Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 559: Talisman Changes

Sensing this extremely dangerous feeling, Sword Lady subconsciously trembled with sword light and turned into a sword beam to protect the sword light...

Suddenly, he discovered that among the many talismans released by Ye Han, there was an astonishing sword light talisman...

That is!

Sword Talisman!

Don't wait for Lady Sword to think too much.

call out! A harsh golden sword light penetrated through many lightnings, fireballs, and hailstones, and instantly hit the sword sword transformed by the Sword Lady...

Bang! There was a piercing sound that shook the sky, and the golden light sword light bombarded the sword gang that the sword lady transformed into. The sword gang shook out into a storm ripples, and the sword lady's body was shaken back more than ten feet in an instant.

Then, the sword light and sword light exploded into sword talismans, and countless fierce sword lights were released, like violent wind and rain, bombarding the sword lady's sword...

This sword talisman was given to Ye Han by his master, the Seventh Elder. He has been keeping it to no use...

This sword talisman has a limited number of uses, and Ye Han cannot use it against ordinary immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage.

It is impossible to kill a cultivator in the golden elixir stage, but it is a bit useless.

However, now he deliberately releases it and hides it in many mid-level talismans. It is enough to use it to block the sword lady.

Sure enough, the Sword Lady was hit. In order to block the attack of the sword talisman, the sword light she transformed into had to release the sword gang to block the sword talisman...

Just half a breath was wasted.

Boom boom boom! Ye Han has released the Thunder Escape Technique four times in a row and has escaped thousands of feet away from the Sword Lady...

The sword lady was so angry that she yelled: "Damn it! Such a cunning bastard!"

As the sword lady cursed, the sword light she transformed into erupted with a sharp and suffocating aura, and traces of blood-red runes erupted...

Obviously, Lady Sword was angry. She was actually fooled by Ye Han's simple trick. If she hadn't subconsciously used the sword to block it, but directly hit it...

Although the power of the sword talisman was astonishing, how could she be afraid of a mere sword talisman at the golden elixir level?

It's a pity that she subconsciously blocked it, slowed down her breathing, and allowed Ye Han to escape thousands of feet away...

Seeing that Ye Han was about to rush out of Qingxuanzong's mountain-protecting formation...


An astonishing golden sword light shot out from the ground in an instant and bombarded Ye Han's newly emerged figure.

Ye Han felt the danger of this sword light, but how could he escape in time?

puff! The golden sword light was incredibly fast and penetrated Ye Han's body...

Then, a cultivator wearing silver armor rushed out from there.

It was on that day that Ye Han killed the injured Black Wind Demon King and met Brother Jinjian, another male monk among the two Jindan-stage immortal cultivators of the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect...

The reason why the Golden Sword appeared here was because when Lady Sword informed him, he happened to see the purple-gold lightning in the distance flashing away...

He immediately knew that the person coming was the guy who killed the Black Wind Demon King and could continuously perform the Thunder Escape Technique...

Immediately, he knew that he would not be able to catch up with Ye Han if he followed him, so he quickly arrived in front of Ye Han's escape. As soon as he arrived, he found that Ye Han had also arrived...

He used his sword light with all his strength without hesitation, and instantly penetrated Ye Han's figure...

However, before the golden sword is happy...

Whoops! Ye Han's body was pierced, and the runes trembled violently and shattered, turning into countless gray light runes and disappearing.

The next moment, Ye Han's figure appeared in a mountain peak hundreds of feet away.

When Jin Jian and Lady Sword saw this situation, their expressions changed greatly...

damn it!

This guy also has a stand-in.

Yes, Ye Han had already released the substitute talisman when he was being chased by Sword Lady...

After all, the person who is chasing him is a golden elixir stage monk. This magical power cultivation is definitely not that simple...

One more substitute talisman would give him a chance to save his life, so the moment Ye Han escaped, he had already released the substitute talisman.

I just didn't expect that I had been trying to avoid being surrounded by two golden elixir stage monks, but in the end, Jin Jian still caught up with him. If it weren't for the existence of the substitute talisman, he would have been killed by the Jin Jian senior brother now. must……

damn it! Even if it's a stand-in, it can't be that far away all of a sudden, right?

Jin Jian had an incredible expression on his face, and without stopping, he chased after Ye Han...

Lady Sword was also shocked in her heart. You must know that although the avatar talisman can help the immortal cultivator save his life, the moment he becomes a substitute, it can only be randomly within a hundred feet.

As a result, Ye Han actually appeared more than three hundred feet away. What was going on?

However, she also knew that if Ye Han ran away, it would be too difficult for the two of them to catch up with him.

Both of them did not hesitate to burn their cultivation longevity, and Brother Jinjian turned into a golden sword light...

The sword lady turned into a golden sword light...

The sword light transformed by the two men contained a trace of golden elixir aura and blood, and their speed suddenly increased by three points as they chased Ye Han...

In fact, Ye Han didn't expect that the avatar not only saved his life, but also randomly teleported him so far?

No, this is not the credit of the substitute talisman, but the credit of Ye Han's just obtaining the purple-gold metal rune on Ouyang Changning's body.

Originally, when he got the purple-gold metal rune from Ye Chunfeng, his success rate in refining talismans increased a lot, and the power was also three times stronger than normal talismans...

When the purple-gold metal rune he got from Ouyang Changning was absorbed by the purple cauldron, it was fused with Ye Chunfeng's purple-gold metal rune to form a complete ring rune.

At that time, Ye Han was wondering, after this rune was complete, would his success rate in refining talismans increase again, and would the power increase again?

However, he had just completed the transaction with Ouyang Changning and was still in danger, so of course he didn't have time to try it...

But he didn't expect that the effect of using this substitute talisman was much stronger than before...

The random distance alone was very impressive, at least it could keep him away from danger...

In fact, although this substitute talisman is also a life-saving talisman, if the opponent can kill you, although you have replaced once, but you are still within a hundred feet, your body will become weak...

This time it spread out three hundred feet away, which gave Ye Han a lot of time to escape.

If this situation is true, then try not to use the Thunder Escape Technique...

Thinking of this, Ye Han didn't wait for the two to catch up. He had a rune in his hand that emitted a strange rune aura, and there was even a trace of space power...

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