Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 527 Big Trouble

The breath that could make a Jindan-stage cultivator feel the danger was definitely not an ordinary spell attack!

Boom! The Black Mountain Cult Leader reacted very quickly, blood light burst out of his body, and he disappeared instantly.

The moment the Black Mountain Cult Leader disappeared!

Boom!!! A purple-gold electric light burst out from the air and hit down. This lightning was extremely thick and hit the air...

A terrifying purple-gold lightning of dozens of feet in size exploded in the air, and it continued to suffocate in the air...

Although the Black Mountain Cult Leader avoided this terrifying purple-gold lightning, his tomb treasure was surrounded by purple-gold lightning...

A crackling purple-gold arc of electricity continued to explode and surround. On this tomb treasure, a chain of shocking explosions continued, blood light and black air exploded, and the blood light hand composed of skulls continued to explode and disintegrate...

Huff! Blood light burst and suffocated, and the figure of the Black Mountain Cult Leader flashed out, and blood light ripples surrounded his body...

Puff! His face turned pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it! What on earth is this purple-gold lightning? How did it damage the ancient treasure in his tomb?

Even if thunder spells are the nemesis of evil spirits, it is impossible to damage your treasure like this!

What on earth is the purple-gold lightning?

Damn it! Could it be the legendary demon-breaking thunder?

This Ye Han actually has the demon-breaking thunder? This guy must not be let go!

The Black Mountain Cult Leader thought so, and was about to release the treasure, but suddenly felt very bad...

At this time, Ye Han shouted angrily in the mist: "Start!"

Above the head of the Black Mountain Cult Leader, circles of spiritual energy suddenly fluctuated and ripples appeared, and a series of formation flags flashed out...

Whoosh! The storm surged, and the sky and the earth were surrounded by clouds and mist...

Not good! The face of the Black Mountain Cult leader changed. Just now, in order to avoid the terrible purple-gold Devil-breaking Divine Thunder, he used the teleportation magic to avoid this Devil-breaking Divine Thunder...

But his figure was close to the edge of the fog and suddenly fell into the range of the small Mitian formation...

When Ye Han activated the small Mitian formation, he only activated the twelve formation flags on the ground to trap Wang Fa, Jin Feng and others...

Because the Black Mountain Cult leader was in the air, he remained alert and was not in the range of the formation...

Ye Han appeared in person just to lead the damn Black Mountain Cult leader to the sky above the small Mitian formation...

The Black Mountain Cult leader thought that Ye Han was just provoking him to enter the formation, but he didn't know that Ye Han had already calculated it and activated the Five Elements Ancient Treasure Formation, blasting out a purple-gold electric light for the Black Mountain Cult leader to dodge...

The Black Mountain Cult leader only knew to avoid the half of the range of the already activated small Mitian formation...

But he didn't know that the formation flag of the small Mitian formation hidden in the air by Ye Han had not been activated...

With Ye Han's roar.

The mist in the air kept surging, and the Black Mountain Cult Leader was about to be submerged...

Damn it! This damn bastard! Want to plot against me? !

The Black Mountain Cult Leader was so angry that his face turned green. Without thinking, the black blood on his body trembled, and his figure soared into the sky...

He couldn't see through this formation at all. It was definitely not a dragon-trapping formation, a big dragon-trapping formation...

If he was trapped in it, he would be very passive!

If he still had all his magic power, he wouldn't be afraid of this formation and Ye Han, a foundation-building cultivator.

It's just that he is now seriously injured, and the cultivation that can burst out is only one-third...

Unless he uses his magical powers at all costs, otherwise it will be very difficult.

Damn it! Damn it! What's wrong with me? Staying in the hands of this terrible kid again and again? Letting this terrible kid grow up is really terrible.


Boom! As the Black Mountain Cult leader started moving, circles of purple-gold lightning suddenly roared and trembled above his head...

The Sky Thunder Drum appeared above his head, followed by the Yinshui Qiankun Bag, Dinglong Bracelet, Zhenhuo Gourd, and Houtu Tieshan!

These five treasures emitted brilliant light, and runes swirled around them!

The drumstick of the Sky Thunder Drum whistled and hit the top of the Sky Thunder Drum!

Boom! ! With a thunderous roar, the Sky Thunder Drum vibrated out a circle of terrifying purple-gold lightning and exploded!

A huge purple-gold demon-breaking thunder exploded, and the whole air vibrated out, and circles of terrifying storms.

The purple-gold demon-breaking thunder instantly hit his head!

Damn it!

The Black Mountain Cult leader felt a breath that frightened him, and he opened his mouth and spit it out!

Buzz! ! A circle of gray light ripples burst out, and a tombstone treasure flew out. It grew with the wind and became dozens of feet large, like a huge wall, blocking the head of the Black Mountain Cult Master...

Boom! ! ! ! The huge demon-breaking divine thunder bombarded the tombstone treasure!

The purple-gold electric light bombarded it, and countless electric lights splashed. The tombstone trembled violently and rushed towards the head of the Black Mountain Cult Master...

But the Black Mountain Cult Master quickly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and a circle of terrible blood-light black gas burst out, surging towards the tombstone treasure...

Buzz! A blood-light rune on the tombstone treasure vibrated out, surrounding the tombstone treasure, and forcibly resisted the bombardment of this demon-breaking divine thunder!

But the purple-gold electric arc on the tombstone treasure kept flashing and surging, and the gray blood-light rune twisted and exploded...

Puff! The Black Mountain Cult Master was injured in the mind, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, his face pale...

Although the tombstone treasure blocked the attack of the Demon-Breaking Thunder! But the Demon-Breaking Thunder is the nemesis of evil spirits.

The tombstone treasure of the Black Mountain Cult Master is a very powerful evil ancient treasure, which happened to be restrained...

Although the damn Ye Han's magic power is far inferior to his.

However, this time, this guy was well prepared, and the power released by the five treasures together actually hurt his mind!

Of course, if the Black Mountain Cult Master's magic power was not damaged at all, how could he be injured with his Jindan stage cultivation?

Damn it! How could this Ye Han have so many means?

The Black Mountain Cult Master's face was black!

What's more hateful is that because of the bombardment of this terrifying Demon-Breaking Thunder, his figure that wanted to escape was blocked for a while.

Whoosh! The clouds and mist continued to surge and vibrate, and the figure of the Black Mountain Cult Master was also trapped in the small Mitian formation!

The Black Mountain Cult Leader watched the clouds and mists rolling around him, and he was trapped in a terrifying world, with countless huge figures appearing around him...

Damn it! This is a big trouble.

The Black Mountain Cult Leader thought gloomily, his fingers quickly pinched the seal, and his magic power surged wildly...

The tomb treasure turned into a bloody cloud and mist to surround his figure, and the tombstone treasure also blocked in front of him...

Damn it! This damn Ye Han overestimated his own ability and wanted to kill his golden elixir?

Dream on!

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