Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 506: The leader fights the monster

This three-faced demon hated the Black Mountain Cult Master and others. If it weren't for these guys besieging him, how could he be injured like this?

And now the magic-forbidden chains on his lower body have been taken off. Without the magic-forbidden chains, he is of course anxious to go out for revenge.

Outside the medicine garden.

The Black Mountain Cult Master released his magic power with an ugly face, and was releasing blood-red sword beams, madly attacking the medicine garden's restricted light shield...

The blood-red sword beams passed through the void and bombarded the medicine garden's restricted light shield, bombarding the light shield with terrible ripples...

Damn it, I don't know who instigated those foundation-building bastards, and they dared to besiege him. It took him a lot of magic power to get rid of them.

Otherwise, he could use these guys to let them break through the medicine garden's restrictions, and then it wouldn't be too late to kill them.

Now the spiritual energy of the whole treasure mountain is getting thinner and thinner, and the colorful spiritual light column on the top of the mountain is getting smaller and smaller!

The forbidden formation outside might also be broken. When the immortal cultivators outside come, there will be another bloody battle...

Although he is a Jindan-stage immortal cultivator, his mana is almost exhausted after this battle...

And Young Master Zhuge has been in the medicine garden for so long, and there is no movement. The monster has also entered. Although Young Master Zhuge is very amazing among the foundation-building immortal cultivators, he must have been killed...

The forbidden formation of this medicine garden is about to be broken. As long as he enters and obtains the natural materials and treasures inside, he does not need to go back to the Dafeng sect to atone for his sins. He can directly change his name and practice in anonymity in another place...

As long as he becomes a Yuanying-stage immortal cultivator and returns to the sect, he will be treated as an elder, and naturally he will not care about the things here...

Boom! Boom!

With this in mind, the blood sword light that the Black Mountain Cult Master blasted out, each time it blasted the forbidden light shield of the medicine garden, the light shield shook violently, and the light shield was looming, and some cracks appeared. It seemed that the medicine garden restriction was about to be blasted open!

At this moment.

Whoosh! A violent gust of wind whistled, and countless ripples of demonic energy surged and surged on the medicine garden. A huge black light vortex appeared in the medicine garden...

Whoosh! The three-faced demon came out of the vortex, and when he saw the Black Mountain Cult Master, he roared murderously: "Looking for death!"

The Black Mountain Cult Master did not expect that at this critical moment, the three-faced demon came out again, and it seemed that his breath had recovered a lot?

What does this mean?

Doesn't this mean that Young Master Zhuge has been killed by the three-faced demon? Otherwise, how could he come out?

And how did the three-faced demon recover from his injuries?

No matter! This guy's lower body is imprisoned by the magic chain, so it's not difficult to deal with him...

The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

Thinking of this, the Black Mountain leader quickly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and the evil magic power on his body burst out, and he pointed his finger...

Buzz! The blood light runes of his blood sword magic weapon roared and surged, bursting out a series of terrible blood light sword beams, spinning in the air, turning into a terrible blood light sword beam dozens of feet long, slashing towards the three-faced demon...

This blood light sword beam dozens of feet long is extremely powerful. Wherever it passes, the air is constantly rippling and trembling, but the speed is not very fast!

Because the Black Mountain leader knew that this damn monster was trapped by the magic chain and couldn't escape at all, he strengthened the power of this blood sword.

Prepare to make a final decision and kill this monster! Don't hinder yourself from snatching the natural and precious medicinal materials in the medicine garden...

However, a scene that the Black Mountain leader did not expect appeared.

The three-headed demon suddenly rushed out of the black light vortex. The lower half of his body, which should have been trapped by the magic-forbidden chains, was not locked by the chains at all, and he rushed out...

The lower half of the three-headed demon was a huge horse-like body with a slender tail. It might have been trapped by the magic-forbidden chains for too long, and there were still marks of chains on his muscles...

But the speed was not affected. The huge body rushed out a violent storm, and the long halberd and spear swung up a terrible black gas storm, smashing towards the Black Mountain Cult Leader fiercely...

What's going on? Where is this guy's magic-forbidden chains?

The Black Mountain Cult Leader opened his eyes in disbelief. Unexpectedly, the magic-forbidden chains on the three-faced demon were gone. He rushed over and dodged the attack of the blood-red sword light...

Bang! ! ! The huge blood-red sword light slashed across the sky and earth, and heavily bombarded the mountain wall, breaking the mountain wall into a terrible groove and crack, and countless rock fragments collapsed and shattered, opening a bottomless ravine...

But it did not hit the three-faced demon, and it also wasted a lot of magic power of the Black Mountain Cult Leader. After all, he wanted to fight quickly and didn't want to entangle with the three-faced demon. He killed this guy, took the elixir and left...

And the terrible long halberd and spear bombarded by the three-faced demon had already impacted him.

The Black Mountain Cult Leader's face changed, and he slapped his storage bag. A blood-red rune suddenly appeared, and a large shield covered with blood-red runes appeared in front of him...

Bang! ! A piercing roar broke out, the black blood gate kept rolling and impacting, a deafening storm rolled and impacted, and boundless storm ripples spread...

The blood rune shield on the Black Mountain leader was blown away at once, his clothes were shattered, and a piece of blood-red armor protected his whole body...

His figure rushed out like a meteor...

Puff! He opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of blood, he was seriously injured!

Damn it! The Black Mountain Cult Leader was full of regret. He did not expect that the magic-forbidden chains on the Three-Faced Demon were gone. He did not hit the Three-Faced Demon with one blow, but was hit instead. In a hurry, he was already seriously injured.

The Three-Faced Demon opened his mouth and chanted a mantra. The three faces had different expressions, and the mysterious mantras he chanted were also different...

As the Three-Faced Demon chanted the mantra, a terrifying demonic figure formed in the air, and three huge monster faces appeared around the Black Mountain Cult Leader who was blown away!

These three monster faces kept chanting a mysterious mantra, like thousands of sharp swords, surrounding the Black Mountain Cult Leader and rushing over...

Not good!

The Black Mountain Cult Leader's face changed drastically, and he quickly pinched the mantra and released four defensive treasures in succession, escape, mirror, clock, and card...

I saw these treasures being bombarded with countless black lights bursting and constantly breaking!

The three-faced demon stomped its four legs on the ground continuously, and the entire ground was shaking...

Boom boom boom!

A series of terrible roars and earth-shaking impacts came out, and one by one, the dark claws of the demon soared into the sky and continuously bombarded the Black Mountain Cult Leader...


The Black Mountain Cult Leader's face was pale. This damn three-faced demon was several times more difficult to deal with without the imprisonment of the magic chain...

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