Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 547 Meddlesome

Ye Han flew in a flying boat all the way, his consciousness did not relax his vigilance, and kept sensing the extreme range. If he encountered any monsters, the immortal cultivators would avoid them in advance...

As I flew through this area, I suddenly felt two familiar scents...

Ye Han has been in this northern Luzhou continent for several years. He has met only a handful of immortal cultivators, and he has only met one female immortal cultivator...

That was the first cave that Ye Han set up near the Black Demonic Mountain. The injured Kaishanjia monster broke in and met the three immortal cultivators of the Qingxuan Sect...

It turned out to be two of the three Qingxuan Sect cultivators that I met that time, the young monk and the female monk.

Things were not going right between the two of them now. Although Ye Han didn't want to meddle in other people's business, what happened had overturned his impression of the two of them...

In a hidden cave in this spiritual mountain.

The beautiful female monk of Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty was entangled with a dark rope, and her eyebrows were raised and she cursed angrily: "Wang Sanlei, I really misjudged you! Let me go, or...!"

She cursed angrily and struggled, but her magic power was trapped by the dark rope...

Young monk Wang Sanlei's face has long lost the humble look in the past. He stared at the female monk's beautiful body with a lustful look on his face and said: "Hey! Junior sister! Do you think you are still the daughter of the sect leader? Are you dreaming? Or are you? Be obedient and become Taoist companions with your senior brother..."

"Oh! No! You are not qualified to be my Taoist companion now, you can only be my apprentice!"

As Wang Sanlei spoke, he moved his hands towards the female immortal cultivator on the ground...

The female cultivator was struggling and yelling angrily: "Wang Sanlei! You bastard! Do you dare to touch me again?! My father... will not let you go...!"

Before the female immortal cultivator could finish speaking, Wang Sanlei raised his hand and slapped the female immortal cultivator on the face, scolding angrily: "Bitch! You are so shameless. I tell you, I opened the Qingxuan Sect's forbidden formation. Yes, your father and you both regard me as a fool...! I will...!"

Wang Sanlei cursed angrily, and suddenly felt something. His face changed drastically, he turned around and shouted: "Who?!"

While speaking, a protective shield appeared on his body, and four flying swords were released to surround his figure...

I saw a man wearing a red mask standing there at the entrance of the cave not far from him...

Ye Han originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but Wang Sanlei completely overturned his impression of this guy. What he did was really disgusting...

He remembered that when he first met Wang Sanlei, he was very doting on the female immortal cultivator. Unfortunately, Luohua was ruthless and the female immortal cultivator didn't like this person at all...

At the beginning, Ye Han thought that Wang Sanlei was quite talented, but he was addicted to women...

But now I see this guy using some unknown means to force himself on the so-called sect leader's daughter...

This Wang Sanlei looked honest and courteous, but in the end he harmed the sect? The guy who also attacked the sect leader's daughter?

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance...

Ye Han never expected that this Wang Sanlei was completely different from his previous judgment...

Although Ye Han was not very optimistic about this woman, when he was about to leave, the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled. One of the two people actually had something that interested Ziding. .

Therefore, Ye Han had to mind his own business.

He glanced at the two people indifferently and found that what Ziding was interested in should be the female immortal cultivator, so he said lightly: "You two are so interested! I'm really sorry to bother you two!"

Wang Sanlei listened to Ye Han's strange words, his face turned red and white, but he couldn't feel the other person's level of cultivation. He held back his anger and said: "Fellow Taoist! This matter is my Qingxuan Sect's private matter, you don't want to Take care..."

While he was speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, and his magic power exploded...

A green rune exploded at Ye Han's feet, and a huge rattan hand wrapped around Ye Han's feet...

At the same time, Wang Sanlei made a seal with his hands, and the four long swords circling on his body burst out with a sharp and suffocating green light, slashing towards Ye Han...

This guy didn't even finish his words, he took action directly, preparing to catch Ye Han off guard...


Whoops! The moment he spoke and started to move, Ye Han moved with lightning speed...

Mana surged from his body, and he took a step forward, using ghost steps. His body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Wang Sanlei...

Wang Sanlei's sneak attack with the canes could only entangle Ye Han's afterimage.

Facing the flying sword light, Ye Han flinched out of the soul-cutting sword in his hand, and swung the golden light of the soul-cutting sword to cut out countless soul-chasing sword lights...

Clang, clang, clang! A series of sparks flew everywhere, the mana sword energy exploded violently, and the flying green sword light was instantly crushed to pieces by the soul-chasing sword light released by Ye Han, and the flying sword was also knocked away...

Wang Sanlei felt his heart trembling. He slapped the storage bag violently, and a copper bell treasure flew out. He knocked the copper bell treasure hard...

Bang! ! !

A piercing and earth-shaking bell rang, and the copper bell shook out. Circles of terrifying golden light and sonic booms surged out. The entire cave shook violently, and rocks and soil fell crashing down...

Ye Han's figure shook a bit, and he clenched his fist, and the bright golden light burst out, a circle of terrifying golden light burst out, and he punched out with a heavy punch...

Bang! A golden fist force of more than ten feet in size was blasted out from the fist, and it blasted towards the golden sonic boom...

Bang! A terrible storm shook, and the golden sonic boom was dented by the fist force, and hit the bronze bell treasure...

The bronze bell treasure was instantly knocked out...

Puff! Wang Sanlei was severely injured, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his body hit the mountain wall...

Gritting his teeth, the blood runes on Wang Sanlei's body burst out, and he drilled out of the mountain wall...


Puff! A sword light rushed out from the mountain wall and directly pierced through Wang Sanlei's body...

Wang Sanlei looked at the sword light in front of him with an unbelievable face, and the ice lotus puppet drilled out of the mountain wall...

He reacted and remembered, with an unwilling face, and shouted: "You... it's you...!"

Before he finished speaking, a fiery red flame burst out from under his feet.

The True Fire Gourd spurted out a column of fire, which surrounded Wang Sanlei's body and burned his body to ashes in an instant...

The speed of the two fighting was so fast that the winner was decided in three or four breaths.

The female cultivator on the ground saw Wang Sanlei being burned to ashes and the Ice Lotus Puppet, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Senior! It's you!"

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