Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 36 An unexpected gift

Fairy Qingfeng looked at Ye Han and said calmly: "First of all! I am not called Fairy Sister. Secondly! You don't have to have anything to do with me! I won't help you with anything! Thirdly, you have to figure yourself out. I am a cultivator in the foundation stage! You are just a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage!"

Seeing that Fairy Qingfeng's attitude towards him suddenly became indifferent, Ye Han grinned, showing his big white teeth and said: "Sister Fairy! I have to say, first of all, I call you Sister Fairy, because you are just like a fairy. Looks good. Secondly, I have no relationship with you because we already have a relationship. We are from the same sect, right? Thirdly, I know my identity very well. Those who cultivate immortality are respected. You are indeed better than me now. Gao, and I am indeed a monk in the Qi Refining Stage, but don’t think that I will be like this my whole life!”

Ye Han was angry. He originally wanted to have a good relationship with Fairy Qingfeng, but he didn't expect to be taught a lesson by Fairy Qingfeng, so he couldn't help but say these words.

He didn't know what he would become in the future. He just expressed his truest thoughts now.

His current cultivation level is indeed low, and his talent is not good either. It is difficult for him to move forward in Qingxuan Sect, and he is even bullied everywhere.

But he believed in himself. The more difficult days had passed, the current situation was much better, and he finally had the opportunity to become a powerful immortal cultivator.

He will never miss this opportunity, and he will never stay like this for the rest of his life.

He is very confident in himself.

After listening to Ye Han's words, Fairy Qingfeng's eyes revealed a hint of astonishment, and she looked deeply at Ye Han.

How come the words this boy said are so similar to what he said back then.

Before he became a true disciple, he finally became an inner disciple and was bullied by others.

Anyway, he said something like this.

He combined the figure of the kid in front of him with his figure. Whether it was his temperament or his eyes, there was actually a sense of overlap...

Especially what he said, isn't it because we are from the same sect? Where that is true, it doesn't matter.

Only he would say such words.

Is this really a coincidence?

How come this Ye Han looks so similar to him?

Could it be that the reason why the Seventh Elder traded this cave to this boy was because he saw something coming?

However, Fairy Qingfeng's thoughts flashed past, and she said with an indifferent expression: "For a naive person like you to enter the world of immortality, it may be a disaster for you! I hope you can truly see the cruelty of the world of immortality! "

Yes, he is as powerful as he was back then. Although he briefly emitted a dazzling light, he is called the strongest true successor of Qingxuan Sect...

But he disappeared in just a few years, and his identity token had long been broken.

In other words, he has been dead for a long time.

Perhaps this shows that a naive and emotional person like him is really not suitable for cultivating immortality.

Anyway, Fairy Qingfeng thinks so. When Ye Han truly sees the cruelty of the world of immortality, fundamental changes will occur.

After all, she was so innocent once.

After hearing this, Ye Han looked at Fairy Qingfeng with burning eyes and said, "How to cultivate immortality if you are afraid?"

When she said these words, Fairy Qingfeng's eyes suddenly lit up. When Ye Han said these words, an unprecedented aura flashed across his body...

It’s hard to believe that such an aura comes from such a little kid. It’s an aura of powerful willpower that ordinary cultivators find difficult to possess...

With such a state of mind, why worry?

Perhaps, there is destiny in the world, and this Ye Han may become as powerful as him, or maybe not.

The path of a cultivator is full of thorns, countless dangers, and infinite possibilities.

right! How to become a powerful immortal cultivator if you are afraid of the future?

A monk with this kind of mentality of constant self-improvement can do a lot in the face of these dangers in the world of immortality.

Fairy Qingfeng suddenly looked at this Ye Han with admiration. What kind of energy would burst out from this small body? How powerful an immortal cultivator would he become, or would he die in his prime like him...

There are many talented people like him who are full of infinite possibilities, but there are not many who can truly become high-level immortal cultivators and set foot on the path of immortality...

So Fairy Qingfeng looked at Ye Han and said, "It's rare for you to have such a state of mind! Then I'll wait and see how far you, a little kid, can go on the road to immortality!"

After Ye Han heard this, he said with full enthusiasm: "The road is at your feet, how far you can go depends on persisting in moving forward!"

Fairy Qingfeng said calmly: "Okay! No matter how nice you say it, it's useless. No one can help you, you can only rely on yourself."

Then when the conversation changed, she looked at Ye Han with a half-smile and said, "By the way! Didn't you ask me to do you a favor? I don't know if you, a gentleman, want my help."

Ye Han said with a smile: "How am I a gentleman? I just want to ask the fairy sister to tell me, what is your name?"

Fairy Qingfeng frowned and said, "My name is Qingfeng! You can call me Uncle Qingfeng."

After a pause, she turned her hand over, and there was a small bottle in her hand. She threw it towards Ye Han and said, "You and I can say so many words, it is considered a fate! These Qi Refining Pills, even if I am a master uncle, ! Give me a greeting gift.”

Ye Han took it, but he didn't expect that Fairy Qingfeng would give him a bottle of pills. You know, this pill can't be bought with spirit stones, and Qingxuanmen also has a purchase limit...

When Ye Han went to buy that Qi Refining Pill, the person in charge told him that one person can only buy three Qi Refining Pills a month, and each one will be doubled.

What does it mean?

The first Qi Refining Pill costs one spirit stone, the second one costs two spirit stones, and the third one costs four spirit stones.

You still want to buy more, sorry, that's impossible! Because the cultivation resources are limited, it is impossible to give all the pills to one person.

They are not without loopholes. There are many inner disciples who are reluctant to use them. They sell them for two spirit stones and make a pure profit of one spirit stone...

Of course, this will delay their cultivation. After all, taking one or two Qi Refining Pills every month can make the cultivation speed many times faster than the disciples who practice the same way...

Ye Han didn't expect Fairy Qingfeng to suddenly give him a bottle of Qi Refining Pills. Although he didn't know how many there were, it was still a big profit.

So he said respectfully: "Uncle Qingfeng! Thank you so much! If I succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely repay you!"

He was not an ungrateful person. Fairy Qingfeng was indeed as he saw, not as cold as she seemed. It seemed that he had to build a good relationship with her.

Fairy Qingfeng glanced at him and said: "By the way! You have to pay attention to your cultivation of Qingxuan Gong."

After hearing this, Ye Han's face changed and asked: "What should I pay attention to?"

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