Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 460: Heavenly Secret Soldiers

Ye Han quietly escaped from the belly of the mountain and had sensed the formations and restrictions set up by these guys. This formation was just an ordinary defensive formation. Although the defense was good, it could not stop the teleportation of the blood escape talisman.

So Ye Han used the blood escape talisman the moment he came out and rushed in. At the same time, the Soul-Slaying Sword used the Soul-Chasing Sword Technique, and used all his strength to perform the killing moves of the Soul-Chasing Sword Technique to kill the middle-aged man, tie up the young monk with the rope ancient treasure, and release the Ice Lotus Puppet to deal with the female monk...

The three people were seriously injured, and all the escape and defense treasures on their bodies were used up. It was also a critical moment for meditating and refining elixirs. How could they expect that someone would hide in the belly of the mountain.

Ye Han noticed the mockery in the eyes of the middle-aged man. At the same time, he felt a terrible murderous aura coming from behind him. The terrifying murderous intent made Ye Han terrified...

Huh! Ye Han didn't even think about it, and his feet shook...

Bang! The formation set up by the three people of Qianshan Sect was exploded by a bright silver light. Ye Han's body was cut off, and the silver light hit the female cultivator who was avoiding the Ice Lotus Puppet...

The female cultivator was already in a state of confusion when she saw the middle-aged man's body being pierced. She was hit by the Ice Lotus Puppet and her body was bleeding...

But she didn't expect that this bright silver light would hit her, and she screamed: "Heavenly Soldier!"

The silver light hit her body, and half of her body turned into ashes. The silver light rushed to the distance, and a bottomless hole was blasted out of the mountain wall...

Ye Han's body changed for a while, and he dodged with ghost steps.

Huh! Ye Han turned his head with horror and saw a man wearing silver armor, more than ten feet tall, appearing dozens of feet away. The armor was very unique, with two huge waistcoats on his shoulders and a helmet on his head that covered his entire face. Only his eyes emitted a trace of cold blood...

Most of the body of this silver-armored warrior was covered in silver armor, with a gray cloak behind him and a wide long sword in his hand.

Is this a puppet? No! Not a puppet! Is he a cultivator?

Ye Han saw this silver-armored warrior, who looked like a puppet, but did have the aura of a cultivator!

The silver-armored warrior stared at Ye Han's figure, bursting out with astonishing murderous intent, slowly raised the broad long sword in his hand, staring at Ye Han with murderous intent, and the giant sword in his hand burst out with a terrifying sword energy visible to the naked eye as he raised it...

And the immortal cultivator who was tied up by the rope treasure screamed: "Heavenly Secret Soldiers!"

Shouting like this, he shouted in horror: "Damn it! The Heavenly Secret Soldiers are coming! We are all...!"

However, Ye Han reacted, and the golden light in his hand trembled, and the golden token Heavenly Secret Token obtained from the corpse of the gray-clothed man of Qianshan Sect appeared in his hand.

The silver-armored Heavenly Secret Soldiers seemed to see the Heavenly Secret Token in Ye Han's hand, and raised the long sword, and fiercely slashed out a dazzling silver sword light, slashing towards the young cultivator who was tied up by the rope ancient treasure...

Huchi! The sword light directly slashed through the void and slashed the young cultivator who was tied up by the rope ancient treasure.

Blood splashed, and the rope ancient treasure and the young cultivator were cut apart. He looked at Ye Han with wide eyes. How could this junior brother Yang's Tianji token be in the hands of this strange cultivator?

The Tianji soldier killed the young cultivator, and his blood-red eyes swept the ground coldly, then looked at Ye Han, moved his body, turned his head and left, and disappeared in a few flashes.

Ye Han watched the Tianji soldier leave, and cold sweat was already dripping on his forehead.

The sword power of this Tianji soldier was really too scary. Only a Jindan-stage cultivator could have such a terrifying magic attack power.

If it weren't for this Tianji soldier launching an attack dozens of feet away, and being blocked by the defense array set up by the three people of Qianshan Sect.

It gave him a little reaction time and avoided the attack in advance.

Otherwise, the protective ring that the Seventh Elder had restored for him would have to be triggered again to save his life...

So he also tried to take out the Tianji token to see if it could really save his life from being attacked by these Tianji soldiers?

Because these guys just now accidentally revealed the importance of this Tianji token...

Ye Han's attempt really worked. After taking out the Tianji token, the Tianji soldier did not attack him at all, and immediately turned to attack the last young cultivator alive.

The swordsmanship of the Tianji soldier was so powerful that he killed this guy with one sword, and also cut off the ancient rope treasure obtained from Sima Xiong, which made Ye Han feel very painful...

But fortunately, this Tianji soldier did not attack again, and turned around and left...

It means that the Tianji token is really useful. If he encounters this terrible Tianji soldier again, won't he be safe?

This result was something Ye Han didn't expect.

The three cultivators of Qianshan Sect died more miserably than each other, and each one was more cowardly than the other. Their luck was too bad, and their road to cultivation had come to an end.

Ye Han did not delay, and quickly looted the storage bags and treasures of these guys, then released a piece of true fire, burning the bodies of the three people.

He waved his hand, and the Creation Heavenly Fang flew out from the belly of the mountain, turning into a gray light shield to protect his body. Ye Han did not delay in this small valley, and his body quickly flew away...

A quarter of an hour later.

Ye Han entered another mountain belly, and used all his means to protect his body, not letting any of his breath leak out...

After he finished the defensive and concealed protection, he breathed a sigh of relief. With a flick of his finger, the storage bags of the three people from Qianshan Sect who were killed appeared in front of him...

There were a total of 26 storage bags, half of which were filled with corpses of various monsters, all of which were fourth-level monsters, and the other four or five were filled with a lot of natural treasures...

When Ye Han checked these storage bags, his face became unusually wonderful...

Heaven, 43 ripe Qingyou Lingguo, and eight bottles of blood bone beast essence blood.

He was stunned to find that in these storage bags, the other two requirements of the Thunder Art mission had also been met. In addition to three three-eyed Vermillion Bird beast crystals, this mission also required 20 ripe Qingyou Lingguo, and five bottles of blood bone beast essence blood...

Now there are all left, and the Thunder Art mission was actually completed in this way!

This is really a pleasant surprise.

Moreover, some of these monster corpses and natural treasures were monsters and natural treasures that Ye Han needed for other missions in Shangling Land...

This made Ye Han have the urge to continue killing people and stealing treasures. No wonder these immortal cultivators wanted to kill people and steal treasures. It was so difficult to complete these missions by yourself, by killing immortal cultivators...

Ye Han continued to count the spoils. When he picked up a very ordinary-looking medicinal herb, the purple tripod suddenly trembled slightly.

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