Ye Han really didn't know that the Tianji Soldier would be the first to attack the immortal cultivator closest to it...

But he had already swallowed the Tianji token in his belly, and had already planned to destroy the formations arranged by the cultivators of the Black Mountain Sect, let the Tianji soldiers deal with them, and take advantage of himself...

Sure enough, the Tianji soldiers did not attack him at all this time, but instead attacked the cultivators of the Black Mountain Sect.

The eyes of these guys from the Black Mountain Sect are about to fall off. Their eyes are full of confusion. They can't figure out why the terrible Tianji Soldier doesn't attack that guy?

They were so frustrated that they were about to explode. Why didn't they attack that guy?

But how could the Tianji soldiers answer their question? The sword light burst out with an astonishing silver sword light and killed the guys from the Black Mountain Sect.

On the other side, the Ice Lotus Puppet is also hunting down the Black Mountain Cult people...

The leader of the late-stage foundation-building immortal cultivator was wearing black clothes. He had an old face and a pair of triangular eyes. The cultivator's face was so black that it was wet. He looked at his fellow disciples being killed one by one, and half of them had already fallen...

He roared and shouted: "Retreat!"

As he spoke, he turned into a streak of blood and roared out, grabbing the corpse of a Black Mountain Cult disciple on the ground...

Although he also wanted to run away, these classmates were dead, but the storage bag on his body contained a lot of things...


boom! A purple-gold electric light exploded out, and a purple-gold electric light exploded behind him. A big purple-gold electric light hand crushed out the terrifying purple-gold electric light, and rolled and bombarded him...

"Damn it!" The old man in black cursed, reacted very quickly, exploded with black energy from his body, and disappeared from the spot...

boom! The lightning hand of the Demon-Breaking God Thunder that Ye Han grabbed out, rolled and bombarded it and exploded, causing a terrifying thunder light of the Demon-Breaking God Thunder to spread out...

hateful! Grab your own loot? !

no way! This bastard from the Black Mountain Cult wants to snatch the corpse’s storage bag!

How could Ye Han let him succeed? Let this guy take advantage of the guy you tried so hard to kill?

However, this bastard is in the late stage of foundation building. Although he stopped this guy, he ran away with his magical power.

Whoops! The black energy exploded, and a figure flashed out dozens of feet away. The old man in black appeared in the air with an ugly face, and cursed angrily: "Damn it! You are looking for death!"

While he was cursing angrily, he slapped the storage bag with his finger, and a blood-red scarecrow flew out.

The straw of this scarecrow is full of mysterious runes. As the old man in black kneads and chants the incantation, the scarecrow swells up when the wind blows. It is surrounded by a terrifying bloody light. The evil energy is on this scarecrow's body. burst out.

The old man in black looked hard at Ye Han and shouted: "Kill!"

The scarecrow turned into a streak of blood and flew towards Ye Han. His body became several feet in size. In the direction of Ye Han, a terrifying crack ripped open in the scarecrow's head without facial features... …

boom! The scarecrow's big mouth spewed out a thick black gas. In the black gas, there were blood-red evil spirits, charging towards Ye Han's bee pupa...

These terrifying black air spurted out and connected with the blood-red evil ghosts. There were dozens of them, erupting into a cold and terrifying evil energy, which made Ye Han feel a cold air!

Ye Han's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He felt that these blood-red evil ghosts were made from the souls of immortal cultivators. Hundreds of immortal cultivators died in the hands of this damn bastard alone.

Because this evil ghost spirit was definitely not successfully refined in one go. If it failed, there would be many more. It is conservatively estimated that hundreds of cultivators were killed by this bastard...

Although Ye Han is not a Taoist defender, he can't stand such a bastard cultivator, not to mention that this guy is trying to steal things from him!

Ye Han's hands quickly kneaded, and circles of purple-gold lightning arcs shot out from his body, and the Demon-Breaking God Thunder turned into a terrifying light shield!

The Demon-Breaking God Thunder is the nemesis of evil and demonic energy. When Ye Han was chased by the Black Mountain leader, he kept using the Thunder Escape Technique of the Demon-Breaking God Thunder to escape. Although he was chased in a very embarrassed state and was forced to use the Thunder Escape Technique constantly. , constantly taking the three-turn alchemy pill...

But it was not completely without benefits. He found that such an unlimited series of Thunder Escape Techniques allowed him to understand the Thunder Escape Technique, making it smoother and easier to use, and the mana consumption was reduced by one-third...

He also gained a lot of experience in using thunder spells and the Demon-Breaking God Thunder, which made the Demon-Breaking God Thunder even more powerful.

Ye Han felt that after he left the place of Shangling and went back to complete the task of Thunder Technique, with the Thunder Technique, the thunder method would definitely reach a higher level! That is to truly become your own trump card!

Sure enough, as Ye Han released the Demon-Breaking God Thunder, purple-gold lightning burst out brightly, and purple-gold lightning exploded and impacted on the surrounding figure...

puff! puff! Terrifying blasts of lightning struck the blood-red evil ghosts, and the evil ghosts suddenly exploded with blood and blood mist. The lightning of the Demon-Breaking God Thunder made these guys completely unable to resist, and they were constantly annihilated...

Seeing this scene, the old man in black looked extremely ugly, and the corners of his eyes kept twitching. What kind of thunder spell is this guy's purple-gold lightning? Why is it so powerful?

Ordinary thunder and lightning spells shouldn't be able to hurt the evil spirits spewed out by your own Blood Demon Scarecrow!

What made the old man in black even more angry was that with the disturbance of this damn guy, the Tianji soldiers recovered a lot of power and mana, and they were frantically attacking and killing the evil people of their Black Mountain Sect...

And that terrible metal puppet was not afraid of attacks at all, and his swordsmanship was extremely amazing. Three Black Mountain Sect cultivators died in the hands of this puppet...

It was only a dozen breaths, and the sixteen Black Mountain Sect cultivators in the early stage of foundation building were all killed, and the remaining four in the middle stage of foundation building were struggling to support...

There were a total of more than twenty cultivators. In the few days when the ban appeared, they thought they had more people and went to the giant mountain of the Tianji Palace together. As a result, they were beaten badly and lost a lot of people.

These few days, they finally gathered together again and planned to see how to deal with the Tianji soldiers...

But they didn't expect to meet Ye Han, the troublemaker...

In fact, they didn't recognize Ye Han who was completely disguised...

What made him most depressed was that the Tianji soldiers didn't attack the sneak attack guy at all, but only attacked them, how could he not feel aggrieved

Seeing that the others couldn't hold on any longer, the old man in black shouted angrily: "Asshole! You wait! Retreat!"

The old man in black cursed angrily, and didn't care about grabbing the treasure. He put away the scarecrow treasure with a finger and flew away...

The four surviving mid-stage foundation building people followed and fled one by one.

Ye Han showed a hint of cold smile and chased after them slowly. How could these guys let them run away?

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