A sharp sword light broke the back of a huge monster puppet, black and blue blood spurted out, and a big rattan hand grabbed into the monster puppet's back...

puff! A piece of blood and flesh spattered, and the big rattan hand grabbed a piece of gray light beast crystal that was bigger than the head.

Ouch! The monster puppet screamed, fell to the ground, and became motionless.

On the surrounding ground, seven or eight demon beast puppets were already lying down.

Zhang Qingshan emerged from under the monster puppet and said excitedly: "Junior brother Ye! Have you got the beast crystal?"

Ye Han played with the beast crystal in his hand and said to Zhang Qingshan: "I got it!"

He and Zhang Qingshan finally killed the Ice Prince, but the monster puppets of the Ice Prince were not dead. These guys were half puppets and half monsters. Without the control of the Ice Prince, the monsters and immortal cultivators were originally The mortal enemy instinctively attacked the two of them.

For Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, although the battle consumes a lot of energy, Ye Han can use the Purple Cauldron to restore his mana.

The beast crystals on these third-level and fourth-level monster puppets are the most valuable spiritual stones. With the two of them joining forces, these monster puppets are no match for Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan.

Only this time, there is no threat from the Ice Refining Prince and the two-winged monster puppet. There is no need to quickly attack the beast crystal that attacks the monster puppet, but to take out the beast crystal completely!

The two of them worked together, and although Zhang Qingshan's injury was not good, he got better after taking a few pills given to him by Ye Han.

The two of them killed these puppet monsters and gained a lot.

And the most important thing is that the beast crystal of the two-winged demon beast puppet is the beast crystal of a mid-level fourth-order demon beast. It is something that can be encountered but cannot be obtained. This thing alone is worth more than 100,000 spiritual stones.

When this guy's beast crystal was dug out, there was actually a terrifying formation restriction on it. Once the beast crystal was attacked, it would trigger the beast crystal to explode...

Of course, it can only be triggered when the two-winged monster puppet is still alive. If it dies, it will have no effect.

It is worth mentioning that although these demon beast puppets have maintained their intelligence, they do not have demon souls, and it is not easy to kill them.

It seems that although Prince Refining Ice put a lot of effort into refining this monster puppet, he still failed to complete it.

Ye Han had seen the drawings of Prince Lian Bing's demon beast puppets and knew that Prince Lian Bing was also making the next step of transformation. However, he did not expect that he would meet Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan who came in...

In fact, if Prince Lianbing could be kind enough to discuss with Ye Han and go out together, it might be a better choice.

Prince Lianbing must have regretted seeing Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, so he wanted to capture Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, control their minds, and make them his slave puppets...

Just because Prince Lianbing's real cultivation level is of course more than that, and he is also a noble demon prince. How could he think that these two foundation-building immortal cultivators in the world would destroy everything he carefully prepared, let alone die in the end. In Ye Han's hands.

There is no immortal cultivator with the supreme magical power to travel back in time and space, which can give the Ice Refining Prince a chance to make a new choice.

Ye Han put away the beast crystal and said to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang! Is there really nothing wrong with you?"

Zhang Qingshan grinned and said: "Don't worry! Although I have consumed more than a hundred years of life, my blood practice has advanced to the seventh level. My life has increased by a hundred years, and the loss is not big! Moreover, we are not living Are you down?"

Looking at the open-minded Zhang Qingshan, Ye Han was stunned, but he admired him, but he was surprised and said: "Senior Brother Zhang! How did you advance to the seventh level of blood training so quickly? And it can also increase your longevity?"

After Zhang Qingshan immediately separated himself from Ye Han, he unexpectedly found out about the Millennium Rebirth Potion hidden by Prince Lian Bing. It was through that potion that he broke through to the seventh level of Blood Alchemy.

After saying that, Zhang Qingshan said: "By the way! I haven't used up the medicinal liquid yet, Junior Brother Ye! Do you want to go in and take a look?!"

Ye Han shook his head and said, "No need! That liquid was probably used by Prince Lianbing himself to restore his body! The reason why he recovered some of his body was probably because he used the remaining liquid."

Before, Ye Han always thought that one link of the Ice Refining Prince's plan should not be found. After all, after he cut off the chain with the Absolute Cold Divine Sword, he had to recover his physical body. Ye Han found the Ice Refining Prince's elixir material. There is no such thing among the earthly treasures...

It turned out that Zhang Qingshan found it, refined it, and got a great opportunity. You know, Ye Han's blood training is only at the fifth level, and he has spent countless training resources and opportunities to successfully advance.

Zhang Qingshan was actually able to advance to the seventh level. Just because of his physical strength, he was already close to the golden elixir stage, right? No wonder he was able to withstand the siege of the five claws released by Prince Lianbing after burning his Shouyuan cultivation.

On the other hand, it was because Zhang Qingshan had that battle ax treasure.

Ye Han estimated that Zhang Qingshan's battle ax treasure was on the same level as the Juehan Sword he got from Prince Lianbing.

The difference is that while he is still unable to control the Absolute Cold Divine Sword, Zhang Qingshan can already use the treasured battle axe.

The reason why the Prince of Ice Refining does not have a real golden elixir stage physical body is because most of the potion's power has been absorbed by Zhang Qingshan. No wonder the physical body is so weak, giving Ye Han a chance to kill him.

The two of them talked about what they had encountered while cleaning up the corpses of these monster puppets...

Monsters are full of treasures, especially the fourth-level monsters. Their bones, flesh, and bones are all good things...

Of course you cannot throw them away, but collect them all.

Deep underground, Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan spent seven or eight days taking away everything they could. They disassembled and dissected all the monster puppets. They took away all the good things and those that couldn't be taken away. Those less important things can only be discarded.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Han has now obtained the puppet blueprints, books and jade slips from Prince Refining Ice, and is now very interested in the art of refining puppets.

In Ye Han's view, the road to immortality is long and lonely for cultivators. With such a long life, in addition to cultivation, it is also the life of a cultivator to constantly study formations, puppets, alchemy, talisman refining, etc. Otherwise, It would be such a waste to not spend such a long life studying these things.

After the two of them practiced healing for another seven or eight days, they mainly waited for Zhang Qingshan to recover. His longevity energy and blood were consumed too much, so even if there were pills to heal his wounds, he would have to spend enough time meditating to heal his wounds.

And Ye Han had that heaven-defying purple cauldron, so he could recover his mana quickly, but his arm that was frostbitten by the Juehan Divine Sword was in some trouble.

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