Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 324 Millennium Gourd Fruit

Ye Han's figure was like a ghost, silently advancing in a mountain full of strange peaks and ridges...

In front of him, there were twisted space ripples from time to time, and sometimes there was a gray and black flame.

A giant mountain in front was split into two by some terrible magical treasure, and the giant mountain with a size of thousands of feet was cut in half.

In the battlefield of the devil, traces of such terrible magic and magical power and treasure bombardment can be seen everywhere.

Those bottomless trenches, the terrifying caves with a size of hundreds of feet, and the giant mountains cut into two parts...

All revealed the tragic situation of the war between demons and humans.

Ye Han read some books and knew that the reason why other races like the demons and demons invaded other spaces was to enslave a certain world, turn this world into a place suitable for the demons to practice and survive, and expand the living space of the demons.

Of course, cultivators of other races could not sit still and wait for death. Once the space became suitable for the survival of the demons, mortals in particular had no possibility of survival at all...

Mortals were actually the foundation of cultivators of the major sects. Only mortals could continuously produce cultivators with spiritual roots and the qualifications to practice immortal methods.

Some cultivators once believed that cultivators could produce more descendants with spiritual roots if they combined with other cultivators.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Many families of cultivators came out this way.

However, relying solely on cultivators to give birth to offspring could easily lead to the sign that the major sects were hollowed out by the families of cultivators, which was not conducive to the development of the sects.

Moreover, the population advantage of mortals completely wiped out this ratio. In fact, more than 80% of the cultivators of the major sects were actually mortals with spiritual roots born from mortals.

Every year, the major sects would send cultivators to collect cultivators with spiritual roots from mortals.

What's more, it is easier for mortals to give birth to immortal cultivators with natural spiritual roots, dual spiritual roots, and mutant immortal roots...

So for mortals, all major sects have regulations, they must protect mortals, and immortal cultivators cannot wantonly kill mortals on a large scale.

The invasion of the demons is to destroy the human cultivators from the root, and destroy the mortals. The cultivators of the major sects cannot be replenished and basically perish.

And this kind of fight between races is definitely not such a simple fight for survival...

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Ye Han, who is only in the foundation building period.

This is just when Ye Han came to the Demon Heaven Battlefield, he went to the library to check the information about the Demon Heaven Battlefield, so that he would not come here without knowing anything and find Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, and he would lose everything, which would not be worthwhile.

It is because of a certain understanding of the Demon Heaven Battlefield that he came here.

However, as soon as he arrived at the periphery, he was hit by the forbidden formation and was almost besieged. Fortunately, the foundation building cultivator who took action had an average level of cultivation, otherwise he would have suffered.

Ye Han hid his breath and ran forward carefully.

Although he was heading towards the direction of the Heavenly Demon Valley, he obviously overestimated his knowledge of the map and thought that he could find the location of the Heavenly Demon Valley.

An hour later.

Ye Han came to a huge tree that could be hugged by three or four people. There was a rotten smell in the air. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was abundant, but there was a faint smell of danger in the forest...

Ye Han stood on the branch of a big tree, frowned, and looked around.

He had to admit that he was lost in this battlefield of the devil and could not find the location of the Heavenly Demon Valley...

This happened mainly because the deeper you go into the battlefield of the devil, the more ancient restrictions you encounter. These ancient restrictions will imprison the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a certain range from time to time.

It makes the cultivator's consciousness unable to detect farther.

Originally, with Ye Han's cultivation, it was normal for his consciousness to detect a radius of two miles.

But when he arrived at the Demon Heaven Battlefield, there were constant ancient restrictions that affected his divine sense detection range...

Sometimes his divine sense could only be released for more than ten feet, and he could no longer detect forward.

Generally, when encountering this situation, Ye Han would take a detour.

As a result, it was because he kept bypassing these ancient remaining restrictions...

that Ye Han could not find the direction to the Heavenly Demon Valley.

On the other hand, it was also because the Demon Heaven Battlefield was too large, because the entire range of the Demon Heaven Battlefield was hundreds of miles, comparable to some mortal small countries.

It would be difficult to re-identify the direction in such a large place. However, as long as he could find a place where he could determine his position and find the direction of the Heavenly Demon Valley again, it would be possible.

So Ye Han was not in a hurry and continued to rush forward...

When he continued to move forward for more than ten miles, he suddenly felt a hint of refreshing medicinal fragrance coming from the front...

Smelling this medicinal fragrance, Ye Han's heart moved: "Hmm?! Could it be that some natural treasures have matured?"

Thinking of this, he rushed forward in that direction without hesitation.

This place is already considered a battlefield of the devil, a very deep place, because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very abundant, it is very normal to be able to grow many mature natural treasures.

This kind of opportunity is hard to come by, of course, we must seize it.

Sure enough, as Ye Han rushed forward, the forest continued to fly forward, and the forest became more and more dense, with thousands of years of vines everywhere, surrounding the forest tightly...

After crossing this jungle, Ye Han found that in front of him, on a very dense ground, on a very green ground, there was a plant with red fruits. The fruit looked like a small gourd, bright and juicy, and gave off a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

Ye Han carefully observed the fruit of the red gourd, and with a thought, he identified it and said in surprise: "Thousand-year gourd fruit!"

This is the legendary thousand-year gourd fruit, one of the main ingredients used to refine a spiritual medicine that increases cultivation.

This thousand-year gourd fruit has eight, and one is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

This is a fortune!

I didn't expect that I was so lucky! I encountered such a treasure.

He was about to pick the thousand-year gourd fruit, but he was alert. Generally speaking, rare natural treasures will be guarded by powerful monsters to prevent others from obtaining them. When they are ripe, they will be consumed by themselves to increase their cultivation.

Ye Han's spiritual sense vigilantly searched around to see if there was anything suspicious hidden.

He looked at the thousand-year-old gourd fruit carefully and found that it was not fully ripe yet.

Seeing this, he frowned slightly. Although he did not find the monster nearby, he felt that there was a dangerous breath nearby...

Ye Han narrowed his eyes and thought: "It seems that it is not easy to get this thousand-year-old gourd fruit."

At this time.

Roar! The roar of the monster came from a distance...

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