. Wherever it passed, rocks were constantly smashed, and a tree that a person could hug was also broken...

The four-clawed turtle beast fled very fast, with a panicked look in its eyes.

At this time.


A figure appeared in front of the four-clawed turtle beast.

As the figure reached out and grabbed.

Boom! The ground exploded with a roar, and a mud hand several feet long broke out of the ground and grabbed out...

The four-clawed turtle beast was grabbed by a huge mud hand. The four-clawed turtle beast roared and struggled madly, trying to break through the crushing of the mud hand...

But the mud hand grabbed the four-clawed turtle beast and smashed it hard on the ground!


There was a roar and tremor, countless rocks scattered, and the four-clawed turtle beast was pressed into the mud...


Whoosh! A golden sword light instantly swept across the throat of the four-clawed turtle beast.

Aww! The four-clawed turtle beast opened its eyes wide, struggled and fell to the ground, motionless.

Ye Han put away the soul-slaying sword with his backhand.

Looking at the four-clawed turtle beast still twitching on the ground, Ye Han said to himself: "Very good! The mission is completed! Two third-level monsters!"

Yes, after leaving Qingniu Village, you can go to the Black Demon Forest to kill monsters. The two sect missions he accepted are to hunt two third-level monsters or above, and the rewards are quite a lot...

With his foundation-building period, it is very easy to kill a third-level monster. Now the two missions have been completed.

Ye Han cleaned up the corpse of the four-clawed turtle beast, released the Piercing Cloud Boat and flew away...

Driving the Piercing Cloud Boat in the air, Ye Han flew towards the direction of Qingyun City...

He planned to go to Qingyun City to replenish the elixir, and then go to the Tianmo Valley where the bronze map of Hongniangzi was located to find Zhang Qingshan.

When he was breaking through the foundation-building period, the elixir had been used up long ago, and exchanging elixir in the sect was not enough merit, so he still had to go to Tianningfang to buy some.

However, considering that the last time he came to Tianningfang, Han Qiushui was not very honest and seemed to be following him.

So this time, Ye Han no longer planned to go with the original disguise, but to change his identity to avoid being targeted by Han Qiushui again.

When you reach the foundation-building stage, you can control the flying treasure, which is really much more convenient, and it will save a lot of time and avoid a lot of dangers.

Moreover, ordinary cultivators will weigh it before killing people to rob treasures. If the other party is a foundation-building cultivator, they will generally not rush to act.

Ye Han also needs to replenish more elixirs to let the purple cauldron absorb the medicinal power.

Moreover, he is now in the foundation-building stage, and he should be able to buy elixirs used in the foundation-building stage. Although the value is very high, it is cheaper than the top-grade Qi-refining pills.

After all, the top-grade Qi-refining pills are mainly used to break through the barriers, and their value is not as simple as cultivation...

After only flying for half a day, Ye Han arrived at Qingyun City.

Qingyun City was as prosperous as ever, with many cultivators coming in and out...

Ye Han was now a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage. He disguised himself as a middle-aged scholar and entered through the door left by the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

He went straight to Tianningfang and entered the VIP room with a VIP token.

As soon as he entered the VIP room, he saw Han Qiushui.

Ye Han was surprised when he saw Han Qiushui: "Why is this guy's breath not right?"

He felt that Han Qiushui's breath was weak, as if he had been seriously injured and had not recovered.

However, he was not the image of the red-faced man who came before, but a new identity...

For Han Qiushui, he was just a strange cultivator.

Han Qiushui looked at Ye Han politely and said: "Dear guest! Do you need to sell any treasures? Or buy some things?"

Ye Han said directly: "I need some pills and some treasures to sell!"

Take out some things you don't need to sell, and exchange them for pills...

"Daoyou, wait a moment!"


Half an hour later.

Ye Han left Tianningfang and headed out of the city.

In a remote street in Qingyun City.

Han Qiushui sneaked through the street, came to a small house, and quickly went in...

In the dim house.

Han Qiushui respectfully said to a black shadow who was meditating: "Senior! Ye Han from Qingxuan Sect has appeared! Although he changed his disguise, it is definitely him!"

After hearing this, the black shadow stood up suddenly and said coldly: "Is it really him?!"

Han Qiushui replied in a deep voice: "Absolutely right! Although he changed his appearance, he still used the same VIP token! He exchanged for a lot of pills and left! I guess he might go to some dangerous place to search for treasure!"

The black shadow said coldly: "Very good! You have made a contribution to this matter! I will deal with him!"

After that, this person muttered something in his mouth, released a gray light talisman, flew out of the house, trembled a few times, and flew away.

Han Qiushui immediately replied respectfully: "Yes! Thank you, senior!"

The black shadow said to himself coldly: "You killed my child, and you still hang out like nothing happened, you are looking for death!"

After the black shadow finished speaking, it turned into a black light and disappeared in the hut.

Han Qiushui watched the black light disappear, shook his head, and got out of the hut...


Ye Han drove the Piercing Cloud Boat towards the direction of the Demon Valley, where the bronze map of Hong Niangzi was located.

This place is one of the most dangerous areas in Tianlan, and most Qi Refining cultivators dare not set foot in it.

I don't know what happened to Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan? !

"Hmm?" Ye Han suddenly found that three escape lights were flying towards him in the sky.

"Daoyou, please stay!"

The three escape lights flew to his location at an amazing speed, and one of the middle-aged men greeted Ye Han.

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