Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 351 Blood Refining Level 5

Ye Han patted his storage bag and took out two body refining pills, and said to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang, I think it may be more effective to practice using body refining pills. I'll give you one!"

As he said this, he handed a body refining pill to Zhang Qingshan...

Zhang Qingshan shook his head again and said: "Junior Brother Ye, no need, my blood training has broken through to the sixth level, and the body refining pill is of no use to me anymore, oh! I forgot to tell you, I have reached the fifth level of blood training. At this level, only the essence and blood of high-level monsters are useful for blood refining."

"That's it! I understand." After hearing this, Ye Han nodded, took a body refining pill himself, and began to practice blood refining exercises.

Sure enough, just as Zhang Qingshan said, when he started to do blood exercises, he felt that his body became heavier and heavier. Originally, there was ten times more gravity, but now it suddenly increased seventeen or eight times. Ye Han almost fell to his knees on the ground.

However, he has been practicing blood training for so long. This body training method requires forcibly consuming the physical energy and blood power, squeezing the physical strength to break through the limit to improve.

There are even more outrageous methods of body training, which are self-inflicted training secrets that allow the physical body to continuously withstand attacks, and the more the attacks become more severe, the more powerful the physical body is.

Ye Han followed the blood refining technique, and the speed of qi and blood circulation continued to accelerate. The body refining pill he took was refined extremely quickly.

He found that it only took a quarter of an hour to absorb the power of this body refining pill, and his physical body refining cultivation level increased a little...

Ye Han had previously tried to use the purple tripod to absorb the medicinal power of the body refining pill. The purple tripod could not absorb the medicinal power of the body refining pill, allowing him to quickly improve his body refining skills.

You can only rely on yourself to absorb the power of the body refining pill and continue to practice physical growth.

When Zhang Qingshan taught him this blood exercise before, he told Ye Han that the improvement of a cultivator's cultivation level mainly depends on the improvement and breakthrough of the realm of vision...

But it's not that physical training is unimportant, it's that physical training consumes a lot of training resources and requires excellent body training techniques.

For junior immortal cultivators, this consumes too many resources and cannot take into account the cultivation of the magic realm.

But the strength of the physical body is also extremely important for immortal cultivators. He is now able to use the soul-chasing sword technique in close combat precisely because the physical body is strong enough.

On the other hand, the strength of the physical body will greatly improve the realm, fighting skills, and longevity.

And Zhang Qingshan relied on his powerful body to crush all opponents in the dark forbidden area where the four sects held the immortal meeting.

This shows how powerful it is to practice physical skills to the extreme.

It can be said that cultivating the physical body at the same time has no harm at all.

Thinking like this, Ye Han glanced at Zhang Qingshan who was practicing the blood exercise.

I saw that Zhang Qingshan's physical body had swelled a lot, and the muscles on his body were like steel, full of explosive power. He was holding the tomahawk in his hand and swinging it slowly. The air around him was filled with ripples. Golden light and blood energy erupted into a terrifying aura.

It can be said that among immortal cultivators of the same realm, Zhang Qingshan's physical cultivation is unrivaled.

Ye Han understood that this was because Zhang Qingshan had had several romantic relationships, and it was closely related to the purple pill born from Ziding that he gave him.

In the future, I have to find a way to get Ziding to get the purple pill again, so that my physical body will also improve greatly.

But that’s for later.

And he paused for a moment, and there were still lightning roars and explosions coming from the passage below...

Obviously, the formation below is still erupting with purple-gold lightning, constantly bombarding the fragments of the huge metal puppet.

This actually surprised Ye Han. Where did the ghost formation get the power of the formation to be able to bombard for such a long time?

However, this hall is indeed a good place to practice blood exercises.

In the past, it would take him half a day to refine a body refining pill, but here he can refine a body refining pill in less than a quarter of an hour...

If he can break through the fifth level of blood training here, he will have a huge advantage when facing immortal cultivators of the same level, combined with his treasures and more refined spells.

Thinking like this, Ye Han took out a body refining pill, took it, and continued to practice the blood exercise...

As the body refining pills are taken one by one, the physical body is refined and strengthened, and I feel that my physical body is constantly growing.

However, the pain during this period also increased exponentially. Now the blood in his body was constantly rolling and surging, and his muscles were extremely sore, as if they were being torn apart and reorganized.

During this period, the purple-gold lightning in the channel below never stopped.

So the two of them started practicing with peace of mind.

Three days later.

The skin on Ye Han's body showed a golden color, followed by a crackling sound of bones exploding, and the flesh and blood continued to expand, erupting into a terrifying storm of force...

Zhang Qingshan, who was in the distance, looked surprised when he saw this scene. Ye Han actually broke through to the fifth level of Blood Alchemy in such a short time. It was really amazing.

After reaching the sixth level with my blood training, I haven't made much progress for more than a year. I have made a lot of progress here, but I am still far from a breakthrough.

Ye Han felt that after his breakthrough, his body was filled with explosive power, and the inexplicable space aura on the wounds previously injured by the space cracks had disappeared.

The body becomes very relaxed, and the terrible gravity is also much weaker.

However, Ye Han did not stop, but continued to practice blood refining.

Because he heard that the roar of the purple-gold lightning below was still continuing. I really don’t know where this formation gets the spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Zhang Qingshan also continued to practice.

On the contrary, Ye Han felt that after he reached the fifth level of blood refining, the effect of taking body refining pills was too poor...

Remembering what Zhang Qingshan told him, to practice with the essence and blood of high-level monsters, he took out some monster essence and blood and smeared it on his skin to practice...

These monster essence and blood were obtained by Ye Han from the body refining cultivator who was chasing Wang Lan.

It seems that he also used monster essence and blood to practice body refining.

Another seven or eight days passed...

Ye Han was practicing blood refining skills, but suddenly stopped practicing and said to Zhang Qingshan in surprise: "Brother Zhang! The thunder below has stopped!"

Yes, after so many days, the roar of the purple-gold lightning below finally stopped. I don’t know if it was because the formation mana was exhausted or the materials of the metal puppet were destroyed...

Zhang Qingshan also stopped practicing and immediately said: "Let’s go down and take a look!"

The two of them immediately went down to the cave entrance...

As soon as they arrived at the cave entrance, Ye Han felt that the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled.

The purple tripod reacted!

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