Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 514 Transmission Token

Ye Han controlled the flying sword and flew down to a mountain range. The peaks of this mountain range were extremely high, and the snow never melted all year round. This mountain range was actually the same mountain range as the other mountain range in the south where he came to Shangling Land...

It was just that this side was closer to the north, colder, with stronger wind and snow, and abundant spiritual energy...

However, Ye Han had already scanned this area with his spiritual sense, and there were no monsters hiding in this place. If it could avoid his spiritual sense search, it would be at least a fifth-level monster of the demon king level...

Five-level monsters are not cabbages, and it is not so easy to encounter them. Besides, the ban on this treasure mountain has just been opened. Even if there is a demon king in this area, he would have gone to the treasure mountain over there to grab the opportunity.

Ye Han landed on the ice surface of a mountain top, and his magic power was running, like covering the ground...

He looked around and came to the edge of the mountain. There was a cliff in front of him, which was bottomless. He used the eye spirit technique to look and vaguely saw a large lake thousands of feet below...

He murmured to himself: "It's here! Mr. Lan Qing! You can't blame me! Take care of yourself!"

After that, the green bead ring on his finger trembled, and the rebirth gourd where Mr. Lan Qing was flew out...

He chanted something and cast a light shield to cover the rebirth gourd. With a finger, the rebirth gourd where Mr. Lan Qing was, along with Ye Han, flew down to the large lake on the cliff...

Then, Ye Han moved, released the flying sword, and flew into the sky...

Ye Han actually lost the rebirth gourd where Mr. Lan Qing was?

After dozens of breaths, Mr. Lan Qing roared from the lake below the cliff: "You bastard boy, you actually threw me into the water?! Damn it!!"

Then the gourd turned into a ray of spiritual light and flew out, but when it flew halfway up the mountain, the gourd turned into a ray of spiritual light again and returned to the lake.

"This bastard boy! I'll settle accounts with you later!"

As Mr. Lan Qing cursed, the rebirth gourd sank into the lake...


On the other side, Ye Han flew back to the wind-chasing boat with his flying sword, landed on it, and put his hand on the formation plate of the flying boat!

Boom! The flying boat burst into a burst of spiritual light, its wings trembled, and it rushed into the sky...

Seeing this scene, Fairy Qingfeng asked Ye Han curiously: "Junior Brother Ye! What happened?"

This kid went quickly and came back quickly, but as soon as he came back, he drove the flying boat away. What's going on?

Ye Han replied, "It's okay! We are not safe yet, so of course we have to go back quickly."

In fact, he had thought about Mr. Lan Qing along the way. He had no way to tell what level Mr. Lan Qing was in.

But Mr. Lan Qing's words about preparing to take over his body made him feel uneasy. He didn't know whether what he said was true or false.

And Ye Han was still quite afraid of Mr. Lan Qing. What if he was really a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage? Even if he didn't have a physical body now, it wouldn't be too difficult for him to kill him with just a Nascent Soul and Nascent Soul...

But he felt that staying by his side and letting Mr. Lan Qing guide him in his cultivation would do more harm than good.

Ye Han had too many secrets. If Mr. Lan Qing was really a Nascent Soul cultivator, with his knowledge and wisdom, how could he hide it from Mr. Lan Qing and not reveal those secrets on his body?

Most of the secrets were kept in mind by great cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage...

He would never let anyone else know that the Purple Cauldron and the Fantian Pagoda were treasures on him.

What's more, his friendship with Mr. Lan Qing is just that, not as good as Fairy Qingfeng and Senior Brother Zhang Lingjun, not to mention Zhang Qingshan!

So, Ye Han thought about it and decided that Mr. Lan Qing could not be brought along, and he should not take the risk to kill this guy. After all, there would be only danger and no benefit.

Mr. Lan Qing only had an injured Yuanying left, and he would not get any treasures if he killed him. On the contrary, he might be killed by him, and Mr. Lan Qing would legitimately take over his body. Naturally, he could not take such a risk.

So, Ye Han decided to throw away Mr. Lan Qing and the Rebirth Gourd. Didn't he say that the gourd could allow him to regenerate his body? Then let him be reborn.

On the other hand, if Mr. Lan Qing needed some natural treasures to be reborn, wouldn't he have to help him?

Are you kidding? I don't owe him anything, why should I help him?

So he decided to abandon Mr. Lan Qing...

As for when this guy will be reborn successfully, he has no control over it. Even if he succeeds, it will take hundreds of years...

After all, the Ice Refining Prince in the Burial Land spent so much time and failed to be reborn successfully. It is not that easy for Mr. Lan Qing.

And Fairy Qingfeng asked, so he naturally didn't need to explain so much.

Ye Han was driving the flying boat. Seeing that Fairy Qingfeng didn't ask any more questions, he remembered something and asked: "Senior Sister Qingfeng! You came to Shangling Land to find the legendary order of the ancient teleportation array, right? Did you find it?!"

Yes, when he first met Fairy Qingfeng, she told him about this...

In fact, Ye Han's decision to go back to save Fairy Qingfeng was also related to this matter. After all, no matter what, he still wanted to find the eldest brother and understand clearly whether he and the eldest brother were father and son!

If the treasure mountain is really a huge trap as Mr. Lan Qing said, if Fairy Qingfeng still stays in the treasure mountain, there will be only one way to go. After all, once the ban is broken, the treasure mountain will really appear in the world, and there will definitely be many Jindan stage cultivators who want to take the treasure mountain...

There are even Yuanying stage cultivators who will come in person. Fairy Qingfeng trapped in the Discipline Hall has no chance to survive.

After hearing Ye Han's question, Fairy Qingfeng patted the storage bag, and a white jade ring appeared in her hand, with a trace of mysterious runes on it.

She threw the jade token to Ye Han and said: "Junior Brother Ye! This is the teleportation token of the ancient teleportation array! I found it in that ancient land! At the same time, I also found the map of the treasure mountain and the Tianji token!"

Ye Han took it and played with it in his hand, feeling that this token was extraordinary.

He nodded and said, "With the teleportation token, when we go back and ask Yulan to help us repair the teleportation array, we can go there to find the senior brother!"

As he said this, his face looked a little strange...

However, Fairy Qingfeng hesitated for a moment before saying, "Junior Brother Ye! I probably can't go to the ancient teleportation array!"

As she said this, she pointed at the token and said, "Junior Brother, keep the token, and go and take a look when the time comes!"

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and asked, "Senior Sister Qingfeng, what do you mean?"

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