Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 464: Let them succeed?

In the valley, the Black Mountain Cult's immortal cultivators formed a formation with surging evil spirits.

This formation gave off a fierce aura, releasing three seven or eight feet tall terrifying evil spirits, wearing armor, holding a blood-red long sword in one hand and a skeleton shield in the other, fighting with a Tianji soldier...

Mysterious silver runes were constantly floating on the Tianji soldier's body, and the huge long sword in his hand was constantly swung out, slashing out terrifying sword beams, which contained extremely terrifying destructive power.

Ye Han could feel the terrifying sword intent of the sword beams slashed out by the Tianji soldier at a distance of hundreds of feet.

This Tianji soldier didn't know whether it was a puppet or something else, but he could actually use such amazing swordsmanship...

The sword beams were bombarded towards the huge armored skeleton warrior, and the skeleton shield in the skeleton warrior's hand kept blocking the sword beams of the Tianji soldier.

Although the sword light was blocked, the skeleton warrior's body continued to shock out the gray evil spirit, and the skeleton shield also had more cracks.

The skeleton warrior continued to attack with bloody sword light, and the bloody sword light flew out and hit the Tianji soldier.

The silver armor on the Tianji soldier's body continued to release silver runes, which were shaken away, leaving no trace on the armor on the Tianji soldier's body.

However, these people from the Black Mountain Sect who formed the formation continued to release spells, magic tools and spiritual tools to attack the Tianji soldiers...

They were basically shaken away by the attack of the Tianji soldiers. The battle was in a white-hot stage, and the area within a hundred feet was full of mana, light, sword and knife energy...

Ye Han hid on the edge of a cliff in the valley, staring at the battle in the valley. He recognized at a glance that these cultivators who joined together to form a formation to summon the skeleton warriors and besiege the Tianji soldiers were all cultivators of the Black Mountain Sect.

Several days ago, when they were searching for him in that forest, although they only saw him a few times, he remembered the appearance of each person. They were indeed from the Black Mountain Sect!

Ye Han was wanted by the Black Mountain Sect and was hunted by the Black Mountain Sect leader for so long, so he had a grudge against the Black Mountain Sect.

Now he met someone from the Black Mountain Sect again, which was a narrow road for enemies.

It was normal to meet him. He saw with his own eyes that when the huge mountain of the Tianji Palace sprayed out a colorful spiritual light column, the people of the Black Mountain Sect were affected by the forbidden air ban and fell from the sky...

Unexpectedly, these guys gathered together to form this formation to deal with the Tianji soldiers!

Seeing this scene, Ye Han was not in a hurry to take action, but observed it from the side.

After observing for a while, Ye Han found the clue. Although the Tianji soldiers were very powerful, their attack swordsmanship was extremely powerful, and their defense was also very terrifying.

But after repeatedly using sword skills to defend against the attacks of the Black Mountain Cult cultivators and skeleton warriors...

The silver light on the Tianji Soldier became dimmer and dimmer, and it was obvious that he was consuming more and more energy in the battle with the Black Mountain Cult.

One of the Black Mountain Cult cultivators shouted in surprise: "Come on! This guy is going to die!"

As he said that, he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell to release a black fist treasure, which spun in the air, exploding with an astonishing black gas explosion, and smashed towards the Tianji Soldier.

As he spoke, the others also shouted excitedly.

"These guys really consume their mana very quickly. As long as we consume all their mana, we can kill the Tianji soldiers."

"Yes, yes, yes! In this way, we are not afraid of these guys!"

"Quick! Cast powerful spells and treasures!"

As these Black Mountain Cultivators shouted, they frantically released spells and treasures to attack the Tianji soldiers...

The Tianji soldiers were hit so hard that silver light burst out, and their bodies began to retreat step by step. Some of them could not resist.

However, the Tianji soldiers did not intend to escape and retreat, and they were still fighting back frantically...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han knew that it was only a matter of time before the Tianji soldiers were killed.

But since he was caught by him, he would not let these damn Black Mountain Cult people succeed.

During the days when Ye Han was recovering from his injuries, he was also speculating which sect supported this mysterious Black Mountain Cult.

He found that the people of the Black Mountain Sect were mainly practicing evil methods, while the four major sects of Tianlan were not mainly practicing evil methods, so it was impossible that they were the four major sects of Tianlan itself, and they must have been instructed by external sects.

Because there are three areas bordering Tianlan, one is the Shangling land here, the other is Dafeng, and the other is Jinrang.

He has checked the information about Shangling land, and it is not suitable for cultivators to establish sects here, and there are no sects at all.

The rest are Dafeng and Jinrang. The territory of Jinrang is smaller than that of Tianlan, and there are many sects. There is no major sect that can rule Jinrang, and the strength is also average, so it should not be able to plot against the sects of Tianlan.

This Dafeng is different. This Dafeng is a super large territory. Ten Tianlans are not as big as Dafeng. There are many cultivators in the sects there, and the powerful sects are even more amazing.

Moreover, there are many demon sects and evil sects there, and they are extremely powerful.

It seems to be very normal for these sects to want to expand towards Tianlan.

Ye Han's initial judgment is that the Black Mountain Sect was sent by some evil sect in Dafeng to lurk in Tianlan.

As for what they want to do, it is not known yet, but it is definitely not a good thing.

But now there is a clue. This is the arrival of Young Master Zhuge. The Black Mountain Sect must be related to the Zhuge family.

This clue can easily find out the sect behind the Black Mountain Sect.

However, Ye Han cannot fully understand the sects and families of Tianlan, let alone the sects and families outside Tianlan.

He does not know what sect the Zhuge family belongs to in Dafeng for the time being, but it will be easy to find out later.

Of course, first he must be able to leave Shangling and think about this matter again.

However, looking at the formation they jointly formed, the power is quite amazing. It is possible to deal with ordinary Jindan stage cultivators. Obviously, it is impossible that some small sect is behind it.

Listening to these guys' words, he also understood that these Black Mountain Sect cultivators gathered together, which was more than enough to protect themselves, and they also discussed how to deal with the Tianji soldiers. Obviously, the mana power of these Tianji soldiers is limited. Once it is used up, it is easy to beat them...

But will Ye Han let them succeed?

Ye Han's eyes flashed a cold light, and he moved his body and quietly went down the cliff...

Sure enough, under the siege of these Black Mountain Sect formations, the sword power of the Tianji soldiers' attacks became weaker and weaker, and they were beaten back step by step...

It seemed that the Tianji soldiers could not resist.


Ah! With a scream, the people of the Black Mountain Sect looked over in horror.

What happened?

I saw a person of the Black Mountain Sect with his head and body separated, falling to the ground...

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