Ding... Ding... Ding...

The thing bounced a few times when it fell to the ground, and then stopped.

It looked like a small metal rod, a part for refining this metal puppet, right?

Zhang Qingshan took a casual look, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Junior Brother Ye, fortunately your treasure has strong enough defense, otherwise we would be in trouble."

Although he was responsible for attracting the attack of the huge metal puppet, giving Ye Han the opportunity to get close to the sword mark crack of the metal puppet...

In the end, he also took the terrifying blow of the metal puppet.

But without Ye Han's Fortune Tianfang defense, even if he practiced the secret blood refining technique and practiced it to the sixth level, he could not withstand the amazing blow of this terrible guy.

If this metal puppet had no injuries, it should be infinitely close to the Jindan level.

Unfortunately, the sword light crack weakened the strength of this metal puppet a lot.

Moreover, this puppet could not move, and no one knew where its feet were.

It gave Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan the opportunity to easily kill this guy.

While Zhang Qingshan was attracting the guy's attention, Ye Han used the blood escape talisman to teleport to the guy's crack in an instant, and used the Qingxuan sword technique's killing move without hesitation...

On the other hand, Ye Han knew that this metal puppet was extremely intelligent and would definitely fight back against him, but he believed that Zhang Qingshan would do his best to protect him.

He would never have such great trust in other people, but that was Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, and he would definitely protect him desperately.

If it was not necessary, Ye Han would not fight so hard, just because there was only one chance.

After fighting with these metal puppets so many times, Ye Han knew that these metal puppets still had hidden killing moves.

If this metal puppet reacted and launched those killing moves, the two would be in greater danger.

So he didn't try to test how powerful this guy was and what kind of magical powers he had...

The longer it dragged on, the more dangerous it would be for the two of them...

After all, there was this inexplicable ban that was launched. If they were attacked at a critical moment, it would be a big trouble.

However, Zhang Qingshan didn't care about the metal rod that fell on the ground.

Ye Han's eyes moved, and he walked over and picked up the metal rod that fell from the mouth of the metal puppet. There was a small ring on the top, and there were countless mysterious runes around the rod, and there were some bumps.

It looks like a key!

This thing looks so familiar?

Ye Han thought so, and a flash of light flashed in his hand, and another similar thing appeared in his hand...

Zhang Qingshan, who was standing aside, saw this scene and looked at Ye Han in surprise and said: "Junior Brother Ye, how do you have this thing?"

As he said, his eyes were filled with golden light, and an inexplicable breath flashed, and he said in surprise: "Junior Brother Ye, I feel that these two things have a strong auspicious aura!"

His voice paused, and he continued: "But when I saw it just now, there was no reaction. Where did you get this?"

Yes, Zhang Qingshan saw these two small metal rods that looked like keys, one of which was taken out by Ye Han from the storage bag. When they were put together, they actually had an auspicious aura.

When the other one just fell out of the mouth of the metal puppet, he thought it was just the fragments of the metal puppet that was killed.

Ye Han carefully observed the two metal keys in his hand and found that the runes and uneven teeth on the two keys were completely different.

And the metal key he took out was found in the mud in the cave on the cliff that released the space crack attack. When he risked picking the natural treasures in the cave, he found it.

Calculated, it should be found at the edge of the burial ground of immortals.

If he hadn't found a few natural treasures in the cave, he wouldn't have accidentally entered the burial ground of immortals and couldn't get out.

Originally, he didn't have any hope of finding the place where the key opened the door.

And now, such a key fell from the mouth of this huge puppet.

Then there is a great possibility that the place where this key can be used may be here...

So Ye Han casually said: "If I picked this up outside, I think it should be useful."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan nodded like pounding garlic and said: "Yes, yes, yes! It should be useful. I have already felt the auspiciousness of these two things."

Hearing Zhang Qingshan say this, Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan deeply. His ability to avoid danger and seek good fortune is really enviable.

No wonder Brother Zhang Qingshan, with such a kind character, can live in the world of immortal cultivation until now. It is obvious that he doesn't need to think about it at all.

How great would it be if I had this ability?

However, Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that Zhang Qingshan obtained this magical ability because of a divine light.

Ye Han judged that this divine light was probably a one-time thing. Even if someone killed Zhang Qingshan, it would be impossible to take this magical ability from Zhang Qingshan.

I really don't know what kind of shit luck he has.

However, there are many magical encounters in the world of immortal cultivation. The travel notes and biographies of immortal cultivators that Ye Han has read record many magical encounters.

For example, treasures that can accelerate the growth of natural and precious medicinal materials, treasures that can increase the time of cultivation, magical techniques that can be used to enter the Tao through martial arts, etc.

In fact, the magical purple tripod he obtained is also a kind of encounter.

Thinking about this, Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan: "So, Senior Brother Zhang! How is our luck now? Will we be safer in the future?"

Yes, in Ye Han's opinion, the two of them killed so many metal puppets along the way, entered the hall, and killed this huge giant puppet...

This should have reduced the risk a lot, right?

It's safer in the back, and he can rest assured.

As a result, Zhang Qingshan frowned and said: "No! Junior Brother Ye, although our auspiciousness has increased, the bad omen has not decreased at all...!"

Having said this, he smiled bitterly and said, "Junior Brother Ye, I won't hide it from you either. The omen ahead has not only not diminished, but has actually increased."

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned. Going back would lead to a dead end, but going forward would lead to more misfortunes...

However, Zhang Qingshan continued: "But we feel that our auspiciousness has increased a lot!"

He paused and then added: "Especially after Junior Brother Ye took out this key, our auspiciousness has increased a lot! If we can get out alive, the benefits will be extraordinary."

After hearing this, Ye Han's face widened and he replied: "Senior Brother Zhang! We will definitely be able to get out."

With that said, he put away the keys, looked at the surrounding hall and said, "How do you think we are going to leave this hall?"

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