Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 419 The Fruit of the Demon-Breaking Divine Thunder

Fairy Qingfeng frowned slightly after hearing this. She didn't expect Ye Han to want to discuss the art of formation with Fairy Yulan. She brought Ye Han here, but she wouldn't take him away...

So Fairy Qingfeng smiled and said, "Are you attracted to Sister Yulan? You can't bully her!"

Ye Han immediately glared and said, "Senior Sister Qingfeng, I'm not that kind of person. I sincerely want to ask Junior Sister Yulan about the art of formation!"

Ye Han was telling the truth. This time he went down the mountain to complete the mission and went to the Demon Heaven Battlefield to find Zhang Qingshan. He encountered dangerous formations. Relying on his understanding of the art of formation, he successfully avoided danger several times.

One was to crack the formation of the immortal cultivator who killed people and robbed treasures, and the other was to successfully break through a formation barrier in the immortal burial ground.

He had also seen Fairy Yulan use sword formation to beat Black Mountain Master almost to death. Black Mountain Master was in the foundation building stage at that time, but he was beaten by Fairy Yulan's sword formation without any chance to fight back.

Fairy Yulan also said: "Sister Qingfeng, don't joke, Senior Brother Ye is not that kind of person!"

Fairy Qingfeng was stunned, and seeing that the two of them were serious, she suddenly remembered something and said, "Senior sister, I see you are so serious, you are just joking, I'm leaving first! You can discuss it slowly."

As she said that, Fairy Qingfeng released the lotus flying treasure and flew away...

Watching Fairy Qingfeng flying away, Ye Han's heart moved. If his flying treasure was as fast as Fairy Qingfeng's, it would be much more convenient to go out and he wouldn't encounter so many troubles.

It was Fairy Magnolia who took the initiative to ask Ye Han: "Brother Ye, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Ye Han immediately replied: "No, I really want to ask you about the way of formation. I have read a lot of the books on the way of formation that you gave me last time. Now I am also very interested in this. Please give me some advice!"

The voice paused, and Ye Han said embarrassedly: "But I don't know where to start. I feel that there are too many things I don't understand!"

Fairy Magnolia frowned and nodded: "Then let me ask you a few questions about the way of formation!"

"Brother, you learned Yin and Yang? Then let me ask you, how should the Yin and Yang in the formation be arranged? What should be used? Is the formation reasonable?"

"Hmm? Yin and Yang? I think the counselor is in Yin and Yang is the general, so Yin and Yang should be Yang in front and Yin in the back...!"

"Brother, you have got the hang of it. Let me ask you something more advanced. What are the five elements? How do the five elements play a role in the formation..."

After more than three hours, Ye Han left the Magnolia Valley of Magnolia Fairy with a satisfied look...

If possible, he would like to ask Magnolia Fairy about the formation. In these three hours, Magnolia Fairy first determined the extent of his formation...

Then she told him some specific things. He should learn the formation now and spend time and energy to figure it out. The formation that he needs to learn and comprehend is the most important breakthrough.

Then, he specifically instructed Ye Han on how to refine his first set of formations...

And what should he learn from this set of formations...

When Ye Han left, he left a bottle of elixir for Fairy Yulan to treat her soul injuries, because he could see that although Fairy Yulan's illness was not visible on the outside, it was not completely cured, and it would definitely affect her breakthrough in the foundation-building period.

So Ye Han also returned the favor and took out a bottle of elixir for Fairy Yulan to treat her soul injuries.

I also planned to find a way to refine my first set of formations, which would definitely be useful in the future.

In fact, this is the case for immortal cultivators. As long as they have reached a certain level of cultivation, they will have a much longer lifespan than ordinary people. Some of them in the foundation-building period can even live to 500 years old...

During this long period of time, they must master the way of formations, the way of alchemy, the way of refining tools, the way of refining talismans, and various Taoist miscellaneous studies of Qimen Dunjia.

For a cultivator, it is impossible to predict what troubles he will encounter in the future.

In short, it is better to have many skills. If you encounter any trouble, it is best to solve it yourself. Of course, if you are particularly talented in a certain aspect, just like the formation master like Yulan Fairy, although the cultivation is low, you can still get enough respect and attention in the sect.

Other refining masters, talisman masters, and alchemy masters are the same.

So Ye Han puts his energy on these strange and miscellaneous studies, which is actually something to rely on, because he has the purple tripod, which is a heaven-defying cultivation treasure that can directly convert elixirs. He does not need to spend a lot of time in the early stage like other cultivators to cultivate.

Many cultivators will spend time on these aspects when they reach a relatively high level and encounter bottlenecks.

Ye Han also does not want to cultivate too fast and attract unnecessary peeping. If possible, he even wants to leave Qingxuanmen for a while and find a safe place to cultivate.

Unfortunately, if we leave the protection of the sect, it will be even more dangerous. Of course, we can't do this.

Thinking of this, Ye Han returned to his cave. Bai Xue has been practicing hard these days, making rapid progress, and his aura is getting stronger and stronger. Ye Han thinks that this guy may really be able to advance to the third-level monster beast within one or two years with the help of Baiyu Silver Wings.

Back in the cave, Ye Han checked the purple-gold lightning sapling on the purple tripod as a routine. It has grown a lot now, but it only has seven or eight leaves. It will take more than half a year to mature.

On the other hand, there is a space inside the purple tripod that can be sensed. He has been trying to find a way to enter this space. It would be great if he could put some treasures in it. He still hasn't thought of a way, and he can't tell anyone about it...

He can only go to the library to look for information and read books, hoping to find a way.

However, for the next period of time, he did not plan to go anywhere. He practiced well in Qixuan Peak, increased his cultivation knowledge, and comprehended the way of practicing strange and miscellaneous studies...

Practicing for a long time, eight months passed in a blink of an eye.

In Ye Han's cave, Ye Han's surprised voice came out: "Success! The fruit of the demon-breaking thunder!"

Ye Han was holding a purple-gold fruit in his hand, and a trace of purple-gold lightning flashed on it!

Yes, after more than eight months, the small metal ball continuously emitted purple-gold lightning to stimulate the purple cauldron, and the fruit of the sapling finally matured and grew.

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