Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 492 Two Discipline Halls

Ye Han endured the numbness on his body, and used the magic-breaking divine thunder to dispel the forbidden lightning in his meridians and expel it from his body.

Fortunately, he listened to Mr. Lan Qing's advice and did not greedily take the three treasures. Otherwise, the forbidden lightning in these treasures would have backfired and severely injured him...

This is not an exaggeration. The forbidden lightning backfired from just two treasures, and his defense shield of the Creation Heaven was defeated, and his body was also hit by the forbidden lightning.

The reason why his condition is not very serious now is that Ye Han's body is very strong, and there is also the magic-breaking divine thunder to resist and expel the invasion of the forbidden lightning.

If it cannot be dispelled, it will be very troublesome.

If it were three treasures, he would definitely be severely injured now, and at least he would have to continue taking healing pills to recover for a while.

The problem now is that he looked around and found that he was in a large hall. The hall was empty and there was nothing, only a half-open door...

Fairy Qingfeng was just one step ahead of him, so why did she disappear?

He searched carefully with his spiritual sense. There was no trace of Fairy Qingfeng's remaining breath in this hall, but there was a strong demonic aura similar to that of a demon beast.

Feeling this strong demonic aura, Ye Han frowned. Demon King's aura? Could it be that Fairy Qingfeng was captured by the Demon King?

No! Impossible! How could it be so fast! The trace of the Demon King's aura was very faint. If he hadn't magnified his spiritual sense to search, he really couldn't find the trace of the Demon King's remaining aura.

This means that the Demon King had been here a long time ago, definitely not now.

What's more, there was no trace of Fairy Qingfeng's remaining breath here. She also took the treasure, and must have been backfired by the treasure's restriction. How could she dispel the backlash without mana?

Could Fairy Qingfeng be teleported to another place?

Ye Han thought about it and thought that this was the only possibility.

He and Fairy Qingfeng attacked the restriction from front to back and teleported twice, so they should have been teleported to another place.

So where was Fairy Qingfeng teleported to?

So Ye Han patted his storage bag and took out the animal skin map of the treasure mountain that he got from the Qianshan Sect cultivator.

Fairy Qingfeng told him that attacking the ancient treasure formation restriction should send them to the Discipline Hall. The restriction in that place has been broken, so there is no need to worry...

Then there is no restriction where he is now, so it should be the location of the Discipline Hall...

Ye Han was looking for the location of the Discipline Hall on the map, and suddenly his eyes looked a little strange. After looking carefully, he suddenly realized that damn, there are actually two Discipline Halls?

So Ye Han couldn't help asking Mr. Lan Qing: "Mr. Lan Qing! Are there two Discipline Halls in this treasure mountain?"

If there are two, then wouldn't Fairy Qingfeng be sent to the location of another Discipline Hall?

Ye Han looked at the map and found that the Discipline Hall was on the other side. It didn't look far on the map, but it was actually very far.

In this case, it would be troublesome. The restriction on this side was broken, what about the one on the other side?

After waiting for a while, Mr. Lan Qing replied, "In ancient times, the distinction between men and women among immortal cultivators was much stricter than it is today. Even the discipline halls for punishing violations of sect rules and disciplines were divided into male and female halls. There are indeed two discipline halls in this treasure mountain."

The voice paused, and he teased, "The woman with the Nine Yin Divine Body is pretty good-looking. It's a pity for you not to take her down."

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and said, "Mr. Lan Qing, which discipline hall was my senior sister sent to? How is it over there? Is it safe?"

He didn't expect that this discipline hall was divided into male and female halls. It can be seen how strict the distinction between men and women was in ancient times. No wonder many of the books he has read have allusions and legends that prohibit male and female immortal cultivators from falling in love...

Mr. Lan Qing said in a deep voice, "In a sense, it's much safer over there than here."

Ye Han said strangely : "In a sense?"

Mr. Lan Qing said in a deep voice: "To be honest, I opened the restriction of this Discipline Hall. There is nothing good in it, and there should be no good things in the other Discipline Hall, so I didn't go to that side."

Speaking of this, Mr. Lan Qing continued to seduce Ye Han and said: "What do you think? This is a good opportunity for a hero to save a beauty. If you go and save that woman, she might be willing to marry you!"

Listening to what Mr. Lan Qing said, Ye Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry and replied: "Okay! Mr. Lan Qing! Can't you be serious?"

However, Ye Han also understood that if Fairy Qingfeng was in another Discipline Hall, she might be trapped by the restriction, and it should be safe. Although he didn't have Fairy Qingfeng as a helper, Ye Han felt that he could also act boldly, so as not to let Fairy Qingfeng know anything. He would just go and take a look when the time came.

As he spoke, Ye Han had completely driven away the lightning of the ancient treasure. Looking at the two ancient treasures in his hand, he had an idea and simply dripped blood to recognize the owner, and then put them into the storage bag...

Mr. Lan Qing saw Ye Han's Thunder Drum and asked curiously: "Boy! What do you want a thunder treasure for?"

Ye Han answered casually: "I got the Purple Spirit Thunder by chance, and now I can use thunder magic!"

Of course, he would not tell Mr. Lan Qing that he had the Demon-Breaking Thunder, one of the three legendary thunders, and in the books he had read, there was another kind of Purple Spirit Thunder that was very similar to the Demon-Breaking Thunder, and it was also very powerful and a very rare thunder thunder.

After hearing this, Mr. Lan Qing was surprised and said, "Purple Spirit Sky Thunder? You are lucky! With the help of thunder magic, you will have a big advantage against monsters in the future."

Ye Han didn't say much, and he practiced the Refining Treasure Technique to refine the Thunder Spirit Root and the Tianshui Bottle Ancient Treasure...

These two ancient treasures have greatly improved him, and of course the faster he refines them, the better...

It is worth mentioning that he is now using the Refining Treasure Technique to refine treasures almost every day. Although it consumes a lot of his mana, the Refining Treasure Technique has advanced to the third level some time ago with the continuous refining of treasures.

If he hadn't practiced the Refining Treasure Technique to the third level, how could he refine ancient treasures and spiritual tools so quickly?

But because of this, the mana pills consumed were extremely fast...

Ye Han has consumed one third of the pills obtained from so many cultivators.

These are the storage bags of dozens of foundation-building cultivators. Although not every one of them has a lot, the amount gathered together is not small.

Of course, he still has so many good things on him. When he gets out and exchanges them for pills, he doesn’t know how much he can get…

Ye Han looked at the map and said in a deep voice: “Mr. Lan Qing! We are very close to the medicine garden now. Let’s go over there and take a look!”

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