Ye Han has long been extremely greedy for the methods of immortal cultivators. He has been practicing for a long time. Now he is practicing blood and kung fu. He has achieved some small achievements. His strength and speed are much greater than before.

Not to mention anything else, now he was climbing up and down the cliff in a dozen breaths of vertical jumps. It might have taken him a quarter of an hour to climb up before. His speed was so fast that he felt that he had surpassed the average martial arts master.

Now he can jump over ten feet with a slight jump, his body is as light as a swallow, and his body feels very good...

This is the benefit of being a cultivator.

However, he has always been very regretful that he has not yet successfully mastered a single spell. Not only flying to the sky and escaping from the earth, but also casting some small spells such as turning spiritual energy into ice, gathering energy into fire, etc...

So Zhang Qingshan taught him spells, and Ye Han became very excited all of a sudden.

In fact, this was the first time Ye Han could truly practice magic since he came into contact with immortal cultivators.

Although he is young and mature, he is actually still a young man at heart. Of course he is excited to be able to learn the legendary magic.

However, Zhang Qingshan immediately poured cold water on him and said: "But I'm telling you, I won't teach you spells until you learn the basic pinch formulas and basic spells."

After hearing this, Ye Han was disappointed: "Huh? You can't learn yet?"

Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han's disappointed look and said with a smile: "Junior brother Ye, the immortal cultivators are ascetic cultivators, how can it be so easy? I used to practice for more than three years before I mastered a spell. If it weren't for this The last time I went out, I happened to get a wood spell that was suitable for you. I didn't even plan to teach you. Even if I taught you, with your current cultivation level, you can barely cast it. "

After a pause, he continued: "And if you don't know how to perform basic kneading and chanting, it will be even more difficult for you to practice, because you will need to use all the spells you practice next!"

At this point, he added: "You can't say all spells. Most of the spells require chanting incantations. Of course, it will be different if your cultivation level reaches the point where you can follow the spells. But then At least you are in the Golden Core stage, so laying a good foundation will be of great benefit to your future cultivation."

After hearing this, Ye Han nodded quickly and said, "Yes! I understand, Senior Brother Zhang. Now you can teach me the basic techniques and pinch techniques!"

Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "Come! Let's sit down and I will teach you while meditating."


Under Zhang Qingshan's guidance, the first thing to learn was the basic mantra chanting.

Ye Han originally thought that chanting a mantra was just a few pronunciations and just making sounds from his mouth...

But I didn't expect that this was not just a few pronunciations, but that the monks were required to use the magic power in their bodies to make sounds through their mouths while running the skills. The tone of the sounds drove the aura of heaven and earth, and the rhythm of the sounds was emitted before the chanting was successful.

If there is only sound, no matter how similar it is, it is useless if it does not achieve the result of mobilizing the spiritual energy and mana of heaven and earth.

Ye Han originally thought that this would be easy, but after a long time, he only learned two pronunciations.

However, even if he learned two, Zhang Qingshan praised Ye Han very much. When they were a group of outer disciples, only a few of them could learn two in such a short time.

The next step is the basic secret formula. The basic secret formula is to use hand gestures to form special rune gestures. It also mobilizes the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to draw formation runes in the air in conjunction with spells...

Through countless combinations, this array of runes can form a variety of spells that mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Such as a simple fire attack.

As long as the monk chants the incantation to mobilize the flame aura, plus the formation rune gesture of drawing fire in the air, and the two work together, he can convert his mana into fire, form flames, and cause fire attacks.

To use a more vivid metaphor, practicing magic is like writing an article.

An article is a sentence composed of words one by one. It must be connected into a logical string of words before it can be called an article.

The basic secret is to first learn how to write this character!

The basic mantra is to learn the pronunciation of this word. How to pronounce it?

Then the following spells are to combine these mantras into smooth sentences and form an article.

In other words, spells are continuously formed from these basic incantations and secrets...

Of course, the composition of these basic spells and formulas is ever-changing. Some very powerful spells even require hundreds of gestures and thousands of spells to be executed at one time...

Of course, not all spells are like this, and it's not universal.

Because this world of immortality is really huge, many spells come from ancient times or different places...

Different and even different races have different methods of chanting incantations and pinching secrets.

The basic mantras that Zhang Qingshan taught Ye Han to practice are actually basic mantras that are suitable for some spells of Qingxuanmen summed up by some old masters of Qingxuanmen. The secrets...

Fortunately, Ye Han has good talents in these two aspects of practice. On the one hand, he has a strong memory and is very smart. Zhang Qingshan taught him once. Although he could not use it, he had memorized all the key points. In my heart.

Of course, Zhang Qingshan did not teach him everything at once, but gradually taught him everything after he had become proficient in it a few times.

Ye Han's ability to learn basic spells and techniques also surprised Zhang Qingshan.

It took only two days to learn more than a dozen spells and more than a dozen ways of pinching the fingers.

However, Zhang Qingshan did not teach him all the time, but waited until he was proficient in learning, and then slowly passed it on to him!

At other times, Zhang Qingshan took a healing pill and meditated to restore his cultivation...

However, Ye Han could also see Zhang Qingshan's embarrassment, because every time Zhang Qingshan took a healing pill, he had to split a healing pill in half to use...

Wait for a meditation practice to completely absorb the medicinal power of the healing pill before using the lower half.

In the hall of the cave.

Ye Han's fingers quickly pinched the magic formula, his movements were already quite fast, but in Zhang Qingshan's opinion, it was still far behind. Although he was a little numb from such a high-speed circulation of magic power and the continuous pinching of fingers...

However, Ye Han was also enjoying it, because when he noticed it, he could feel his magic power flowing out through his fingertips and the spells in his mouth. A vortex of mana was formed...

At this time, the door of the training room opened, and Zhang Qingshan walked out. When Ye Han was chanting, a vortex of mana was formed in the air...

He was surprised and said, "Junior Brother Ye! You can adjust your mana so quickly? It seems that I can teach you that spell."

Ye Han was surprised to hear this: "Really?"

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