Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 479 Where are the people?

The Black Mountain Cult Leader looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. He had finally led the Tianji soldiers away. How could there be another person besides Young Master Zhuge?

Seeing the Black Mountain Cult Leader coming back, Young Master Zhuge immediately shouted: "Black Mountain Cult Leader! Kill..."

Seeing the Black Mountain Cult Leader coming back, without waiting for Young Master Zhuge to speak, Ye Han's fingers trembled and released twelve formation flags. With a touch of his fingers, a gust of wind whistled.

The last set of Dragon Trapping Array flags was released instantly, and the huge hall was instantly filled with wind and clouds, blocking the Black Mountain Cult Leader and Young Master Zhuge.

As Ye Han moved, he rushed to the second-floor stairs...

The Black Mountain Cult Leader also realized that something was wrong and roared, "Don't even think about leaving!" As he said that, he moved and rushed over...

But a raging wind was howling, and the Dragon Trapping Formation had already erupted into an amazing storm, sweeping the entire hall in it, and the Black Mountain Cult Leader rushed in at once...

When Young Master Zhuge saw this scene, his face was stunned. What was going on? Why did this guy run away?

At this time.

"Break!" The Black Mountain Cult Leader roared furiously from the formation.

Following the formation's surging explosion, three bloody hands surrounded by misty skulls were forcibly crushed out, and the Dragon Trapping Formation was blown up at once...

The boundless storm spread out, and the shelves in the hall were impacted and collapsed in all directions...

However, as the storm surged, Ye Han's figure disappeared.

The Black Mountain Cult Leader looked around with lightning-like eyes and asked in surprise: "Where are the people?"

Young Master Zhuge also cried out in astonishment: "What's going on?"

At this time, he also realized that something was wrong. Did this guy know the Black Mountain Cult Leader? Why did he run away when he saw the Black Mountain Cult Leader?

If he was also in the Golden Core Stage, even if the Black Mountain Cult Leader came, he would not run away when he saw him, right?

The key point is that he and the Black Mountain Cult Leader were both at the door, but he didn't see that guy running away.

The Black Mountain Cult Leader felt something was strange, and immediately used his magic power, pinched his fingers and chanted a spell. A circle of terrible blood storm surrounded his body, with his body as the center, rippling in all directions, sweeping every corner of the hall...

His secret method can not even let go of a gap, but he really didn't find Ye Han's figure...

However, the Black Mountain Cult Leader still noticed that the traces of Ye Han's movement went up the stairs, to the second floor!

So, the Black Mountain leader shouted: "Damn it! This guy went in!"

As he said that, his figure turned into a black light, and after a few tremors, he arrived at the entrance of the second floor stairs.

Young Master Zhuge was shocked when he heard this: "What? How could he go in?"

As he said that, his figure turned into a bloody figure, and after a few flashes, he came to the side of the Black Mountain leader.

Just now, after the Black Mountain leader led the Tianji soldiers, he had tried it. This light shield restriction is not ordinary powerful. He couldn't open it no matter what. How did this guy get in?

But the Black Mountain leader had already searched the entire hall with secret methods, and he didn't find anything. Could the other party escape from the Jindan stage cultivator and escape from the door?

Besides, if the other party has this ability, he doesn't need to escape when he sees the Black Mountain leader, right?

Young Master Zhuge was hoping to get back the treasure storage bag that was robbed by the Black Mountain Cult Master, but now the Black Mountain Cult Master actually told him that someone had entered through the forbidden area...

Damn it, was he deceived by that guy?

Thinking of this, Young Master Zhuge was so frustrated that he almost vomited blood, his face turned red and white, and he was shaking with anger, but he still said: "Black Mountain Cult Master! Do you know that person?"

This person ran away as soon as he saw the Black Mountain Cult Master, it would be strange if the Black Mountain Cult Master didn't know him.

The Black Mountain Cult Master looked at Young Master Zhuge's face with a face that was difficult to suppress, frowned and asked: "Young Master, what's going on? Did he come out from inside?"

Although he couldn't feel the other party's specific breath, he felt that the back was familiar at a glance, and it seemed to be that damn Ye Han.

At this time, it seemed unlikely. It took only half a quarter of an hour for him to lead the Tianji soldiers away, and Ye Han had already used the secret method of consuming his cultivation lifespan when he was chased by him, and it was impossible for him to recover in a short time.

Besides, Ye Han is only at the foundation building stage, how could he have come up through the ladder?

This matter is too weird.

After hearing this, Young Master Zhuge immediately said: "Yes, yes, yes! He came out from inside, and we ran into him as soon as he came out!"

As he said that, he said anxiously: "Heishan Sect Leader, that guy must not have a high level of cultivation, and the things inside must have been obtained by him. We must catch him!"

At this point, Young Master Zhuge knew that he was deceived by that abominable bastard. Those were his storage bags and space rings, which were his treasures and treasures for so many years.

Especially the space ring, which is a treasure that can hold the flying boat. It is a treasure he got from an ancient place in Dafeng, but it was cheated away by that damn bastard...

But he couldn't say it yet. He was foolishly deceived by Ye Han in a few words, and foolishly handed over the storage bag and space ring...

He wanted to slap himself hundreds of times. He couldn't see through the guy's cultivation. In order to save his life, he handed over the storage bag and space ring to delay time, hoping that the Black Mountain Cult Master would snatch it back.

As a result, this guy actually passed the restriction and entered...

What does this mean? Doesn't this mean that I have been deceived repeatedly? Even if the Black Mountain Cult Leader comes, it will be difficult to snatch the things back?

However, he still holds out hope. Since that guy went there so easily, this forbidden light shield should not be able to stop the Black Mountain Cult Leader.

Therefore, Young Master Zhuge had to say that Ye Han came out from inside and he just happened to see him...

The implication is that Ye Han has already snatched away all the treasures inside, and asked the Black Mountain Cult Leader to chase and kill him. As long as he catches him, his things will definitely be back.

However, he was actually deceived so easily...

No! Not simple! The other party made it impossible for him to distinguish his cultivation level, mainly because he really couldn't distinguish it. His real cultivation level must have been protected and isolated from his breath...

And this bold style of doing things, he is definitely not a simple guy!

Damn it! How could he be fooled like this?

Damn it!

Damn it!

Young Master Zhuge's heart was bleeding. Those were treasures and elixirs that he had collected for many years. The key point was that the space ring was too precious.

The Black Mountain Cult leader, an old fox who had practiced for hundreds of years, did not expect that Young Master Zhuge would lie because he was deceived and lost his treasure...

Did he recognize the wrong person?

No! Impossible! That kid must be Ye Han!

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