Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 355 Demonic Abyss

Although Ye Han knew that there was no way back for the two of them.

The purple-gold lightning formation outside had just been restored. The power of the first purple-gold lightning was very small, only one-tenth of its original power.

However, just one-tenth of this power almost defeated his creation Tianfang's defense...

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was also severely traumatized...

But the second time, it had half the original power.

The purple-gold lightning with only half the power was definitely not something that the physical bodies of Creation Tianfang and Zhang Junshan could withstand.

It is impossible for the two of them to find another metal puppet and let those purple-gold lightning continue to bombard them, consuming the power of the formation.

Now I can only ask Zhang Qingshan about the good or bad situation ahead.

Zhang Qingshan's eyes flashed with golden light, and an inexplicable aura emanated from him...

After looking at him, he said with a solemn face: "The danger ahead is not small, and there is also an auspicious atmosphere. You and I must be careful! The evil energy here is not simple! I feel that it is purer than the evil energy in the dark forbidden land. Here If we stay too long, we will be in big trouble and we will definitely be demonized!"

Zhang Qingshan has also been to the Dark Forbidden Land, and of course he knows how powerful the demonic energy is inside. The demonic energy in this place is not that strong, but it is more pure.

Ye Han also agreed with Zhang Qingshan's view. The demonic energy in this place is not as strong and manic as the Dark Forbidden Land, but it is a more pure demonic energy. Even the energy of chaos and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth have been assimilated, which shows that the demonic energy in this place is terrifying. .

If you stay in this place for too long, this pure demonic energy will enter the meridians of the two people and they will soon be demonized.

This is the horror of demonic energy.

But there is only one way forward for the two of them.

Zhang Qingshan said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! Do you still have the magic-avoiding beads I gave you last time?"

Ye Han nodded, took out the magic-avoiding bead, handed it to Zhang Qingshan and said, "Okay! You can use this magic-avoiding bead! The treasures on my body can defend against evil spirits!"

Yes, Ye Han's Heaven of Creation can filter the invasion of demonic energy, which is much more useful than the magic-avoiding beads.

However, the defense of Good Fortune Tianfang can be expanded, but the scope of filtering demonic energy is still only a small amount, so naturally it cannot be used by two people together.

Of course, when Zhang Qingshan gave him this magic-avoiding bead, it helped him a lot...

Zhang Qingshan nodded, took it over, and used his magic power to drive the magic-avoiding bead, turning it into a light shield to cover his figure.

He said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! The demonic energy in this place is too terrible. We must pass quickly! Let's go!"

Yes, even though he only stayed here for a while, the demonic energy had already affected his aura, and he would definitely become a demon if he stayed here for a long time.

After hearing this, Ye Han quickly followed...

The two of them ran forward quickly, looking around vigilantly, as if there was no other danger.

However, as the two of them continued to fly forward, the smell of demonic energy became stronger and stronger...

Obviously there may be monsters ahead, but the two of them have only one way to go forward now...

Sure enough, the two of them galloped forward for several miles.

The demonic energy coming from the front was as if it were real, and Zhang Qingshan felt that the aura was extremely uncomfortable...

The front finally reached the end. The two rushed out of the passage and found that below was a huge cliff with no bottom.

Waves of astonishing demonic energy spurted out from it, and the entire place below was filled with demonic energy, making it impossible to see what was going on below.

The entrance to the passage where the two of them were located was in the middle of the cliff. There was a formation composed of mysterious golden light runes on it. Just looking at it made me dazzled and I didn't dare to look directly.

Below is a bottomless cliff, full of demonic energy...

There is actually a passage on the opposite side of the cliff, but it is thousands of feet away. If you want to get there, you can only control the flying treasure...

Without waiting for Ye Han to ask, Zhang Qingshan frowned and said proactively: "Junior brother Ye! I found that the entrance in front is only dangerous. If you drive the flying treasure to get there, there is only a dead end. There is only danger going up. Only going down there is a glimmer of hope. "

After hearing this, Ye Han's expression changed and he said solemnly: "Then we have to go down."

He believed in Zhang Qingshan's judgment of good or bad, because he also felt that if he flew over in a cloud boat, it would be extremely dangerous and he didn't know what would happen?

It is impossible for the two of them to risk trying. After all, they only have one life. If they still try if they know there is danger, isn't that asking for death?

Zhang Qingshan nodded and quickly climbed down the cliff. Ye Han followed behind, using his hands and feet to follow.

I don’t know how high this cliff is. The two of them have climbed two to three thousand feet, but they haven’t reached the bottom yet...

The demonic energy coming from below was getting more and more terrifying. Fortunately, both of them had treasures to defend against the demonic energy, so they were not greatly affected for the time being.

Went down another few hundred feet...


The two felt that there was a powerful aura below, but the demonic energy surging upward was getting weaker and weaker.

Zhang Qingshan told Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! Be careful! The danger below is terrible! We must be careful!"

Ye Han nodded and said nothing.

The two continued to climb down the cliff. The demonic energy below was getting weaker and weaker. After going down for hundreds of feet, they could actually feel the extremely amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely pure. Neither Ye Han nor Zhang Qingshan had ever felt such pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Then there was a strong smell of medicine coming from below...

The two felt this and looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. They had gone through layers of troubles and finally got something?

Could it be that the place below was a hidden ancient medicine garden in the immortal burial ground for a long time?

If that was the case, then the two of them would really encounter an unprecedented great opportunity.

Sure enough, as the two continued to climb downwards, a spiritual light came from below, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely abundant, and the air was filled with strands of colorful spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

The two now saw the situation below. There was indeed a vast and boundless ground below, and on the ground were countless natural treasures that emitted spiritual energy and medicinal fragrance. These natural treasures exuded boundless breath, making people feel a refreshing comfort...

Zhang Qingshan couldn't help but say to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, it seems that we have encountered a great opportunity!"

If they get all of these endless natural treasures, they will have no shortage of cultivation resources when they cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, right?

Because many of the natural treasures look like spiritual medicines that are thousands of years old!

Treasures like this are what the great cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage are scrambling for.

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Zhang! What's wrong with you?!"

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