Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 39: Qi Refining Stage 3

Ye Han slowly opened his eyes and found that the world in front of him seemed to become clear at this moment.

This feeling was really great. He felt that his whole body felt very clear, as if he had had an extremely comfortable sleep. He woke up refreshed. His eyes looked bright, and his ears could hear insects outside the cave. The sound of grazing.

Yes, after Ye Han took this inferior Qi Refining Pill, his cultivation level finally broke through.

Breaking through to the third level of the Qi Refining Stage, he felt an unparalleled change in his body.

The meditation time this time was several times longer than before. He used Qingxuan Gong to not only absorb the power of the elixir in his belly, but also absorbed more of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave.

He suddenly found that his body was sticky. He wiped it and found that his body was a little sticky with sweat and looked dirty.

His heart moved and he said to himself: "Is this what Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan said about removing impurities from the body?"

However, the smell was a bit unpleasant, so he went to the room to clean it.

His cave has a water hole that automatically discharges water, which can be used for grooming and the like...

Just click the button and you're done.

He didn't know before that it was senior brother Zhang Qingshan who taught him, otherwise he wouldn't go out to take a shower every day.

Immortal cultivators are indeed not that simple.

After washing up, Ye Han walked out in high spirits and felt the gratifying changes in himself...

When he got acquainted with it, he also discovered another change in himself, that is, his feeling of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became more acute.

Originally, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave was several times that outside. Even when he advanced to the second level of the Qi Refining Stage, he didn't feel particularly strongly.

This time I advanced to the third level of cultivation, and I felt particularly obvious, that is, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside was significantly different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth inside.

It's no wonder that senior brother Zhang Qingshan told him that the abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth he had here contained a lot of waste for a guy who had just started practicing in the Qi refining stage.

It turns out that although the spiritual energy in this world is strong enough, based on his current cultivation level, the effect of running Qingxuan Gong and absorbing it is not very good.

Maybe it took most of the day to absorb, and only one-twentieth of it was absorbed.

This is because he practices Qingxuan Gong, not an ordinary skill.

If you practice ordinary exercises, the effect may be even worse. I haven't started yet.

On the contrary, a low-quality Qi Refining Pill can allow him to break through the realm and reach the third level of Qi Refining Stage.

He also has five relatively good Qi Refining Pills given to him by Fairy Qingfeng. He feels that the effect of these five Qi Refining Pills must be much better than this inferior Qi Refining Pill.

Once he takes it, it will definitely make his cultivation level break through quickly.

However, this is under ideal conditions. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that immortal cultivators should not take elixirs too frequently. Although elixirs can quickly speed up the cultivation of immortals in a short period of time.

However, because it is cultivated with the aid of elixirs, on the one hand, the body will develop drug resistance, and if you take the same elixir again, the effect may not be good.

On the other hand, although the realm has been broken through, the foundation of cultivation will be unstable compared with monks of the same level. The mere cultivation is barely enough, but there is actually no relative strength.

More importantly, when you break through important realms, you will feel inadequate. This is because your strength increases too quickly.

Therefore, there are too many things that cultivators pay attention to in their cultivation. Ye Han is becoming more and more addicted to the joy of cultivating immortals.

Sometimes he feels that he is not trying to become a powerful immortal cultivator, but that this feeling of cultivation makes him feel really good.

This kind of continuous climbing, continuous research, continuous improvement, and continuous understanding, or in other words, cultivating immortality is actually a process of life sublimation...

Therefore, Ye Han did not use the five Qi Refining Pills.

Instead, he continued to practice blood training, which was a specialized physical training method, although it was not complete.

But it was enough for him to become a stronger physical body during the Qi refining period.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan is most proud of this skill. He clearly told Ye Han that his current physical body is several times stronger than that of ordinary monks of the same level. The monks of the same level can compete with him in the physical body. In battle, he will be much stronger than others.

It's just that he is relatively low-key, tolerates everything and seldom fights with others...

Ye Han knew that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was not lying. Looking at his muscles that were much stronger than average, he knew how strong his body was.

Therefore, Ye Han can no longer practice Qingxuan Gong, and can only practice blood exercises.

As soon as he started to practice the blood exercise, he noticed the changes after his advanced cultivation. In the past, he would feel strenuous when doing several blood exercise movements, and his energy and blood would also boil at that time.

But when he sits now, he doesn't feel strenuous, and his energy and blood are slowly surging, driving the mana in his body to continuously fill his physical muscles.

Yes, the blood exercise that Ye Han practiced was to mobilize the magic power in his body to stimulate his blood and constantly temper his body.

Let your body muscles continue to strengthen to achieve extremely powerful defense and strength.

Moreover, he discovered that while practicing this blood refining technique, the third level of the qi refining stage that he had just advanced to was slowly becoming very stable.

So it turns out that this blood practice can also stabilize one's own realm?

No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan must practice this blood exercise himself.

But now that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan is gone, there are many questions that he doesn’t know who to ask, so he can only figure it out on his own.

He was very worried when he thought of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan. This guy hasn’t come back for so long, most likely he is in danger.

His cultivation level can’t help Zhang Qingshan. Maybe one day when he has cultivation level, he can only avenge him.

Of course, he doesn’t know what happened to Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan.

He couldn’t help but think of the skeleton he saw when he found the purple tripod and the Qingxuan Order in that terrifying cave.

It was obviously a cultivator, and he should not be weak.

Such cultivators have fallen there. I don’t know how many cultivators in this world have died without anyone to collect their bodies.

Soon, Ye Han practiced the blood refining technique for more than three hours, and found that he had practiced for more than an hour more than before.

It seems that this is the improvement of cultivation level, which is good for his practice of blood refining technique.

On the other hand, he felt that the improvement of blood refining technique was also helpful for his practice of Qingxuan technique, but this kind of help was not that great.

After practicing the blood refining technique, Ye Han's body was red as if he had just been fished out of the water, and beads of sweat were flowing down.

He found that his mana should have been exhausted, and maybe he could take another Qi Refining Pill to practice.

So he went to the secret compartment in the room to take out the Qi Refining Pill.

He also took out the purple tripod.

Seeing the purple tripod, Ye Han's eyes shrank sharply: "It turned into that again?"

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