Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 372 Puppet's Weakness

Seeing the Ice Lotus Puppet waving a sword to kill, Ye Han held the Soul-Slaying Sword in one hand, blasting out a golden light of soul-chasing sword intent...

The sword light of the Ice Lotus Puppet kept colliding, and the terrible sword light collided, exploding a terrible sword light storm, shaking the surrounding frost and breaking it continuously.

The one who attacked him just now must be this Ice Lotus Puppet, and the high swordsmanship of this Ice Lotus Puppet shocked Ye Han.

The key point is that his other hand, holding the furnace sword, has frozen his entire arm numb, and his bones feel the piercing cold.

He couldn't estimate how cold this sword was.

But if it goes on like this, his arm will definitely be frostbitten.

However, he had already grabbed it in his hand, and the Qingzhu ring in his hand trembled, and he put the sword into his storage bag hidden in the Qingzhu ring.

After putting it in the storage bag, Ye Han immediately felt his arm recover, and he clenched his fist fiercely, and the ice in his hand instantly shattered and exploded, turning into ashes.

Then, he roared, his arm burst into golden light, and punched out, turning into a golden fist force about ten feet long.

Boom! A terrible explosion, the air was instantly crushed and a ripple appeared.

The sword light fist force hit the front of the Ice Lotus Puppet heavily.

The Ice Lotus Puppet's two swords continuously swung out blue sword light, turning into a sword intent to protect the body...

Bang! ! A blue sword intent, the fist force storm burst out, and the whole house was shocked.

Ye Han took advantage of this terrible fist force collision, and his body flew backwards in an instant, and turned over and walked out of the house door.

With a casual wave of his hand, seven or eight fire explosion talismans fell to the ground...

Although the Ice Lotus Puppet was hit by the terrible golden fist force, his body was only shaken back a few steps, his eyes emitted a terrible killing intent, and his body moved, chasing Ye Han at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Han looked at the Ice Lotus Puppet that was chasing him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pinched his hands to form a spell.

The fire explosion talismans under the Ice Lotus Puppet's body were all detonated, and a violent red flame burst out...

Boom! Boom! ! A series of shocking and suffocating roars burst, and the Ice Lotus Puppet's body was surrounded by flames.

The Ice Lotus Puppet waved her two swords, forming a sword light shield to protect her body, so that the flames could not touch her body.

However, Ye Han performed a ghost step, and his body was extremely amazing. He crossed the cliff and escaped.

Ye Han had seen the puppet drawings of Prince Lianbing. Although he didn't know the specific weaknesses, he knew that the self-protection of these puppets was given by the formation consciousness...

When they encountered danger, they would protect themselves first, so there would be no time to attack Ye Han.

In this way, Ye Han simply used the self-detonation flames of several fire talismans to block the pursuit of the Ice Lotus Puppet...

Because Ye Han found that this Ice Lotus Puppet was much more powerful than those metal puppets outside, and he didn't have time to entangle with this Ice Lotus Puppet.

I took the sword in the furnace, and Prince Lianbing would definitely know it at the first time. Once he came back, he would not be his opponent.

Of course, running away is the best strategy.

If not, he would not let go of the two swords in the hands of the Ice Lotus Puppet. It can be seen that these two swords are spiritual weapon-level treasures, and of course they will not be let go easily.

There are also the furnace in the house and the room where the Ice Lotus Puppet is located. They may all be good things, so they can't be given up easily.

More importantly, he hasn't searched the room of natural treasures yet! That's a room full of good things.

But thinking that if he can really kill Prince Lianbing, these things will be his sooner or later.

But he is not very sure.

Ye Han's figure fell down the cliff at a very fast speed. The mana runes of his invisible cloak surged and covered his figure. His figure flickered and disappeared into the air...

At this time, the Ice Lotus Puppet broke through the flames of the Fire Explosion Talisman and rushed to the edge of the cliff. His eyes flashed and kept scanning the cliff, as if looking for Ye Han's figure.

But after searching for a few breaths, the Ice Lotus Puppet found nothing. The sword energy on his body began to converge, and he put away the two long swords and stood there in a daze.

Yes, this was a weakness that Ye Han discovered after fighting with the metal puppets outside. Although they had intelligence, they were not strong enough to chase and search for the enemy without the command consciousness left by the master in advance...

As long as the target of the pursuit escaped to a certain range and hid his body and breath, these puppets would have no way to find people.

Of course, if the puppet had the ability to detect the hidden breath and figure of the cultivator when it was refined, it could also be discovered.

Anyway, Ye Han knew that this Ice Lotus Puppet definitely didn't have that ability.

From what Ye Han saw of this Ice Lotus Puppet, this puppet was responsible for helping Prince Lianbing refine the sword. It should only add the blue crystal stone to the furnace when refining the sword, and protect the sword in the furnace...

Now that the sword was put into the storage bag by Ye Han, and Ye Han's shadow disappeared, the Ice Lotus Puppet lost its target and was stunned there.

After all, a puppet is a puppet, how can it have the same intelligence as a cultivator?

At this moment, Ye Han also knew why Prince Lianbing spent so much effort to study and refine a half-puppet, half-demon beast monster puppet.

If Ye Han remembered correctly, among the drawings of the Ice Refining Prince, there were several drawings about refining half-metal puppets and half-immortal cultivators.

Maybe because there was no research object, he gave up temporarily.

Once he succeeded, wouldn't he be able to refine a puppet with the same intelligence as a normal immortal cultivator? It was scary to think about it.

In the underground passage.

The earth-shaking roars, the terrible roars of the monster puppets, and the explosions of the mechanism were heard from a passage underground.

At the entrance of a fork in the passage, Zhang Qingshan turned into a figure several feet big, with a dazzling golden light all over his body. He was wearing a golden armor composed of golden runes, a golden shield in one hand, and a battle axe in the other.

The golden shield blocked the attack of a monster puppet full of fangs, and the battle axe hit the body of another two-horned monster puppet...

Bang! ! A piece of metal fragment exploded, and the whole huge body of the double-horned puppet monster was blown away.

Zhang Qingshan took the opportunity to rush into a passage.

As soon as Zhang Qingshan entered the passage, a terrible breath came from the front, and the double-winged monster puppet carrying the Ice Refining Prince appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingshan's eyes twitched. What's going on? I clearly feel that this direction is a lucky place! !

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