Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 488 Only one chance

Ye Han felt that he had asked the right person. Mr. Lan Qing had extraordinary cultivation and knowledge, and he must know more than others.

Mr. Lan Qing asked back: "Boy! If I tell you the method, what's the benefit?"

After hearing this, Ye Han said without hesitation: "Sir! Aren't you trapped in the Tianji Palace with your physical body? I may not be able to pull you out with my cultivation, but if I have a few more treasures to defend myself, I will have a better chance, right?"

After hearing this, Mr. Lan Qing said: "What you said makes sense, but it doesn't convince me. Change your reason."

This stinky boy is really cunning. Does he want to get something for nothing with just a few words?

Ye Han frowned and said with a smile: "Mr. Lan Qing! I am your student. Isn't it your duty to teach me something? Otherwise, I will invite you to Yihong Courtyard after we go out?"

Mr. Lan Qing said: "Don't come on! I am not such a person!"

Ye Han immediately asked: "Then why are you going there?"

He was very suspicious of Mr. Lan Qing's behavior. How could a high-level cultivator go there?

However, seeing that Mr. Lan Qing didn't say anything, he immediately changed his words and said: "Hey! Sir, I was just joking with you. If you have any request, just ask. What is the relationship between you and me? Why are you still polite?"

Mr. Lan Qing heard this and said: "You still know that we have a good relationship? I don't want to talk about it now. I will tell you when I am in a better mood."

Ye Han shrugged and said: "Okay! I want to heal here. In order to prevent you from disturbing me, I will temporarily put you on the first floor."

As he said, he picked up the jade gourd and walked towards the door of the first floor.

Mr. Lan Qing said angrily: "You little brat, you're threatening me?"

How could he not know what Ye Han meant by this? There must be a Jindan-stage cultivator waiting for Ye Han on the first floor. Even if he wasn't there, there must be a trap set. If he had his physical body, he would be fearless. But now, this situation is troublesome.

Ye Han smiled and said, "I didn't! I just want to practice well and not let you disturb me!"

Mr. Lan Qing said, "Sir, I was just joking with you, how could I disturb you?"

At this point, Mr. Lan Qing continued, "I'm not joking with you anymore. I can tell you a way to get one more treasure. If you are lucky, you may get two!"

At this point, he changed the subject and continued, "But! You have to give me this ancient jade gourd as a reward!"

After hearing this, Ye Han raised his eyebrows and said, "Sir, you have a good idea. This gourd is originally an ancient treasure. Isn't it a bit too expensive?"

Yes, Ye Han has seen all the ancient treasures in the ban, but not every one of them is good. This ancient jade gourd treasure will be favored by Mr. Lan Qing, so it must be a good treasure.

During this period, he got too many treasures. He didn't have time to distinguish them all, let alone refine and use them. How could he know if he made a mistake...

Mr. Lan Qing said calmly: "Don't be so cunning, kid. This gourd ancient treasure of yours is suitable for nourishing the soul and healing the wounds of the damaged soul. If the soul is not damaged, it is useless. I want to use it to heal the wound! You don't want to see you die, do you?"

Hearing this, Ye Han immediately said: "Sir, you think too much. I hope you can recover quickly! It's settled. This ancient treasure is yours! Please give me more guidance on my cultivation in the future!"

Ye Han didn't believe Mr. Lan Qing's nonsense. Last time, he took away the best map of golden cicada silk except for the purple tripod. What kind of bad ancient treasure could be favored by him?

However, if he could really make friends with a great cultivator like Mr. Lan Qing, wouldn't it be an extra favor and a relationship?

Ye Han has more or less known from reading the autobiographies and travelogues of those immortal cultivators that high-level immortal cultivators are unwilling to owe favors to others, because it will affect their state of mind in cultivation, and may even cause them to have a knot in their heart.

Some immortal cultivators may even be unable to break through their realms because of this, and they have to find a way to get rid of their knots in order to break through their realms.

The same situation also applies to the love between men and women. The emotions between immortal cultivators will also have knots in their hearts, because the lifespan of immortal cultivators will continue to increase as their cultivation level improves, which is a tie of tens of millions of years...

Ye Han is not a plant, how could he really not be moved by those beautiful and unparalleled fairies?

Tsk! These mist stones are nothing but stumbling blocks on the road of cultivation...

After hearing what Ye Han said, Mr. Lan Qing replied: "Okay! You kid won't suffer any loss. What I'm going to teach you is not to care too much about gains and losses, otherwise you will suffer a big loss in the future!"

Ye Han smiled and said: "Mr.'s teaching is right. I will definitely reflect on myself!"

After that, he said again: "Mr., can you tell me how to get the treasure?"

Mr. Lan Qing replied: "Of course, no problem, those treasures are imprisoned by restrictions. If you force the treasure, you will definitely be teleported out. If you are teleported out all of a sudden, you will definitely not be able to come back, so there is only one chance!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes moved. Fairy Qingfeng also had the same opinion as Mr. Lan Qing, and couldn't help asking: "Then how can I get the treasure?"

Mr. Lan Qing replied: "You have to use the restrictions to teleport you out to get the treasure, and there is only a moment of opportunity!"

"You should know that this forbidden transmission is connected to the forbidden pagoda. If this transmission forbidden system wants to transmit you out, it must open a gap in the forbidden pagoda. When the gap is opened, the forbidden systems on the treasures will lose their effect. You can take the treasures when this gap is opened. How many treasures can you take? That depends on your ability."

After a pause, he continued, "But you have to be careful. Don't be greedy. There must be other forbidden systems on those treasures. If you take too many, the forbidden systems will be activated and may cost you your life! You can only take two at most!"

After hearing this, Ye Han finally understood. He had not studied the forbidden systems of the formation for nothing. As Mr. Lan Qing said, if the forbidden system of the pagoda wanted to transmit the attacker out, it must open a gap in the forbidden system of the pagoda, otherwise how could he be transmitted out.

After all, if the pagoda's restrictions can't stop teleportation, then someone might teleport in from outside to steal the treasure...

So the pagoda itself has the function of preventing teleportation, and to activate the teleportation restriction, it must close its own restrictions...

After Mr. Lan Qing said this, Ye Han understood. It seems that he was right to ask Mr. Lan Qing for advice. In this way, he really has the opportunity to get two treasures.

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