Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 538 Strengthening the Ice Lotus Puppet

The furnace that Ye Han is using now to refine the arm of the Ice Lotus Puppet is the furnace that Ye Han took away from the lair of the Ice Refining Prince at the beginning of the year.

Originally, Ye Han didn't know what this furnace was called. Later, after looking at some drawings of the Ice Refining Prince's puppets and the Absolute Cold Sword, he knew that this furnace was not an ordinary furnace. It was called the Ice and Fire Refining Furnace, which was specially built for refining the Absolute Cold Sword.

In fact, it was transformed from an ancient treasure for refining. It has a very good effect when used to refine treasures. It can also be used to refine puppet materials and puppets.

At that time, Ye Han emptied the lair of the Ice Refining Prince, so the Ice and Fire Refining Furnace naturally could not escape his palm.

Now it is taken out again, just right to strengthen the Ice Lotus Puppet.

Speaking of the Ice and Fire Refining Furnace, we have to mention the Absolute Cold Sword.

Although Ye Han's cultivation base was constantly improving, he had no way to control the Absolute Cold Sword. If he used it again, he would not be so severely backlashed, and he could only hold on for half a breath longer. This showed how cold the Absolute Cold Sword was.

However, Ye Han kept searching for books in the library, and also looked at a lot of treasure illustrations, but none of them had such amazing cold treasures as the Absolute Cold Sword...

However, it was not completely fruitless. According to Ye Han's own summary, if he wanted to fully control the Absolute Cold Sword, one had to reach a sufficiently amazing level of cultivation base, so that he would not be afraid of the backlash of the cold air of the Absolute Cold Sword.

The other was to find a technique that matched the cold air of the Absolute Cold Sword, and blend with the breath of the Absolute Cold Sword, so that he would not be afraid of the backlash of the Absolute Cold Sword.

However, Ye Han estimated that the so-called cultivation base that could resist the backlash of the Absolute Cold Sword was at least a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage.

That was a legendary figure, so when would it be?

Even if Ye Han had a heaven-defying cultivation treasure like the Purple Cauldron, it would be impossible for him to become a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage within a hundred years...

The more reliable way is to find a technique that matches the Absolute Cold Sword, and after fusing and refining the Absolute Cold Sword, he can control the Absolute Cold Sword.

But such a technique must be the best water or ice technique, and he is definitely not able to practice it now.

It is more reliable than practicing to the Nascent Soul stage.

And what Ye Han is controlling in the treasure refining furnace is the materials for strengthening the Ice Lotus Puppet. These materials are the materials of heaven and earth treasures that Ye Han decomposed and refined hundreds of magic tools and spiritual tools.

There are hundreds of materials for this material alone, which incorporates materials such as black gold, cold iron, and ten thousand year old spiritual wood...

As Ye Han's consciousness drove, the arms of the Ice Lotus Puppet in the Ice and Fire Refining Furnace began to be disassembled continuously. It was just one arm, but there were hundreds of accessories, engraved with many mysterious runes, which gave these accessories the defense of formation runes...

When Ye Han disassembled the puppets in the Burial Land for the first time, he felt like he had opened up a new world and immersed himself in it. The runes on those puppets were really amazing. It was the first time he saw that formation runes could be used in this way.

However, at that time, his cultivation of the formation was limited, and he could not really use these runes to refine puppets...

Let alone refining puppets, Ye Han could not even repair those damaged puppets.

Only the Ice Lotus Puppet had no damage, and he just found the drawings left by the Ice Refining Prince and made the Ice Lotus Puppet obey his orders.

After he prepared to strengthen the Ice Lotus Puppet, he tried to repair the spear puppets he had brought back from the Immortal Burial Land.

The combat power of each of those guys was no less than that of an ordinary cultivator who had reached the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Stage. If they were repaired and strengthened, they might reach the level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

If these guys were to form a joint formation, their combat power would be very amazing.

However, all of this would require a lot of time to study.

In fact, Ye Han believed that although the life span of an immortal cultivator was very long, it would still be very time-consuming to study every miscellaneous Taoist discipline.

This was because he had the Purple Cauldron to reduce the time he spent meditating and cultivating his magic power. Otherwise, how could he have the time to study and practice these miscellaneous disciplines.

Of course, practice has proved that the deeper one learns these miscellaneous knowledge, the more powerful it is, allowing him to defeat the strong with the weak and gain the advantage in the battle...

With the driving of Ye Han's spiritual consciousness, the materials in the treasure refining furnace kept flying out, replacing or melting on the arm of the ice lotus puppet in the ice and fire refining furnace...

Bone and flesh, with the fusion and replacement of materials, the arm of the ice lotus puppet has a brand new look, and the breath emitted by the arm alone is no less than that of a top-grade spiritual weapon.

If the whole thing is strengthened, it may be more powerful than Ye Han expected.

Looking at this arm of the ice lotus puppet, Ye Han was full of joy and installed it on the body of the ice lotus puppet...

Now both arms of the ice lotus puppet have been strengthened.

Ye Han was about to dismantle the thigh of the ice lotus puppet for refining.


Buzz! There was a sudden vibration in the cave.

What happened? Ye Han frowned, and his consciousness swept outside the cave...

On the barren mountain outside the cave, there was a monster the size of a small mountain, with black scales all over its body, slender limbs with sharp claws, a head like a big mouse, big ears, and two big buck teeth...

"Tsk! A fourth-order mid-stage pangolin monster?" Seeing the appearance of the monster, Ye Han showed surprise...

This pangolin monster is already very rare in the Tianlan area, and he actually encountered one?

And there were several blood holes on the body of the pangolin monster, which seemed to be injured by someone. It might have accidentally rushed into his small Mitian formation in order to escape.

The blood and two big teeth of the pangolin monster are good materials for refining treasures...

Since Ye Han encountered it, he would not let it go.

The pangolin monster rushed left and right in the small Mitian formation, and the fog kept rolling.

Ye Han did not intend to take action himself. With a move of his consciousness, he ordered the ice lotus puppet beside him to take action...

Buzz! The ice lotus puppet's eyes flashed blue light, and its body moved, and it flew out of the cave...

After leaving the cave, the ice lotus puppet held two golden swords, bursting out with brilliant golden light, and killed the pangolin monster.

Clang clang! The Panic Armor Monster fought with the Ice Lotus Puppet. The golden sword in the Ice Lotus Puppet's hand continuously slashed out amazing sword ripples, and each sword cut through a part of the Panic Armor Monster's scale armor...

In the end, the Ice Lotus Puppet chopped off its head with two swords, and blood splattered all over the ground...

Ye Han was very satisfied with this. The two swords of the Ice Lotus Puppet were also strengthened again. With the strengthening of the two arms, the power of the power surged a lot, and the power of the swordsmanship also increased...

However, the Ice Lotus Puppet had just killed the Panic Armor Monster.

Three figures came running from a distance. Seeing the fallen Panic Armor Monster, one of them shouted: "Over there?"

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