Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 498: Secret Method of Demonization

Seeing the Millennium Ironwood Sword released by Ye Han, Young Master Zhuge knew that Ye Han in front of him was the murderer he had been looking for to kill the Fourth Master!

Because this set of Millennium Ironwood Swords was the reward given by the Zhuge family to the Fourth Master for advancing to the Foundation Establishment Period.

The Black Mountain Cult Leader also told him that the Millennium Ironwood Sword had fallen into Ye Han's hands.

This damn bastard not only killed the Fourth Master and ruined his own business, but also cheated his storage bag from the pagoda. The space ring was almost mad.

However, he was more horrified. How could this guy appear here? Is a guy in the early stage of foundation building his opponent?

To say that he doesn't hate Ye Han! That's impossible!

This time, this bastard must be killed!

And take back the map and key of the treasure land.

He came to Tianlan in person to track down the other three keys, which were in the hands of the Fourth Master.

In the end, his map and key were also lost. Was it about to explode?

However, the treasures he has now are all newly acquired, and they can't exert any power!

This cunning bastard must be killed! As for how this guy got in? Is there any need to think about it? He must have used the Tianji token to enter the pagoda!

Damn it! It seems that I can only use that magic!

Thinking of this, Young Master Zhuge quickly made hand gestures with both hands, and the golden light and magic power surrounded his figure and surged out in a chain. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of golden spiritual light!

This golden blood essence was spit out by Young Master Zhuge, and turned into a little rune golden light, and drilled into Young Master Zhuge's body.

Young Master Zhuge grew taller and taller, and his exposed skin actually grew numerous golden scales. The nails on his hands kept creeping and growing longer, and horns began to grow on his head...

A savage aura burst out...

Mr. Lan Qing sent a voice message to Ye Han: "Boy! Be careful, this guy used the secret method of demonization!"

Ye Han's heart moved, knowing that this secret method of demonization is that the cultivator extracts the essence and blood of high-level monsters, and absorbs it through practicing secret methods, which can make the cultivator half-demon...

This storage bag of Young Master Zhuge was cheated away by me, and the treasures he often used were all in my hands.

Now although Young Master Zhuge has some treasures in his hands, in fact, they are only obtained during this period of time, from killing people and treasure hunting, and they have not been refined to a very deep level...

Without the treasures at hand, if it is only based on magic, he is definitely not his opponent.

That's why this young master Zhuge used this demonization secret method to fight with me...

The demonization secret method is not ordinary powerful, and it is very rare. Ye Han killed so many immortal cultivators and got so many storage bags of spoils, but he didn't find this secret method in the storage bag of an immortal cultivator...

However, any secret method cannot be generally divided into high and low. Only after the real fight can you know whether the secret method is powerful or not.

As young master Zhuge continued to make hand gestures and chant spells, circles of terrible mana burst out from his body, turning into a half-demonized appearance, and his body has grown more than ten feet tall...

His eyes were red, and the ripples of golden runes flowed in them, and circles of golden aura on his body burst out...

Ye Han's eyes moved, and he felt the terrible aura of this guy, which was even more terrifying than the aura of the late foundation-building immortal cultivator of the Black Mountain Sect that he had killed. This feeling of expansion and enlargement made him feel like he was facing Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan!

However, the power of Zhang Qingshan's seven-layer blood refining technique is even more terrifying...

"Kill!" Ye Han did not hesitate to pinch his fingers and chant the spell continuously. The thousand-year-old iron wood sword instantly burst out with a green sword light, which shook and burst out around the thousand-year-old iron wood sword.

As Ye Han pressed his finger heavily, the thousand-year-old iron wood sword turned into a sword light, which flew heavily towards the young master Zhuge...

Young master Zhuge's eyes burst out with an astonishing cold light, and he said angrily: "Looking for death!"

With his roar, his huge body rushed out fiercely, and the ground shook and exploded violently, shaking out a huge pit...

His body was like a terrible storm, rushing towards Ye Han, and his arm nails grabbed fiercely...

Clang clang clang! A series of sparks flew everywhere, and the sword lights of the thousand-year-old iron wood swords that bombarded him were constantly knocked out...

The spiritual weapon treasure of the thousand-year-old iron wood sword, together with the Qingxuan sword attack, could not actually blast open the body of the young master Zhuge!

His figure was like a terrible hurricane, and he grabbed Ye Han and slapped him. Wherever he passed, golden light burst out, and the air was torn into a terrible ripple storm.

Ye Han moved his feet, and his ghost steps transformed into three shadows of Ye Han, dodging the attack...

Boom! ! A terrible explosion, five terrible grooves were scratched on the ground, and the shadow that Ye Han transformed was torn into pieces at once, and the storm of destruction rushed forward frantically...

Bang! ! With a muffled explosion, Ye Han's figure vibrated in the air, and the light shield of the Creation Heaven on his body was instantly blasted into ripples and exploded...

"Don't even think about escaping!" Young Master Zhuge saw Ye Han's figure flashing to the side, his figure trembled, and golden light ripples exploded. His figure was like a golden hurricane, chasing Ye Han...

Although they only fought a few moves, Ye Han could see that this Young Master Zhuge's secret method of demonization was indeed very powerful, and the monster blood he used was definitely the medicine blood of the monster king above the fifth level...

The blood essence of such a monster is not something that a Foundation Establishment Stage person like Young Master Zhuge can get...

It can be seen that the Zhuge family and the sect behind Young Master Zhuge are powerful.

But what does it matter?

Ye Han looked at the figure of Young Master Zhuge rushing towards him, and his hands quickly pinched the seals, muttering something, and circles of golden light ripples burst out from his body...

Ye Han's body muscles instantly expanded and swelled up with circles of runes, and he also used the huge magical power of blood refining.

His body also expanded by ten feet, and a set of golden armor appeared on his body at the same time. The golden light in his hand trembled, and the Soul-Slaying Sword appeared in his hand.

Does this guy think he is afraid of his close-range attack? This is so naive! Although his blood refining skills were not as good as Zhang Qingshan's, he had also reached the peak of the fifth level...

Ye Han's body trembled, and he stepped on the ghost step. The golden sword burst out a golden sword light, and used the soul-chasing sword technique to blast out countless sword lights, killing Young Master Zhuge...

At the same time, his other hand kept pinching the seal, and his fingers kept tapping...

The thousand-year-old iron wood sword flew out, spinning in the air, bursting out a series of blue and black sword lights, and also killed Young Master Zhuge.

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