Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 443 Black Mountain Cult Attacks

While studying the demon language, Ye Han also learned ancient language and the language commonly used in other places.

In fact, the language used in the earth realm is evolved from ancient language, and learning ancient language is much easier than demon language.

After studying in the library for a period of time, Ye Han was able to read ancient language easily.

After all, immortal cultivators often go to some ancient relics and treasures, and often get ancient books and cultivation methods left by ancient times...

If you don’t know ancient characters, how can you identify and read these methods and explore ancient relics?

So Ye Han also put a lot of effort in this regard. The three words "Tianji Hall" on this golden token are ancient characters.

However, Ye Han has read so many immortal cultivators' travel notes and autobiographies in the library, and he has never seen any records about the golden token and Tianji Hall.

This makes him feel a little strange. Where is this Tianji Hall? What is the relationship between this token and this?

And this gray-clothed man from the Qianshan Sect has so many treasures in his storage bag, he doesn't look like an ordinary cultivator from the Qianshan Sect...

Ye Han was thinking...

Chiu! A loud scream of a three-eyed Vermilion Bird came from the hillside.

Hearing this cry, Ye Han turned his head and saw a three-eyed Vermilion Bird falling from the cliff, its neck had been cut off, and the cliff collapsed.

Another three-eyed Vermilion Bird, pierced by the Ice Lotus Puppet's sword, also fell from the air.

Only the largest three-eyed Vermilion Bird was left, almost falling to the ground, and flew up the cliff. The Ice Lotus Puppet chased after it at a high speed.

Although Ye Han was chasing the gray-clothed man from the Qianshan Sect, he actually did not give up killing the other three-eyed Vermilion Birds.

Each of the remaining three three-eyed Vermilion Birds that escaped was seriously injured by Ye Han's Qingxuan Sword Formation. If there hadn't been the gray-clothed man's interference, they would definitely have been in Ye Han's hands.

A gray-clothed man suddenly appeared to rob his spoils, and Ye Han immediately gave up chasing the three-eyed Vermilion Bird and chased the gray-clothed man.

How could the gray-clothed man take away the three-eyed Vermilion Bird that he had killed at such a great cost?

However, the Ice Lotus Puppet chased after it and killed two of the three-eyed Vermilion Birds. The remaining one could not escape!

Ye Han's eyes turned cold, and he muttered something in his mouth, ordering the Ice Lotus Puppet to continue chasing and killing. He put away the golden token of the Tianji Palace, and flew towards the bodies of the two three-eyed Vermilion Birds.

When he flew in front of a three-eyed Vermilion Bird, Ye Han's Soul-Severing Sword appeared in his hand, and he kept cutting the flesh of the three-eyed Vermilion Bird, and the flesh flew everywhere, dismembering it into several pieces, and putting them in a storage bag respectively.

He also dug out the beast crystal of the three-eyed Vermilion Bird.

The reason why Ye Han didn't fall into the gray-clothed man's plan and went to catch the five stolen beast crystals was because when the gray-clothed man threw the beast crystals, the beast crystals contained mana and spiritual control...

It would be difficult for Ye Han to catch them with his mana. Maybe the beast crystals would be detonated, not only would the gray-clothed man run away, but he would also be injured, which would be a loss.

On the other hand, Ye Han was also confident. If these five beast crystals were destroyed, there would still be three three-eyed Vermillion Birds left, so he would definitely have no problem getting the essence and blood of the three-eyed Vermillion Birds...

So he would never let this guy go.

The gray-clothed man was also smart and thought he had planned everything, and died in Ye Han's hands.

Soon, Ye Han cut the body of the three-eyed Vermillion Bird into several pieces and collected them. This was the body of a fourth-level monster, and each one was worth 50,000 to 60,000 spirit stones.

The only drawback is that the wound of the Three-Eyed Vermilion Bird that he hit with the Devil-Breaking Divine Thunder attached to the Millennium Ironwood Sword, which turned into the Qingxuan Sword Light, has destroyed a lot of flesh and blood, which shows the power of the Devil-Breaking Divine Thunder attached to the Millennium Ironwood Sword!

This is one of the most powerful spells that Ye Han can cast at present.

However, the disadvantage is also very obvious. It takes a lot of mana to cast it.

After Ye Han cast it once, the mana reserves of the Purple Cauldron and the Purple Cauldron Space have been consumed.

While Ye Han was running rapidly towards the cliff, he took out a bottle of three-turn soul-refining pills, took seven or eight of them, and practiced the skills to let the Purple Cauldron replenish the mana reserves...

This price is also very high, but at least he got the essence of the Three-Eyed Vermilion Bird.

Now there is still that three-eyed Vermilion Bird being chased by the Ice Lotus Puppet. Ye Han wants to complete the task of Thunder Art. He already has two three-eyed Vermilion Bird beast crystals, and only needs one more three-eyed Vermilion Bird beast crystal to complete the required beast crystal part.

Although Ye Han is vaguely worried that the people of the Black Mountain Sect will find out about the movement here and chase after him.

However, Ye Han is still a little unwilling. After all, the three-eyed Vermilion Bird was killed by him, and the remaining one was seriously injured. If it is encountered by other cultivators or stronger monsters, this three-eyed Vermilion Bird will definitely not survive for long.

Then it will be very difficult for him to find the three-eyed Vermilion Bird again and kill it to obtain the beast crystal.

So Ye Han decided to kill this damn three-eyed Vermilion Bird, and then leave Shangling to avoid the people of the Black Mountain Sect.

Thinking of this, Ye Han quickly chased up the cliff and saw the huge dead tree on the top of the mountain from afar. The three-eyed Vermillion Bird flew towards a nest, and the Ice Lotus Puppet was chasing it...

Ye Han's eyes moved and he flew up. As expected, the three-eyed Suzaku had a home here. The injured three-eyed Suzaku angrily sprayed out a fireball about one foot in size, forcefully blasting the Ice Lotus puppet away. The three-eyed Suzaku took the opportunity to rush to a nest, swallowed a dozen gray eggs larger than its head, and fluttered its wings to fly...

Ye Han immediately released his flying sword and flew up, chasing after the three-eyed Suzaku.

At this time.

Dozens of miles away.

More than a dozen rays of light were flying in this direction. Among the rays of light, most of the immortal cultivators wearing black clothes with white trim were controlling magic weapons.

The first cultivator was white-faced and beardless, wearing black clothes with gold trim. He was able to escape without using escape treasures...

Being able to fly away without using flying escape treasures is the sign of a golden elixir stage immortal cultivator.

Yes, this one is the leader of Montenegro!

Next to the leader of the Black Mountain Church, Young Master Zhuge was driving a gorgeous flying boat, which was seven or eight feet long. Two identical beautiful monks were also sitting on the flying boat...

Young Master Zhuge said to the leader of the Black Mountain cult on the side: "Master! Are you sure it was Ye Han who did it?"

The Black Mountain leader said with an ugly face: "No matter what! They killed my leader's people! They actually want him to pay the price?"

After a pause, he stared at a cliff in the distance and said, "That sound came from the cliff. That place is the activity range of the Three-Eyed Suzaku. Those guys must have gone to kill the Three-Eyed Suzaku."

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