Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 332: Burial Place of Immortals

Ye Han looked at the object in his hand with a strange expression.

He saw that he was holding a gold and iron object of unknown material, with a small ring on it, as slender as a finger, and all over it were strange concave and convex runes, which looked a bit like a key and emitted a strange smell.

Ye Han couldn't tell what it was, but put it in the storage bag.

If it was really a key, he didn't know where to find a door to unlock it.

He only paid a blood escape talisman and consumed a little blood, and got those seven or eight valuable natural treasures.

Although it was an unexpected gain, it made Ye Han alert.

He was lost now, where on earth was this place? He didn't know!

However, he had encountered two space cracks that could move and attack.

It can be seen that very few immortal cultivators come here, obviously because these space cracks that appear and disappear are very dangerous.

He accidentally broke in, and although he got some benefits, this is not a place where cultivators can come. It may be the so-called immortal burial place in the Demon Heaven Battlefield.

It is said that this area is extremely dangerous, with space cracks that can be moved at will, and forbidden traps left by ancient times...

It was the most dangerous and fierce place during the war between demons and humans.

Ye Han frowned and decided to return to the original route and move forward in another direction...

So Ye Han turned around and ran along the extremely rugged mountain road...

However, a strange situation occurred. Ye Han ran back for more than ten miles and suddenly found that the direction he was going back was not the place he came from.

This made Ye Han alert.

Damn it! Did I accidentally fall into the ancient forbidden trap?

You know, these ancient forbidden traps were used to deal with the invading demons.

If I fall into them, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Ye Han did not act rashly. He simply stopped and observed around with a frown.

He was now at the bottom of a rocky cliff. The rocks were very old, and many of them had cracks. They were very smooth. You could tell at a glance that they were traces of space cracks...

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him was extremely abundant, and contained a chaotic aura.

The so-called chaotic aura was actually the five elements of spiritual energy mixed together, and it was no longer easy to separate the five elements of spiritual energy from it.

In other words, although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was extremely abundant, it was not suitable for cultivators to practice.

Because basically, cultivators practiced the corresponding exercises of the five elements of spiritual roots.

This was different from the demonic energy. The demonic energy was at least suitable for demon cultivators to practice. This chaotic energy, in addition to growing natural treasures, was not suitable for any living creatures to practice, including monsters, demon cultivators, cultivators, etc...

No wonder he found those natural treasures there, and there were no powerful monsters guarding nearby.

It turned out that he was really so unlucky to break into this immortal burial place.

This is not an ordinary trouble. According to the information Ye Han found, the Burial Ground should be the time when the ancient demon cultivators fought. The super forbidden formation was launched, and the forbidden spells were used to kill several very powerful demons, turning this area into a forbidden area for cultivators. It is not an ordinary difficulty to get out.

Ye Han felt this situation and his face became solemn. It seems that he is in big trouble this time.

But first of all, he must ensure his own safety. After hesitating for a while, the green bead ring on Ye Han's finger trembled, and a spiritual light flew out.

The Fortune Heavenly Fang appeared in his hand.

When Elder Ningyu asked him to take away dozens of golden thread grass, he passed on the method of controlling and refining the Fortune Heavenly Fang to Ye Han.

After all, according to normal cultivation, the Fortune Heavenly Fang cannot be fully controlled and refined without the cultivation of the Golden Core Stage.

But when Elder Ningyu controlled Qin Minghui's body, that is, the cultivation of the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage, he was able to control the Fortune Heavenly Fang.

It was because Ningyu knew the method of refining and controlling the Fortune Heavenly Fang.

Even if he used his soul to merge into the Fortune Heavenly Cube to refine this treasure, his soul merged with the Fortune Heavenly Cube, found the key natural runes in it, and the mana essence was infiltrated into it...

To achieve the purpose of slowly refining the Fortune Heavenly Cube.

In fact, when Ning Yu transformed into Qin Minghui, he only refined three or four points of the Fortune Heavenly Cube, and did not refine it completely, so he would definitely be able to exert a terrifying defensive power.

Ye Han has been in Guling Cave for nearly two years, although he did not put all his energy on refining the Fortune Heavenly Cube.

In fact, he has refined more than five points now.

The defensive power that can be exerted is extraordinary, and the Fortune Heavenly Cube is made of very special materials, and the defensive power is extremely terrifying. It can be said that it is Ye Han's life-saving treasure at the bottom of the box.

As Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, the Fortune Heavenly Cube turned into a little bit of white light runes, and the whole thing became transparent and merged into Ye Han's body.

Then he took out more than twenty mid-grade Qi-refining pills and a dozen Qi-refining pills, and took them all at once, letting the purple cauldron absorb the aura of the pills, and gradually petrified the entire purple cauldron...

Yes, since entering the Demon Heaven battlefield, Ye Han has been besieged and killed by foundation-building cultivators one after another. It seems that he has the upper hand and kills his opponents quite easily. In fact, if there is no purple cauldron to constantly replenish his mana, he would not be able to release powerful spells, treasures and magical powers at will...

It was precisely because of the rapid replenishment of mana by the purple cauldron that he had the upper hand in the battle with those cultivators.

On the other hand, he had been using the treasure refining method to refine those spiritual artifacts, which actually consumed a lot of energy. In just a few days, he had used up hundreds of Qi-refining pills and fifty or sixty medium-grade Qi-refining pills.

However, the benefits he gained were also extremely amazing. He could now exert the power of many spiritual artifacts.

So on the surface, it seemed that Ye Han's cultivation had just advanced to the foundation-building stage and was not very powerful. In fact, his treasure refining and magical formulas were already more powerful than those of the foundation-building cultivators who had advanced for more than ten or twenty years.

With the defense of the Creation Heavenly Square and the replenished purple cauldron aura, although this place of immortal burial was very dangerous, Ye Han still had some confidence to walk out.

After getting ready, Ye Han headed towards the cliff. If there was a special mirror, the cliff should be a good place to avoid restrictions...

Two days later.

Ye Han came to a large cave full of potholes, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was even more chaotic...

After walking for two days, Ye Han came to this large cave with potholes, feeling very helpless...

He was sitting on a big rock to rest, and he didn't know if it was an illusion or something else, but he suddenly saw a figure swaying in the misty area in the distance...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han stood up in surprise: "Is there someone?!"

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