Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 524 Chasing Ye Han

Damn it, Jin Feng is there too!

Yes, Ye Han saw that among the people chasing him, besides Wang Fa, there was also Jiang Ning, and Jin Feng from Qixuan Peak was also among them.

This guy vowed to cancel the matter with him, but now he is colluding with Wang Fa to deal with him?

However, although this was unexpected, Ye Han didn't care. Fortunately, he didn't go to any dangerous place with Jin Feng to hunt for treasure or opportunities, otherwise he wouldn't even know about it if he sold it.

On the other hand, there are two middle-aged monks whom Ye Han doesn't know. They are the fastest. These two guys don't know each other, but their cultivation levels are both in the middle stage of foundation building...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han calculated in his mind that among so many people, the most difficult one to deal with must be the leader of Black Mountain.

If the leader of Black Mountain was in Qingniu Village before, why didn't this guy find him before?

Because with the cultivation level of the Golden Core Stage, Ye Han had just appeared in the sky above Qingniu Village. This Golden Core Stage monk’s spiritual consciousness was so powerful that he should have discovered him...

There can only be two reasons for not being able to discover him. One is that the spiritual consciousness of the Black Mountain leader has not spread too far, but this is impossible. When he has reached the golden elixir stage, he must be vigilant at all times, and his spiritual consciousness will naturally spread. External.

What's more, the leader of Black Mountain teamed up with Wang Fa and others to ambush him. How could he not observe his surroundings with his spiritual consciousness?

Then there is only one other reason, and that is that the leader of Black Mountain was severely hit, and his consciousness was also hit hard.

When he was in Baoshan, when the Black Mountain leader fought against the three-faced demon, that black light beam shocked Ye Han who was more than ten miles away.

At that time, Ye Han thought that the leader of Black Mountain died somewhere, but it seemed that he was still alive. Now it seems that he was obviously very seriously injured.

This guy has been recuperating for several months, but has not recovered. This old guy's cultivation level may only be one-third of its original level. No wonder his spiritual consciousness cannot detect his arrival!

Now is the best chance to kill this bastard!

Thinking like this, Ye Han patted the storage bag, and a blood-red forbidden blood pill appeared in his hand. The magic power wrapped the forbidden blood pill, and he put it in his mouth. It might be useful.

This Blood Forbidden Pill is also Ye Han's trophy. It can burn the longevity blood of the cultivation base in a short period of time and burst out the cultivation base. Although it only lasts for a quarter of an hour, the burst of cultivation base is twice that of Ye Han himself.

This opportunity to kill the Black Mountain leader is very rare, take advantage of his illness! Kill him!

at this time.

The Black Mountain leader chased Ye Han in front of him wildly and quickly. Looking at Ye Han's back, his eyes were full of excitement.

Damn, I finally found this guy again!

This time at Baoshan in the Land of Shangling, he really suffered a huge loss. All his men were killed. During the fight with the Three-faced Demon, this guy suddenly self-destructed. Not to mention he was almost killed by the medicine. There is nothing in the garden...

He originally thought that Young Master Zhuge had snatched all the treasures inside, but after finally escaping back, he received news from the Zhuge family in Dafeng, asking why Young Master Zhuge had fallen? !

Young Master Zhuge is dead? He also thought that if the young master really got the treasures of the medicine garden, even if he didn't know how much, he would be able to say something good for himself and wipe out the losses caused by chasing Ye Han.

After all, he didn't want to hide around.

When the Black Mountain leader knew about this, he didn't dare to reply. He immediately abandoned the mountain gate and found a place to hide and practice healing.

However, he did not let Ye Han go easily. He simply spread rumors that Ye Han had obtained many treasure opportunities in the Baoshan Mountain in the Land of Shanngling, which made this guy unable to practice with peace of mind.

However, after he had been recovering from his injuries for a while, he found that his injuries were too serious. Without enough recovery pills to heal his injuries, it would definitely be difficult for him to recover.

So, he set his sights on Ye Han again, and he happened to know that the person who sent him the news last time was Wang Fa, the grandson of the fifth elder of Qingxuan Sect.

He contacted Wang Fa, discussed with Wang Fa, and persuaded Wang Fa to deal with Ye Han with him.

He was deeply hurt now, and his cultivation was not as good as before. Of course he did not dare to let Wang Fa call the fifth elder, using the excuse that if there were more fifth elders and killed Ye Han, wouldn't the opportunity be given to the fifth elder?

Wang Fa also wanted to get the opportunity from Ye Han, so they hit it off and invited other familiar disciples to deal with Ye Han.

Wang Fa asked people to spread the rumor that Ye Han had obtained a treasure in the Shangling Land, forcing Ye Han to practice in the mountain without peace of mind.

On the other hand, they sent people to investigate Ye Han's true origin, and found out that Ye Han was born in Qingniu Village.

And it was discovered that Ye Han had visited Qingniu Village once.

This time, it was discovered that Ye Han had exchanged a large amount of elixirs and looked like he was about to go out...

So I laid an ambush here in advance and found this kid's traces.

However, while chasing Ye Han like this, the Black Mountain leader's eyes flashed with doubts. Although this guy was fast, his movements were a bit weird, even though his breath was Ye Han's breath...

But doesn’t this kid know the thunder escape technique? Why don't you see him perform it?

There may be some fraud! Thinking like this, although the leader of the Black Mountain chase was very fast, he deliberately slowed down to avoid being fooled by this kid.

This abominable Ye Han is not ordinary cunning. He does not look like a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage. Given time, when he succeeds in his cultivation, he will be in the Golden Core Stage that is difficult to deal with...

Let Wang Fa's people test it out.

Wang Fa and others chased after Ye Han, each with excitement in their eyes. They all knew that when this damn Ye Han first joined Qingxuan Sect, he was still a mortal.

In just five or six years, he actually became a famous foundation-building cultivator in Tianlan...

He also escaped from a treasure mountain where Jindan-stage cultivators and fifth-level demon kings were, it would be strange if he didn't have a chance and a lot of natural treasures!

They were all cultivators who had practiced for many years, and knew that even a cultivator with extremely good natural spiritual roots could not advance to the foundation-building stage within ten years with normal practice and continuous resources...

This Ye Han advanced to the foundation-building stage in such a short time, and his magical powers were extraordinary and his treasures were powerful. How could he not have such an opportunity?

He would never miss such a chance to snatch the opportunity.

Seeing the pursuit getting closer and closer, the two middle-aged monks looked at each other, tapped their fingers, and released eight flying swords, the sword light was sharp and suffocating, chasing after Ye Han's back...

Ye Han's hands trembled, two long swords appeared in his hands, and he waved them casually to release the sword light...

Clang clang clang!

A series of sparks flew, the sword light exploded, and all the flying sword lights were knocked away...

"This kid is really powerful!" Wang Fa said in surprise.

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