Ye Han immediately leaned against the door and saw the Ice Lotus Metal Puppet come out of the room again, pouring a small plate of blue-green crystals into the furnace, and then walked back...

The furnace in the hall was once again ablaze with blue-green flames, and it was even colder outside.

Looking at the large sword in the furnace, which kept flashing blue-green runes, Ye Han was very excited. This sword was definitely not a spiritual weapon-level treasure, and he must find a way to get it.

He watched the Ice Lotus Metal Puppet walk into the house, and a flash of light flashed in his hand, and the sword blueprint in the furnace appeared in front of him.

He looked at the blueprint carefully. There were many demon characters on it, and of course he couldn't understand it...

But he found that there was a small picture below the blueprint, showing the purpose of this sword.

This small picture showed a sword slashing on a chain.

Ye Han could see clearly that this chain was the chain that trapped Prince Lianbing's feet...

Although he didn't know what materials this sword was made of and how long it would take to be completed, he could see that Prince Lianbing had made a sword to cut off the chains on his feet.

However, after knowing the purpose, Ye Han became more determined in his decision. It was absolutely impossible for Prince Lianbing to cut off the chains and escape from this place.

This guy was a demon. Once he was allowed to go out, with the power of this guy's puppetry, it would cause great damage to the entire world.

However, did Ye Han think that he was so great and worried about what happened to the world...

He just simply thought that this damn Prince Lianbing let these monster puppets chase him so hard, how could he let that guy go easily?

Of course, it would be best if he could destroy his business.

Thinking of this, Ye Han put away the blueprint and moved towards the middle room.

The room in the middle has the largest space, with countless bottles and jars placed on them, and some forbidden spells are sealed on them...

Looking at those bottles and jars, Ye Han showed ecstasy.

He is not a person who easily shows joy, but the things in front of him really surprised him.

These bottles and jars are filled with natural treasures and refined elixirs.

The point is that these natural treasures look very normal and do not contain demonic energy.

Obviously, this Prince of Ice Refining must have gathered all the natural treasures in this place.

No wonder there are not many good things that have matured for more than a thousand years outside. It turns out that they have been collected by Prince of Ice Refining.

At a glance, there are hundreds of bottles and jars, and it is unknown how many mature natural treasures and elixirs there are.

No wonder Ye Han is so surprised.

These materials without demonic energy were collected and refined into elixirs, which should have other uses for Prince Lianbing...

The reason why there are restrictions on them is that they need to confine the breath and medicinal power of these natural treasures.

However, this made Ye Han frown. This is not the previous two rooms. Those things are not restricted. Prince Lianbing will not know if they are taken away at will.

However, these medicinal materials and elixirs are restricted. As long as I move these things, Prince Lianbing will immediately know that I have moved them.

This guy knows that his nest has been emptied by me. It would be strange if he didn't rush back to find me in a rage!

However, this is exactly what Ye Han wants. In this way, Prince Lianbing will not care about looking for Zhang Qingshan, right?

However, there are still two rooms he hasn't checked. Let's go and check the other two rooms first.

In the other two rooms, one has the Ice Lotus Metal Puppet, which must be kept until the end...

So, he didn't use the bottles and jars of natural treasures in this room, but moved his body and quietly went into the bottom room.

After entering this room, Ye Han thought he had walked into the wrong place, and was shocked by the things in the room.

In front of him was a lifelike statue of Ice Lotus...

At first glance, he thought he had rushed into the room where the Ice Lotus metal puppet was.

On a closer look, he realized that this was a statue carved from some unknown material as white as jade.

The statue of Ice Lotus was almost exactly the same as the Ice Lotus that Prince Refining Ice had transformed into before, but there was always a different feeling.

What made people laugh and cry was that this room was full of statues of Ice Lotus, and the number of them was so large that Ye Han's scalp was numb...

However, what was wrong with this Ice Refining Prince? There were statues of Ice Lotus everywhere, and he was disguised as Ice Lotus, and the puppet was also refined into the appearance of Ice Lotus. I really don't know what was wrong with him.

Is this Ice Refining Prince planning to take advantage of this Ice Lotus? I really don't know what was wrong with him. Could it be that he had been locked up for too long and had been missing this Ice Lotus?

This is impossible. Immortal cultivators do not care about the emotions of the opposite sex. Some even cut off their own desires and practice the way of being ruthless and desireless.

If Prince Lianbing is really a prince of the demon clan...


Even if Prince Lianbing is not a real prince of the demon clan, he should be a pure demon cultivator.

How can a demon cultivator have feelings?

That's right! He has read in a book that hating someone is more unforgettable than loving someone!

Ye Han remembered that when he and Zhang Qingshan first came in, Prince Lianbing disguised himself as Binglian to deceive the two of them.

If he really liked this ice lotus, he would never do this.

So the reason why this ice prince carved so many "ice lotuses" here was not because he loved the ice lotus, but because he hated the ice lotus deeply.

What could make the ice prince hate it?

He felt that the reason why the ice prince was imprisoned in the depths of this immortal burial land might have a great relationship with this ice lotus.

Otherwise, the ice prince would hate this ice lotus so much.

Maybe the trick that the ice prince used to deceive the two was the trick that the ice lotus used to deceive the ice prince.

It's a bit funny to think about it, and I have to make good use of it later.

However, Ye Han took a closer look at these "ice lotus" statues and found that the material of these statues should be the legendary white spirit jade, which is a good material for refining treasures, and its value is not lower than those thousand-year-old natural treasures.

Immediately, Ye Han put all these statues into the storage bag without hesitation...

Now he has the green bead ring, and he has a lot of storage bags.

He could take away several times more materials.

After taking away these statues, Ye Han was about to go out...


Buzz! A shocking cold air hummed and burst out in the hall.

This cold air was extremely shocking, and instantly made the whole house covered with ice...

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