Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 343: Jumen Treasure Land

Thinking of this, Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan: "Let's go! Senior Brother Zhang! Follow my steps!"

As he said this, Ye Han pointed his finger at the storage bag, and the Fortune Heavenly Square flew out, turning into a black and white rune of spiritual light that covered the figures of the two...

Then Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan and walked forward. He didn't walk fast. Basically, after walking seven or eight steps, he would stand still and observe, arranging the runes and directions of the square pillars in his mind.

And he had to observe carefully, that is, after walking a distance, he would calculate the formation arrangement in his mind and find a way out.

And Zhang Qingshan didn't disturb Ye Han, and slowly followed behind him, watching the aura of Ye Han with golden eyes...

An incredible situation happened. Zhang Qingshan found that the auspicious aura of Ye Han was constantly changing, sometimes very high, sometimes very low, which made him feel up and down...

After Zhang Qingshan had the ability to avoid danger and seek good fortune, it was the first time he encountered such a situation. The auspicious information on a person could change so much.

It can also be felt that Ye Han is cautious and careful...

In fact, Zhang Qingshan doesn't know much about Ye Han, mainly because he is not a person who is good at observing and analyzing other people's minds.

Communication with Ye Han depends entirely on his trust in Ye Han...

As the two slowly walked forward, Ye Han was also avoiding space cracks...

Fortunately, the space cracks in this place are very strange, not concentrated together, and are very small. It seems that the space cracks in the formation area cannot be approached, and those that are there are also very fragmented...

However, Ye Han's formation is not too high.

But his acceptance ability has always been very good, and the experience and books on the formation given to him by Fairy Yulan are very complete, otherwise Ye Han would not have been able to break the formation of the three foundation-building cultivators before...

Even so, Ye Han still analyzed that these square pillars are indeed arranged in a formation here...

And it is a formation that traps and blocks the enemy, and it contains murderous intent everywhere.

Combined with the metal puppets outside, the space cracks blocking the road, and the only canyon passage.

What is certain is that this is a road used to block the enemy from escaping, which may be to block the demons, or the demons may be used to block the human race...

Fortunately, this formation has been severely damaged, and many of the formation pillars have been knocked down and have lost their function.

The remaining power of this formation may be only one-tenth of the peak...

If it were a complete formation, Ye Han would not be able to find a gap in the formation to move forward.

But even so, Ye Han could only observe one step at a time, and his life would be in danger if he made a mistake.

Moreover, by observing the formation while walking, combined with his own superficial understanding of the formation, he found that his understanding of the formation has also improved a lot.

This situation may be what Fairy Yulan said in the book, if you can study the ancient formation, it will be a great improvement for yourself.

Because the establishment of the ancient formation is actually not as complicated as the later formation. The ancient formation is based on the law of heaven and earth. The formation is established and built. It is more powerful, but it is closer to the prototype of the formation.

The current formation has become very complicated after the continuous deduction of the cultivators.

That is to say, the development of the formation has actually surpassed the ancient formation over the years...

But the principle of the formation remains unchanged.

Zhang Qingshan observed Ye Han's aura of good and bad luck and found that Ye Han's aura of bad omen was getting weaker and weaker, and his auspicious aura was getting more and more stable. He was relieved. It seemed that he was not wrong. Sure enough, Ye Han had to rely on this place to pass.

However, he could see that although the two did not seem to encounter any danger, Ye Han's face had already been sweating a little, and his face was a little pale...

It was obviously a huge effort...

You know, immortal cultivators don't sweat easily.

Passing through this square pillar is not as simple as it seems. In fact, it is extremely dangerous behind the scenes...

Ye Han's speed is getting faster and faster, and his steps are becoming more and more confident and decisive. He keeps bypassing huge pillars and sometimes changes direction suddenly.

Half an hour later.

Ye Han had walked out of the last square pillar as if he had been fished out of the water...

When Ye Han walked out, he said the first sentence: "Damn it! I almost went the wrong way!"

Yes, Ye Han had stayed in the middle of these pillars for a quarter of an hour before finally deciding to walk out of this pillar...

Because these pillars were almost intact, that is, the last piece of formation was very intact. Once they went the wrong way, the two of them would be trapped in it and there would be no chance of successfully getting out...

Fortunately, Ye Han finally saw that the formation gap that looked like a flaw was actually a trap, and the real gap was next to this pillar...

When he walked out, he was also slightly relieved, and his tense nerves were also relaxed a little...

Ye Han immediately took out his only top-grade divine pill and took it...

Although walking through this wave of formation pillars seemed to be calm, in fact, every step was thrilling. As long as they took a wrong step, the formation would be activated and the two would have no way out.

Because Ye Han saw that once this formation was activated, it would be a killing formation. Even if one knew the art of formation, even if one's cultivation was at the Golden Core stage, one could not resist the strangulation of this formation...

This is why those metal puppets dared not enter this formation...

Because these guys would only die if they entered, and they were not like Ye Han who knew the art of formation...

After hearing what Ye Han said, Zhang Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Junior Brother Ye! Thank you for your hard work! If it weren't for you, we two brothers might not have been able to get out."

While refining the top-grade divine pill to restore his exhausted spiritual consciousness, Ye Han said, "Fortunately, I have gained a lot!"

Yes, after Ye Han continuously deduced the principles of this ancient formation, his understanding and arrangement of the art of formation has also improved a lot. He decided that after he went out, he could make some formation flags for himself, and the power would definitely be extraordinary...

Of course, for now, he still had to find a way to get out first.

Because Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan looked forward, they saw that the huge canyon in front of them had come to an end. In front of them was a cliff that was as high as a thousand feet, and the top could not be seen. A huge metal passage gate appeared under the cliff...

The gate was extremely simple and ancient, with mysterious runes all over it. A relief of a double-winged monster hundreds of feet long guarded the gate.

Zhang Qingshan suddenly said in surprise: "Junior Brother Ye! I feel that this place is auspicious and amazing. There must be a very extraordinary opportunity inside!"

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