Bai Xue immediately swore and said: "Look what the master said, isn't it just writing some calligraphy? I am a master of calligraphy!"

Ye Han sneered and cursed: "You calligraphers don't even have paper and pen?"

As he said that, Ye Han patted the storage bag, and the paper, brush, and ink flew out. He was a little curious, did Bai Xue use his paws to hold the brush to write? Or do you write with your mouth in your mouth?

Unexpectedly, Bai Xue was mumbling words and emitting a strange mana breath. This mana breath was neither demonic nor normal mana. This made Ye Han's heart move. This Bai Xue was indeed extraordinary.

I saw Bai Xue's weird mana breath flying toward those papers and those heavenly and earthly treasures. Then he exhaled a breath of mana power, drove the brush, and started writing on those papers. The writing was indeed very good. No less than some secular calligraphy masters...

Although Ye Han studied literature with Mr. Lan Qing for a long time, his writing skills were average because he was too poor to afford pen and ink.

But more importantly, Bai Xue was able to control mana and write with a brush, which really surprised him. Although it was only a second-level monster, the exquisite control of this monster's mana was really surprising. Generally, monsters How can there be such exquisite control?

However, it can also be seen that Bai Xue is deliberately showing off, writing those words in a flying and dancing way, and you really can't make out any words unless you look carefully.

Ye Han couldn't help but said: "Don't write it randomly. If I can't understand it, you have to rewrite it!!"

After hearing this, Bai Xue said: "Yes! Master! I must write well!" Then he became serious, writing stroke by stroke, writing very accurately.

Ye Han didn't care about this guy and went into the practice room.

In fact, he was just testing this guy, but he didn't expect him to really know and recognize these heavenly and earthly treasures, which proved that this Bai Xue was definitely not easy to come by.

If Bai Xue had other ideas about these things, Ye Han didn't care. In fact, he only took out a few samples of each of these things.

This Bai Xue really dares to act recklessly and take advantage of these things. He is asking for trouble and offending Ye Han. If he is smarter, of course he will not do this all the time.

If Bai Xue can help him well, wouldn't that mean he has an extra helper? Will definitely use it in the future.

And Ye Han could also see that this guy was also deliberately pestering him.

Legend has it that some mysterious beings can see the destiny of an immortal cultivator. Maybe Bai Xue is also in this category...

Of course, Ye Han was also wary of Bai Xue, and it was definitely not that easy to deceive him.

Ye Han entered the room, set up a restriction, took out the Demon Clan Text Book given to him by the Seventh Elder, and flipped through a few pages. The front part contained basic demon clan text analysis, many of which Ye Han could not understand at all.

However, it was definitely demonic writing, but Ye Han took out some drawings he got from Prince Lianbing and compared them. He found that although the writings were similar, it was obvious that the writings on the drawings were a bit different. Not a small difference.

There is nothing that can be done about it. As far as Tianlan is concerned, there are more than a dozen kinds of ancient characters... Many immortal cultivators will study and study various ancient characters.

After all, wherever immortal cultivators go to dangerous places, looking for places of opportunity, ancient treasures, etc., they will always encounter places where they are needed.

Ye Han had only dabbled in this aspect in the Library Pavilion before, because he still didn't have much time. The matter of looking for Zhang Qingshan was not in his plan.

He had just advanced to the foundation building stage, his spiritual consciousness had greatly increased, and he could read and memorize books faster than before.

After he flipped through the demon text book and compared it with the text on the drawings, he found that he could not translate it directly. He needed to constantly ponder and familiarize himself with it before he could fully translate it.

However, if he wanted to thoroughly understand this book of demon texts, Ye Han felt that it was indeed as the seventh elder said. This was just a basic demon text. If he wanted to fully master the demon texts, it would still take a long time to figure out and study it.

The Seventh Elder also told him that he would only be given three days to copy this demon text book, and then he would have to return it to the Seventh Elder.

This demonic tome seems to have thousands of pages, and there is not only one kind of demonic writing recorded there, but three or four kinds. Even if Ye Han has a good memory, it is impossible for him to master it and remember it after reading it a few times. .

The so-called copying of the demonic writings is not actually copying. Ye Han took out a lot of demonic beast skins from his storage bag and used fire spells to refine and cut them into pieces as thin as cicada wings. Animal skin pages.

Then mix the ink with the essence and blood of monsters and beasts to refine an ink that does not fade and can be stored for a long time, and then copy it.

I saw Ye Han scanning the text on each page of the book with his spiritual consciousness. The text characters on the page turned into dots of spiritual light and entered the ink. The ink turned into characters and penetrated into the animal skin page. Immediately above The text on that page of the canon was displayed.

As the heat surged from the text, it was completely dry and embedded in the animal skin.

After copying page after page like this, Ye Han felt that the mana consumption was not bad, but the spiritual consciousness consumption was still quite high.

No wonder the Seventh Elder didn't give him a direct copy, but asked him to take it back and copy it himself...

However, Ye Han discovered the benefits of it. He continued to use his spiritual consciousness to control the mana to copy the text of the canon, which made him make great progress in controlling his spiritual consciousness...

When used to cast spells in the future, more precise control can definitely be achieved.

But the consumption of spiritual consciousness is not so fast to recover. After copying more than 300 pages, Ye Han felt dizzy and stopped copying. He went out to see how Bai Xue had finished the identification of those natural treasures.

After leaving the room, Ye Han saw that Bai Xue had divided the natural treasures he took out into several areas and placed them. Under each one was a piece of paper with the name and function of the natural treasure written on it.

However, there were more than a dozen kinds that were not written on the side...

Bai Xue squatted in the hall and meditated, with an amazing blood flow in her body.

Bai Xue felt that Ye Han had come out, and immediately opened his eyes and asked for credit, "Master, you came out. I have sorted these things out. I did it very beautifully. Can I have the white jade silver wings?"

Ye Han glared at him and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I haven't checked it yet!"

As he said that, his spiritual consciousness swept over the natural treasures. Among them, there were several kinds that Ye Han already knew what they were, so he put them together to prevent this unreliable Bai Xue from misleading him.

But after a casual glance, I found that he was indeed right. I couldn't help but look at Bai Xue deeply. Who was this guy?

Bai Xue said, "Master, I feel embarrassed if you look at me like this."

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