Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 477 It’s him!

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately asked: "Where?"

Mr. Lan Qing replied: "This should be the place where Tianji sect rewards disciples. If you have the Tianji token, you should be able to enter!"

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and asked, "Mr. Lan Qing, have you ever gone in?"

Since Mr. Lan Qing has been here for a long time and has collected a lot of treasures from heaven and earth, should he also enter the pagoda he mentioned?

Although he was an old acquaintance with Mr. Lan Qing, he was just a little mortal at that time and knew nothing about Mr. Lan Qing. Now that they met him, he looked like this again, and his cultivation was obviously higher than he imagined. It is much higher, and it is very likely that he is a legendary immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage...

If he really wanted to plot against himself, even a hundred of himself would not be his opponent, so he had to be careful.

Mr. Lan Qing took a deep look at Ye Han and said, "Sir, I am very happy to see your growth. Don't worry, I won't harm you! I've been to that place before, it's relatively safe. You can handle it!”

"There are four Tianji soldiers guarding the door. The prohibition mechanism on the first floor has been destroyed. If you have the Tianji token, you should be able to pass directly through the second floor and enter the third floor. There may be good treasures there, okay. Go there and try your luck first!”

After hearing this, Ye Han's face changed. If Mr. Lan Qing said that, it would be so easy to enter the pagoda, but what if Mr. Lan Qing lied to him?

Mr. Lan Qing looked at Ye Han and said with a faint smile: "Boy, it's a good thing that you are so cautious. Otherwise, you are suspicious of everything. I still count on you to rescue me from Tianji Palace!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved and he understood what Mr. Lan Qing meant. The implication was that even if I wanted to harm you, I would not harm you at this time...

However, he did not believe Mr. Lan Qing so easily. On the surface, he still replied: "Okay! Mr. Lan Qing, let's go to the pagoda! You can lead the way!"

Mr. Lan Qing nodded and said: "Among those treasures, are there any soul-nurturing treasures?! My soul has been exposed to the outside for too long. There is a soul-nurturing treasure possessing me. I feel better!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved. Mr. Lan Qing's intention was clearly to reassure himself and took the initiative to reveal the situation to him, indicating that the only one who could save him now was Ye Han...

"Okay! Just wait!" When Ye Han was sorting out the storage bags of those cultivators, he actually found a jade gourd that was such a treasure...

He patted the storage bag, and a jade gourd flew out, letting out a warm breath...

This jade gourd is a rare ancient treasure among many storage bags.

Mr. Lan Qing was not polite, his body turned into a stream of blood and penetrated into the jade gourd...

"Let's go! When you get out of here, go up the mountain road on the right, pass a square, and then...!"

Mr. Lan Qing's voice came out from the jade gourd...

Ye Han nodded and discarded most of the empty storage bags. There were bulging bags on his body. Fortunately, he found a few extra large storage bags. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to carry so many storage bags...

After Ye Han left the hut, he saw a staircase going up not far to the right...

However, as soon as he walked out, he saw a group of silver-armored Tianji soldiers coming down the stairs...

Ye Han had the Tianji Token, and the terrifying Tianji soldiers walked towards him nonchalantly...

Sure enough, the Tianji soldiers ignored Ye Han and walked forward in unison.

Then Ye Han ran all the way along the stairs.

Following Mr. Lan Qing's instructions, Ye Han walked along the stairs and headed forward, but he did not encounter the Tianji soldiers...

After walking about several thousand feet, I finally saw a small spire emerging from the forest.

Mr. Lan Qing's voice came from the jade gourd on his waist: "It's right there! Be careful!"

Ye Han nodded and replied: "Yes!"

The words just fell...

Phew! ! A series of terrifying silver sword lights roared out from the mountain road in the distance.

Ye Han's eyes moved, and his figure suddenly blurred, turned into a ray of green light, and penetrated into a big tree nearby...

I saw four Tianji soldiers waving their swords and chasing after a man in black...

The leader of Montenegro? !

I saw the Black Mountain leader fighting and retreating, erupting with a terrifying bloody explosion, fighting four Tianji soldiers, while fighting, while retreating to a mountain road on one side...

What's happening here? Why did the Black Mountain leader get into a fight with the Tianji soldiers?

But Mr. Lan Qing immediately said: "This guy should have led away the four secret soldiers guarding the pagoda. Someone has gone in!"

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately understood that the Black Mountain leader came with three foundation-building stages to kill him, and the man among them should be Young Master Zhuge...

So, Ye Han's eyes flashed with murderous intent and said, "Mr. Lan Qing, let's go take a look!"

Mr. Lan Qing said in a deep voice: "Tsk! Don't be so impulsive. If the golden elixir comes in, you are no match!"

Ye Han said confidently: "Don't worry! I know it well!"

As he spoke, he moved and quickly headed towards the pagoda.

After running up a few hundred feet of stairs, I saw a three-story pagoda...

There really were no Tianji soldiers guarding the entrance of the pagoda. Ye Han happened to see a figure entering from the entrance...

"It is indeed him!" Ye Han was sure in his heart, thought for a moment, put away the red mask treasure, and his face was distorted, turning into a pale middle-aged man...

He rushed into the pagoda hall very quickly.

This was a big deal. He passed through a strange space with a fluctuating atmosphere. It was several times larger than it looked from the outside. It was a hundred feet wide. The space here was very large. There were many shelves around, but it was empty.

In the middle, there were two wooden stairs that led up to the second floor, forming a ring. There was a door covered by two light shields...

At the door of the light shield, stood Young Master Zhuge.

Seeing Ye Han suddenly rushing in, he looked at Ye Han in surprise: "How did you get in?"

As he said that, he swept his consciousness towards Ye Han, but he couldn't see Ye Han's cultivation!

Damn it! It was not easy for the Black Mountain Cult Master to lead away the Tianji soldiers, and he came in to find an opportunity...

As a result, another cultivator came right away? !

He remembered that besides himself and the Black Mountain Cult Master, there should only be Qin Shanzun and Xue Bing and Xue Xue. How could there be this guy in front of him?

Ye Han looked at Young Master Zhuge and said coldly: "Hmph! You are just a Foundation Establishment Stage, and you dare to come here! I think you are looking for death!"

As he said this, he walked towards Young Master Zhuge.

Hearing Ye Han's tone, Young Master Zhuge broke into a cold sweat. Is the other party a Golden Core Stage? Otherwise, why would he be so arrogant?

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