Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 336 Prohibited Attack

Zhang Qingshan stood up and said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! Are you injured? Do you want to rest and recover your mana?"

Ye Han rarely saw him so excited and impulsive. Obviously, the opportunity mentioned by Zhang Qingshan was not trivial. Of course he was very interested, and he could also see Zhang Qingshan's impatient mood...

Although Ye Han consumed a lot of mana, he had such heaven-defying treasures as Ziding and could restore his mana at any time, so there was no need to restore his mana.

So Ye Han stood up and said, "Senior Brother Zhang! This ghost place can be in danger at any time. I don't need to rest. We can go to the passage you mentioned now."

Seeing Ye Han's confident look, Zhang Qingshan said happily: "Well, let's set off now without further ado."

Having said this, Zhang Qingshan said again: "Junior Brother Ye, I feel that you are not an ordinary auspicious person. It seems that we will be able to succeed this time."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Ye Han's heart moved. Although Zhang Qingshan didn't know that he had such a heaven-defying treasure as Ziding, but now that he said this, he became wary.

Maybe many high-level immortal cultivators, such as my master, the Seventh Elder, may have noticed something. They have mentioned several times that he is a person of great opportunity, and he will not seek the opportunity that comes to him...

But what if you meet other immortal cultivators?

Although I haven't encountered it now, there is no guarantee that I will encounter it in the future. It seems that I have to find a way to cover up this aura of opportunity in the future.

However, Ye Han joked: "Senior Brother Zhang, when you helped me, did you also see the auspiciousness in me?"

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said: "I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. I really discovered the auspicious aura in you. I know that by following you, I will get a lot of help and opportunities!"

In fact, this is the case. It was precisely because of helping Ye Han that he was able to come into contact with inherited techniques such as Qingxuan Kung. After understanding it, he achieved a breakthrough in cultivation. Later, he went to the Black Demon Forest with Ye Han and almost died, but Miraculously survived.

Although he didn't know what method Ye Han used to save him, after that time, he felt that his qualifications and talents had been greatly improved.

This time, it was also because of Ye Han's gift of a bronze map that he successfully advanced to the foundation building stage...

And now that I have been trapped in this immortal burial place for so long, I have never had auspicious aura. Now I meet Ye Han, and the auspicious aura is on him.

It can be said that Ye Han is his lucky star.

After hearing this, Ye Han smiled and said: "That senior brother Zhang! If we work together well, we will definitely be able to get out."

Zhang Qingshan also replied confidently: "Yes!"

With that said, he walked out towards the passage: "Junior Brother Ye! Come with me, we are going to that place now!"

The two of them walked out of the passage one after the other...

Before he could walk out, Zhang Qingshan suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Junior Brother Ye! Get down!"

The moment he spoke, he suddenly fell down. Ye Han reacted very quickly, and felt a hint of danger, and fell down instantly...

The moment they both lay down at the same time.

call! A silent space crack appeared silently, and the passage they were in was directly divided into two...

An astonishing crack opened up in the entire passage, followed by a burst of aura runes shattering in the passage, and it began to shake...

Zhang Qingshan immediately shouted to Ye Han: "Go quickly! This place is going to collapse! It may trigger the activation of the ancient ban!"

As he spoke, golden light shook out of his body, and he flew out fiercely.

Ye Han followed the ghost steps, and his figure turned into a ghostly gray light, and rushed out following Zhang Qingshan.

When he rushed out, Ye Han had already seen that the space crack came so suddenly, and cut the bones of the monster beasts at the door that had not been completely weathered into two pieces...

Seeing this situation, Ye Han frowned. This space crack seemed to be attacked by the pursuer. Could it be controlled by some ancient prohibition?

Zhang Qingshan's golden light flowed forward at an astonishing speed. As he ran, he shouted to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, follow me, and you must be fast! There is danger here soon!"

As he said this, the runes on his feet trembled with spiritual light. He took a step of more than ten feet, and kept changing directions, bypassing the bones of monsters, rocks, and puppet remains...

Ye Han followed him like a shadow. From a distance, Ye Han looked like a ghost following Zhang Qingshan.

Sure enough, after running hundreds of feet away...

Ye Han felt a dangerous feeling coming from the top of his head that made people sweat, and turned his head to look.

call! !

In the sky above the cave passage where they were just now, a twisted space crack formed a hundred-foot-large sphere of gray light. A large space crack was swirling in it, and the space was distorted very strangely...

Finally, it hit the monster's skeleton...

boom! ! ! With a heaven-shaking muffled explosion, the entire ground with a radius of a hundred feet was turned into ashes in an instant. The bones of monsters and puppets were turned into ashes at this moment. The terrible storm was like a huge wind and wave, impacting on the ground. Continuously rotating in the air...

The boundless terrifying storm continues to impact in all directions...

Terrible sandstorms rolled and struck in all directions.

This horrible scene made Ye Han feel terrified. Although he had advanced to the foundation-building stage, the terrible crushing attack of the space crack storm, even if he had a defensive treasure like the Fortune Heavenly Fang, he would never be able to withstand the crushing of the light ball of this huge space crack, and his life would be taken away in an instant.

If it weren't for Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's premonition in advance and taking him away, even if he felt the danger, he would not be able to escape hundreds of feet away in an instant.

This made Ye Han feel extremely curious about Zhang Qingshan's premonition power. What kind of opportunity favored Zhang Qingshan so much that he had such an ability.

The storm of the space crack light ball slowly stopped. It turned out that the big hole where the two were hiding was already a terrible big hole, and the surface of the big hole was as smooth as a mirror...

This made Ye Han understand how those big holes on the ground in this burial place of immortals came from, they were all smashed by this kind of space crack light ball!

Zhang Qingshan also looked unhappy. He looked back at the big hole and said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! These should be attacks from the ancient forbidden system. As long as they sense our breath, they will automatically attack us! Kill all living things in this range!"

The voice paused, and he continued: "But this ancient forbidden system should be damaged a lot, and it can't attack continuously. We are safer now!"

As he said this, he looked at a bottomless canyon in the distance and said: "We have to go to that canyon passage!"

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