Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 550 Rejection

Yes, if there really is a secret passage, Ye Han can take action.

After all, his current thunder escape technique is enough to escape the pursuit of the golden elixir stage immortal cultivators...

Even if you encounter the golden elixir stage immortal cultivator, you still have a certain ability to escape.

Just like the two golden elixir stages of the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect encountered this time.

Moreover, Ye Han felt that these two things were actually related to a certain extent, allowing him to rationally judge that what Ouyang Changning said was not to deceive him.

Before, the Black Wind Demon King mistakenly broke into his Little Heaven Formation and was about to be killed by Ye Han. Two golden elixir stage immortal cultivators came. Their consciousness and aura were filled with sword energy. They were obviously practicing swordsmanship. The cultivator of Dharma...

However, Ye Han did not meet them, snatched the body of the Black Wind Demon King, and fled quickly...

The Black Demon Mountain is hundreds of miles away. If these things are connected, destroy the Qingxuan Sect where Ouyang Changning is, kill the Black Wind Demon King with him, and meet the cultivators of the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect, Mostly the same batch...

Whether in the world of immortality, the secular world, or among monsters and beasts, there is not much room for the weak to survive and they can only live in an ignoble existence.

There are countless cases of large sects oppressing small sects, but things like the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect directly annihilating a sect are relatively rare...

After all, the main purpose of these high-level immortal cultivators to annex and control a small sect is to require this sect to pay tribute to them and plunder their cultivation resources. It is a long-term and stable supply of cultivation resources...

It is still too rare for a sect to be directly wiped out like this.

I don't know if there's anything fishy about it.

However, Ye Han could escape the pursuit of the golden elixir stage immortal cultivators by himself, but that would not be possible if he brought Ouyang Changning with him.

Because there was no way he could lead people to escape using the thunder escape technique.

Whether it's the Thunder Escape Technique or the Blood Escape Talisman, it's the same. You can only turn yourself into thunder and lightning or blood light to escape, but you can't turn others into thunder and lightning or blood light...

So bringing Ouyang Changning along would be really a burden.

After listening to Ye Han's words, Ouyang Changning frowned and said: "Of course I can understand what the senior said, but I am the only one who can open that treasure. It's impossible for the senior to go alone."

Ouyang Changning said sincerely: "But if you say you don't worry about senior swallowing treasures, you are deceiving senior. But what junior said is true. The secret treasure house cannot be opened without me. After all, I am the sect master's biological daughter."

It has to be said that Ouyang Changning's words are very reasonable. If the master of Qingxuan Sect really puts the method of opening the restriction on Ouyang Changning, and uses blood essence or his soul to confine it, it will indeed require Ouyang Changning to open it.

Ye Han saw this kind of thing a lot when he was reading.

However, this also made Ye Han start to think about whether he should agree to Ouyang Changning...

Ouyang Changning saw Ye Han thinking and continued: "Senior! If we go to the treasure hiding place through the secret passage, even if the golden elixir stage monks are there, we may not be able to find us. What's more, their golden elixir stage cultivators He should not be in our sect!”

Listening to Ouyang Changning's words, Ye Han's eyes moved, and he said with a half-smile: "Okay, even if what you said is true, I helped you get the treasure, but how can you be sure that I won't do it after you get it?" After getting the treasure, after getting what I want from you, what if I kill you?"

Yes, Ye Han's cultivation level far surpassed that of Ouyang Changning. After they retrieved the treasure together, how could she believe in herself so much?

Ouyang Changning said confidently: "Senior, this is my second condition. I... hope that senior can accept my furnace cauldron, and from now on, let junior serve senior!"

As she spoke, she straightened her body slightly, showing off her incomparable beauty and proud figure...

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and said, "Why don't you say you want to be my dual cultivation partner?"

He didn't expect that Ouyang Changning's second condition was to become his own furnace. Although there are legends about immortal cultivators, one person can achieve enlightenment, a chicken and a dog can ascend to heaven, but becoming a furnace and being a companion of two cultivators are two different things. Sometimes a furnace is actually a powerful immortal cultivator. playthings, even those that can be traded and bought at will...

It's different for couples who practice dual cultivation. They are basically no different from ordinary couples...

Ye Han was surprised when Ouyang Changning made this request.

After listening to Ye Han's words, Ouyang Changning said to Ye Han: "Senior, junior knows that I am not qualified to be your dual cultivation partner, but I hope to be with senior. I hope senior will take pity on me and help me practice. If I have the opportunity in the future, help me." Qing Xuanzong takes revenge from top to bottom, as long as the senior agrees to my condition, the junior can hand over the treasure to the senior now! "

As she spoke, she stared at Ye Han with her beautiful eyes, waiting for Ye Han's words of agreement...

In her opinion, although her qualifications are not very good, she is still a foundation-building immortal cultivator. Even a golden elixir-stage immortal cultivator can still be of great use as a cauldron.

What's more, he is as beautiful as a fairy and has an proud figure?

However, Ye Han shook his head without hesitation: "I refuse this condition!"

What does this woman think is wrong with her?

Although he was a little tempted by such cloudy stones, he didn't care.

Being contaminated by a woman is equivalent to being contaminated by karma. He will be in more trouble in the future. How could he be fooled like this? Of course I refused.

Hearing Ye Han's rejection, Ouyang Changning was stunned, thinking he had heard wrongly...

Although many male immortal cultivators are not interested in women, it does not mean they do not like women. Could it be that he encountered something abnormal?

She asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Senior, am I... not good enough?"

Originally, she was very confident in herself, but now that Ye Han rejected her so directly, she couldn't help but doubt herself...

Ye Han knew she had thought wrongly when he saw her eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about this. I tell you the truth, although the things on you are good and useful to me, they are not indispensable!"

He paused and said coldly: "I only promise you that I can help you get treasures and promise to help you practice, but I will not agree to other conditions!"

"Don't even think about asking for more. I negotiate with you because you are a poor person. I will save people to the end. I have plenty of means to make you suffer humiliation and give me that thing obediently!"

After hearing Ye Han's words, Ouyang Changning looked at Ye Han with a confused face. Damn it, she took the initiative to become his furnace, and he said she asked for more?

What is this?

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