Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 55 The Two Evils of Qinshan

Watching the long-armed monkey monster fall down, Zhang Sanlei and the other two looked at each other with a hint of satisfaction, and seemed very satisfied with the result of the three people's joint efforts.

Then Zhang Sanlei looked at Ye Han who was stunned on the side, and said with a hint of disdain: "How is it? Are you scared? Brother Ye! This is just an ordinary monster."

When Ye Han looked at them, he pretended to be very scared. In fact, he didn't know why, and he didn't feel scared.

Because he had seen the terrifying monster in the cave that was as big as a hill. That guy was scary. Just the terrifying size alone made people tremble in their calves...

But in front of them, he had to pretend to be scared so that they would be less guarded against him.

After hearing this, Ye Han swallowed his saliva and said in a frightened manner: "Brother Zhang, this is a monster, it's really scary! If I come alone, I can't be the opponent of this guy."

Zhang Sanlei laughed and said: "Don't worry, we are here! These monsters won't hurt you."

Ye Han also flattered him and said: "The three brothers have great magical powers. They released a flying sword, which is so powerful. I feel much more at ease. I won't suffer any loss if I follow you."

He said this to make the three people less wary of him, otherwise his plan with Zhang Qingshan would be difficult to implement.

While talking, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai had already stepped forward, took out the dagger, and dissected the body of the long-armed monkey monster, cutting off his flesh and blood, and not even leaving his bones...

Ye Han saw this situation and understood that this monster has lived in a place with extremely abundant spiritual energy for a long time, and has eaten spiritual herbs and medicines of natural materials and treasures. Its whole body is a treasure...

For example, the essence and blood of the monster is one of the main materials used to draw talismans.

Monster meat is rich in nutrients. If a cultivator eats it for a long time, it will greatly help the body become stronger.

Grinding his bones into powder and adding them to the smelting of magic tools can enhance the power of magic tools...

And the fur can be made into defensive armor or talisman paper for refining talismans...

In short, monsters are an important source of cultivation resources for cultivators, but killing monsters is also extremely dangerous, in addition to the danger of hunting monsters.

What's more troublesome is that you may encounter cultivators with ulterior motives at any time, killing people to rob treasures, and snatching your spoils. This is an extremely normal thing and can be seen at any time in the world of cultivation.

For this kind of thing, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan repeatedly told him that if it is not necessary, try to ensure your own safety, don't kill monsters everywhere, and keep a low profile. The way out for cultivators is to live longer.

Although Ye Han doesn't particularly agree with him, if cultivators are cautious and keep themselves safe in everything, they may not be able to achieve much.

But this also shows Ye Han how difficult it is for low-level cultivators in the world of cultivation.

Especially those casual cultivators with low cultivation.

Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai dissected the corpse of the long-armed monkey monster very quickly. In a short time, they dissected the body of the long-armed monkey monster, not even letting go of the essence and blood...

Because it is not easy for them to kill a monster, not to mention that this monster was found on the outskirts of the Black Demon Forest...

You know, monsters are also extremely smart, and generally will not run so far to move around. It is very dangerous to move around in these outskirts where there are many cultivators.

It is considered quite lucky for them to meet one.

The three of them often hunt monsters together, and often they don’t hunt a monster for several days.

The four continued on the road, and Zhang Sanlei ran in the front to lead the way, followed by Ye Han, and Wang Fulai and Li Zongqing on both sides to protect him.

In fact, Ye Han had just tested the three of them, whether they really wanted to use him to kill the monster...

Because since he went down the mountain with the three of them, Ye Han has been on guard against these three guys. No one can be sure whether these three guys will trick him down the mountain and kill him alone halfway.

So he kept pressing the Vajra Talisman given to him by Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, guarding against the three of them suddenly attacking him.

With the power of the Vajra Talisman, it will definitely be able to block their first wave of attacks.

As long as he sends a signal, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan will come to help immediately.

But in this way, their plan was ruined.

Fortunately, along the way, the three of them did not show any signs of attacking him.

Just when they encountered the long-armed monkey monster, Ye Han deliberately hid behind Zhang Sanlei to see if they would kill him with the monster's hand.

But the three did not do so, but protected him everywhere.

Judging from this situation, when they met him in the sect before, they must have been looking for a suitable target as bait to lure the monster.

In other words, as they planned, Zhang Sanlei and others did not intend to attack him halfway, but wanted to kill the monster, or deal with the monster, and then attack him.

Thinking this way, Ye Han felt a little relieved. At least he was safe before the next wave of crisis.

In the dense forest a hundred feet away.

A figure followed Zhang Sanlei and the other four silently. His figure was silent and he was wearing a gray shirt.

There was a talisman on the gray shirt, which emitted a gray light, covering his figure...

His eyes were sharp, looking at the traces of corpses left by the long-armed monkey monster in front...

"Outskirts of the Black Demon Forest, how could there be demon beasts in this place?"


His eyes moved, he looked to the side, and quickly hid behind a big tree.

This person just hid behind the big tree.


There was a sound of leaves rubbing against each other, and two figures quickly came into the jungle...

One of these two people was extremely tall, with a hideous face, and a black chain tied to his body.

The other one had a wretched and pale face, a short and slender figure, and two slender hook weapons on his back...

These two people exuded a fierce aura.

They looked at the viscera of the long-armed monkey monster on the ground...

The strong man with chains on his body said in a muffled voice: "Damn it! We finally tricked this guy out, how come he was robbed by others!"

The short monk said coldly: "Damn it! Stealing the prey of our Qinshan Twins! Looking for death."

After the two men said this, the strong man twitched his nose and said: "They should have gone to one side! Chase!"

As he said this, he moved his body and chased in the direction of Zhang Sanlei and the other four, and the short man followed him.

At this time.

A gray-clothed figure walked out from the side, frowning and looking into the distance: "It turned out to be the legendary Qinshan Twins! This is not good!"

After saying this, he followed and chased after them.

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