Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 340: Fierce Battle with Puppet

Ye Han did not expect that this metal puppet would change its attack method and have the ability to accelerate...

Looking at the blue light spear attacking, feeling the very dangerous aura, Ye Han reacted very quickly, pointed his finger, and the Qingxuan sword intent instantly burst out, and eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords burst out with shocking and suffocating blue light sword intent.

The eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords exploded with a piece of blue light sword light, which passed through the spear light of the metal puppet...

A scene that surprised Ye Han happened.

These thousand-year-old iron wood swords turned into blue light sword light, bombarding the metal puppets.

With a clang clang clang, sparks of metal flew everywhere, sword beams shattered and exploded, the middle-grade spiritual weapon Millennium Ironwood Sword bombarded these metal puppets, but was actually repelled, leaving only a shallow sword mark on their bodies, with sword energy flowing on it...

Sure enough, as Zhang Qingshan said, these damn metal puppets are not only intelligent, but also extremely defensive...

His Millennium Ironwood Sword couldn't even cut off the bodies of these guys. You know, even if their bodies are made of top-grade magic weapons, it is difficult for them to withstand the attack of his Millennium Ironwood Sword.

In other words, the defense of these damn metal puppets is at least at the level of mid-grade spiritual weapons...

No wonder Zhang Qingshan's metal puppets were killed in a head-on collision...

Because there are not just one or two of these metal puppets, but more than twenty...

As these metal puppets rushed over, the spears continued to attack the two. Ye Han used ghost steps to dodge while using the Millennium Iron Wood Sword to counterattack. There was not much effect of counterattack and he was beaten back...

Zhang Qingshan's situation was not much better. His body skills were obviously not as good as Ye Han's. He could not dodge so many blue light spears and could only wave his shield to block the spears...

However, the axe treasure in his hand was not an ordinary treasure.

Zhang Qingshan spun his body, and his shield blocked the spears bombarded by the metal puppets, and his body shook.

"Die!" Zhang Qingshan roared, and the terrifying golden ripples on his body burst out. The battle axe treasure in his hand burst out a circle of terrifying golden runes. The battle axe instantly turned into several feet in size, and a beam of axe light shook out, slashing towards the metal puppet...

The blue wings behind the metal puppet suddenly burst out with blue light, and the huge body twisted violently, instantly dodging the attack of Zhang Qingshan's axe light to the back...

Damn! This metal puppet can dodge?

Ye Han was quite surprised by this scene...

Clang! ! With a sharp metal collision, the golden light of Zhang Qingshan's battle axe trembled, and it still scratched and hit the arm of the metal puppet...

The blue light of the Mars exploded, and Zhang Qingshan's battle axe actually cut off the arm of the metal puppet...

But the arm of the metal puppet suddenly sprayed out a piece of blue light and flame, rushing towards Zhang Qingshan's face!

The shield in Zhang Qingshan's hand suddenly blocked in front of him.

The blue flame hit the shield and was repelled. A shocking cold air burst out around it, and ice surged...

Zhang Qingshan couldn't help but retreat several feet.

Ye Han had seen the sharpness of Zhang Qingshan's battle axe. At that time, Zhang Qingshan was able to break the extremely hard skull of the third-level monster water dragon beast with brute force...

And he could see that Zhang Qingshan's battle axe was not ordinary. At the moment when the metal puppet dodged, it suddenly accelerated, as if it had anticipated the direction of the metal puppet's avoidance...

Then the battle axe hit and cut off the metal puppet's arm.

Zhang Qingshan blocked the blue flame sprayed by the metal puppet, threw it backhand, and the battle axe in his hand spun, rolling up a storm of golden battle axe light...

Clang! ! With a sharp and deafening metal collision, the axe light hit the face of the metal puppet with a broken hand...

The entire head of the metal puppet was smashed to pieces and flew backwards...

But, an amazing scene appeared.

Crack! Although the head of the metal puppet was knocked off, this guy trembled, and the long spear in his backhand trembled, blasting out a spear light, attacking Zhang Qingshan repeatedly...

Zhang Qingshan waved his hand, the axe flew back, raised the golden shield, and blocked the counterattack of this spear light...

The golden spark flashed, and Zhang Qingshan couldn't help but retreat...

This damn metal puppet, with its head smashed, can still attack, and it is extremely powerful!

This made Ye Han understand why Zhang Qingshan said that fighting with these puppets is a bad omen!

This metal puppet has amazing defense and attack, and is not afraid of damage. It is very difficult to kill it, and it can be close or long-range.

More importantly, there were quite a few of them, more than twenty were enough for the two of them to have a fight.

Ye Han could see that although Zhang Qingshan seemed to have the upper hand, it was meaningless to fight these metal puppets. Instead, he lost a lot of mana and treasures...

What made Ye Han speechless was that the metal puppets saw that Zhang Qingshan was difficult to deal with, so they began to attack Ye Han frantically. The puppets in front attacked with long spears...

The metal puppets behind him had blue runes appearing one by one, blasting out blue beams and blue flames, and besieged Ye Han...

Ye Han waved the Soul-Slaying Sword in his hand continuously, blocking the attack of the long spear. Eight thousand-year-old ironwood swords burst out with sword lights, flying everywhere, and counterattacked those metal puppets.

At the same time, his body movements kept shaking, and he performed ghost steps, constantly turning into a ghost phantom, constantly dodging the crazy attacks of the metal puppets...

Although it seemed that these puppets could not hurt Ye Han for a while, Ye Han's attack was not as effective as Zhang Qingshan's battle axe on these metal puppets, and could not break the defense of these puppets.

Moreover, the mana consumption was very fast. His purple tripod did not have much breath to replenish. If it continued like this, he might be exhausted to death.

This was the first time he encountered such a tricky puppet!

Zhang Qingshan shouted to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, let's go!"

It was obviously too much of a waste of mana to entangle with these metal puppets. Zhang Qingshan's battle axe swept across the road crazily, and the puppets blocking the road were beaten back. He rushed forward wildly...

Ye Han was not far behind. The soul-slaying sword in his hand blocked the spear beams one after another. His figure was like a phantom, and he rushed through the obstacles...

However, the blue light wings behind these metal puppets trembled continuously, and the speed of the enemy caught up.

Damn it! These puppets also have amazing wings that can accelerate. Their huge bodies create amazing hurricanes, and the rocks on the ground are scattered and chased after the two of them...

This thing is too hard to deal with!

Zhang Qingshan suddenly shouted anxiously: "Junior Brother Ye! Get out of the way!!"

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