Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 517: Experience

"Everyone! Demons have their own weaknesses, and cultivators have their own weaknesses. What they all do is learn from each other's strengths, give full play to their own strengths, and cover up their own weaknesses!"

"Then Senior Brother Bai Xue! You said that demons have weaknesses. What are those weaknesses?"

"Monsters are most afraid of thunder tribulations and thunder spells, followed by fire spells, and speed training is more difficult!"

"Oh I got it!"

Ye Han saw that Bai Xue was actually called senior by those disciples, but he really didn't know what these people were thinking, that he was actually friends with a monster?

And this Bai Xue also taught them about the shortcomings of monsters? Is this a self-destructive weakness?

Is this guy's brain broken?

Ye Han fell on the cliff, and Bai Xue, the old man, was the first to react, jumped up, and shouted: "Master! Are you back? Suddenly I miss you! One day without seeing you is like three autumns! This is all So long!"

The disciples were all surprised when they saw Ye Han, and they bowed to Ye Han respectfully: "Disciple, see Master Ye!"

These disciples are all inner disciples of Qixuan Peak, and their cultivation is below the level of Establishment. Naturally, when they see Ye Han, they call him uncle!

"No more courtesy!" Ye Han raised his hand and said.

After saying that, he patted the storage bag and flew a magic weapon towards each person and said: "This is our first meeting, you can play with these magic weapons!"

Those disciples took it over in surprise. They didn't expect that just by meeting the legendary Uncle Ye Han, who was extremely talented, he would be rewarded with a magic weapon, and each one was a reward for the five elements of magic suitable for his practice.

Isn’t this Master Ye Han too good? Too rich? It’s just a magic weapon!

So, these disciples respectfully saluted Ye Han one by one: "Thank you, uncle!"

When they looked up, they found that Ye Han had disappeared. The door of the cave opened and he walked in...

And Senior Brother Bai Xue followed behind and said: "Master! Where is mine! Where is mine?"

Ye Han casually threw a storage bag to Bai Xue and said, "Take it! Take good care of the cave! Don't cause trouble for me!"

"Yes! Master!" Bai Xue gave up...

Ye Han didn't show off anything, but he got too many of these things this time. He couldn't use these low-level magic weapons at all, and he couldn't sell a few spirit stones if he sold them. He might as well refine them. Disciples in the Qi stage, let them have a treasure to protect themselves, and gain some upper hand in the competition with disciples from other mountains...

However, Bai Xue saw those disciples' excited and uncontrollable expressions, and said with a complacent expression: "Did I say it? Master Ye Han, he is the most generous person in Qingxuan Sect. You must respect him in the future. Your Senior Brother Bai Xue!”

Those disciples flattered each other one after another.

"Yes, yes! Senior Brother Bai Xue is really amazing!"

"If it weren't for Senior Brother Bai Xue's guidance, I wouldn't have broken through the bottleneck yet!"

"Senior Uncle Ye Han is really amazing. Senior Brother Bai Xue is really awesome following him!"

"Senior Brother Bai Xue, I will definitely bring you more good things next time!"


Regardless of what Bai Xue said to those disciples, Ye Han returned to Qingxuanmen and his cave, which made him feel safe.

This sense of security made Ye Han feel emotional. Gradually, he regarded Qingxuanmen as his place of settlement, and his destiny was also connected with Qingxuanmen...

It's no wonder that some disciples are willing to sacrifice everything for the sect.

However, he felt for a moment that he couldn't relax at all, and he couldn't really sacrifice for the sect.

This feeling of comfort is really undesirable.

What he pursues is immortality and immortality, not the Baoshan Guards...

However, this time, it was really dangerous for him to go to the Land of the Tombs. He found that every time he went down the mountain, it was also so dangerous, but his state of mind was different from before.

Being able to escape from the golden elixir stage immortal cultivators this time gave Ye Han enough confidence in himself. What if he faces various dangers in the future? How can a cultivator of immortality have a real place to settle down?

As long as you continue to practice and challenge yourself, and have enough means and wisdom to deal with dangers, so what if there are more dangers?

He spent time studying and practicing the spells, talismans, formations, and puppets, all of which played a big role.

It is precisely because of so much time of research and practice that I have the ability to protect myself.

This time, I was able to come back from Baoshan in the Land of Shangling. All my hard work played a great role. If I didn't have so many preparations, how could I come back just by luck?

Those are idiotic things. For example, to deal with the three-eyed Suzaku, if it weren't for the formation he studied, he used the trapped dragon formation to trap the three-eyed Suzaku. With the help of the formation talismans and puppets, he could deal with it so easily. Three-eyed Suzaku.

If the damn man in gray from the Qianshan Sect hadn't caused trouble, he would have been killed more easily...

Throughout the entire process of Baoshan, his talisman and trapped dragon formation also played a big role...

It is the role of these miscellaneous heretics that gives him more room for survival.

Immortal cultivators pursue not only cultivation, but also means to constantly deal with various dangers, such as talismans, formations, puppets, immortal magic, treasures, etc...

So Ye Han was not in a hurry to count the storage bags he got from Baoshan. Instead, he took out his notebook and began to write down his experiences during the adventure, summarizing some shortcomings and areas that were not handled well enough...

For example, he felt that he should not reveal his true identity to Fairy Qingfeng too early, should not let Mr. Lanqing know that he was Ye Han, should keep a more mysterious method, should not easily believe that the demons like the Three-Faced Demon would really cooperate with him...

After writing down this summary, Ye Han felt that he had gained a lot, and then he began to count the spoils he had obtained...

This harvest was really invincible, there were hundreds of spiritual artifact-level treasures alone, more than 30 ancient treasures, and more than 300 magic tools...

Of course, the most precious thing was that the black gold dragon beard grass and Qiongyu Spirit Liquid obtained from the medicine garden were really treasures.

Now his purple tripod space has expanded to a radius of about 20 feet, with a pool of Qiongyu Spirit Liquid in the middle and a circle of black gold dragon beard grass around it. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth now emitted is more than ten times that of the past. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth generated in one hour is actually equivalent to a medium-grade Qi Refining Pill.

Even if Ye Han doesn't need to use the Purple Cauldron to restore his mana now, and doesn't need to meditate and practice, the spiritual energy of the Purple Cauldron space can allow Ye Han to consume all his mana and fully restore it within three days.

However, soon news came from Shangling, which made Ye Han understand what Mr. Lan Qing said to him that day, that the treasure mountain was a trap...

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