Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 566 Fengtian City

When Ye Han was walking in Fengtian City, he kept paying attention to the conversations of the immortal cultivators around him...

Because he is very unfamiliar with the Northern Luzhou Continent, by listening to their conversations more, he can know a lot of well-known things, such as what sects and dangerous places...

I have heard a lot of useful things along the way...

This Fengtian City is actually a city built by three sects, including the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect, and the other two sects are Wu Taimen and Zhenyang Sect, the other two sects of Dacheng.

These two sects and the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect lead the top sects in Dacheng, and can be considered second-rate sects in terms of strength in the Northern Luzhou Continent.

In terms of strength, these three sects are stronger than the Qingxuan Sect where Ye Han belongs...

However, what can be said openly in public is not a secret matter.

All that could be mentioned were all kinds of rumors and gossip, but it gave Ye Han a good understanding of this great undertaking...

However, Ye Han suddenly heard that the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect was offering a reward for those who used the purple thunder method, which made Ye Han's heart move...

Just by offering a reward for the purple thunder magic cultivator, this key word, you know that it is him who is offering the reward.

However, the two people were talking and walking away, and Ye Han only listened to a few words. It was probably that the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect suffered the consequences of the cultivator who used the purple lightning method in Black Demon Mountain, and made the Demon-Slaying Sword Sect wanted. , I didn’t hear the wanted price clearly, but from the excited words of the two, it would definitely be high. Ye Han decided to check out the reward later...

And the female clerk took Ye Han to a counter. On the counter was a very beautiful girl with a peaceful face. She looked like she was in her twenties, but she didn't look like an experienced old monk.

This made Ye Han frown. You know, this kind of information-seeking shop has elderly immortal cultivators with gray beards at the counter. They look more trustworthy and can easily attract business...

The girl was reading a book when she saw the female clerk bringing Ye Han over. She put down the book and said calmly: "Xiaochun, are you bringing someone here again?"

The female clerk smiled and said, "If I don't bring someone to you, your day will be wasted again."

After a pause, he said to Ye Han: "This fellow Taoist, this is Fairy Canghai. Even though she is young, she knows a lot."

After hearing this, Ye Han gave her a few spirit stones and said, "Thank you!"

Seeing Ye Han's generous move, Xiaochun happily took it. Ye Han didn't look like much, and he thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, senior!"

Then Ye Han said to Fairy Canghai: "Fellow Taoist, I want to know about the situation of Boundless Mountain in Beili."

This immortal cultivator named Fairy Canghai looks like she is only twenty-eight years old, and her aura is secretive and not revealed.

But Ye Han noticed that the other party was actually in the middle stage of foundation building. His age was definitely not as young as he appeared. He must have had a romantic relationship at some time or practiced some special skills to maintain his youthful appearance.

Immortal cultivators must not judge people by their appearance, especially female immortal cultivators. They are obviously old witches who have been cultivating for thousands of years. They practice special skills and use beauty-preserving elixirs such as Dingyan Dan to maintain their appearance...

So although this woman looks young, she may actually be a hundred-year-old female immortal cultivator.

But this woman also likes to read.

Fairy Canghai glanced at Ye Han and said solemnly: "One hundred spirit stones for general information and three hundred spirit stones for special information."

After hearing this, Ye Han asked, "Is there any difference?"

Fairy Canghai explained unhurriedly: "The general information is about the basic situation of Beili Wubian Mountain. There are some monsters in several places. The special information is about where there are opportunities in Wubian Mountain, what kind of monsters there are, and so on. Treasures from heaven and earth, more detailed.”

Ye Han frowned and said, "So expensive?"

Although he does not lack spiritual stones, he cannot afford to be fooled by others...

Fairy Canghai said: "Fellow Taoist, you don't know where Beili is, right?"

After hearing Fairy Canghai's rhetorical question, Ye Han smiled bitterly and said, "That's right."

He really didn't know where Beili was or where he was. He just wanted to find Gengjin Spiritual Liquid and had a direction...

Fairy Canghai said calmly: "Fellow Taoist, if you want to go to Beili, you have to pass through Qing Country. The situation in Qing Country is very complicated now. I advise fellow Taoist not to take the risk!"

After hearing this, Ye Han said strangely: "What happened to Qingguo?"

Fairy Canghai glanced at Ye Han with a hint of surprise in her eyes, but she still replied: "Fellow Taoist, I don't have free information."

As she spoke, she stretched out a finger: "One hundred spirit stones."

After hearing this, Ye Han knew that talking too much would lead to mistakes. He patted his storage bag, took out four hundred spirit stones and said, "Give me a copy of Qingguo's intelligence and Beili's intelligence."

Fairy Canghai frowned and replied: "Fellow Taoist, wait a moment!"

As she said that, she took out a blank jade slip and muttered something in her mouth. A piece of character penetrated into the jade slip as she chanted the incantation. After inputting more than twenty breaths, she handed it to Ye Han and said: "Fellow Taoist! This is your information."

Ye Han took it and glanced at it casually. There was a lot of information recorded in it, and it was quite detailed, so he spent the four hundred spirit stones well.

So, Ye Han replied: "Thank you! Farewell!"

After saying that, Ye Han turned and left...

At this time, Fairy Canghai suddenly sent a message to Ye Han: "Fellow Taoist! I think you are a casual cultivator, right? Are you preparing to go to Boundless Mountain recently?"

After hearing this, Ye Han looked at Fairy Canghai strangely, and said with a half-smile: "What? Daoyou still want to buy information from me?"

Fairy Canghai's eyes were choked, and she answered directly: "If Daoyou wants to go to Wubian Mountain, I can go with Daoyou, so that I can take care of you on the way! After all, the situation in Qingguo is complicated now, and it is quite troublesome to go alone. I also want to go to Wubian Mountain recently."

After hearing what Fairy Canghai said, Ye Han refused without hesitation and replied: "No, Daoyou! I just want to inquire about the information and will go later. Thank you Daoyou."

Just kidding, he and Fairy Canghai are strangers, and with his cultivation and magical treasures, it is better for him to go alone than to go with a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. Okay...

After hearing Ye Han's refusal, Fairy Canghai frowned and replied: "Is that so? Sorry to bother you, fellow Taoist!"

After that, she picked up the book and continued reading...

Ye Han smiled and said nothing more. He walked around the market again and bought a lot of information. Then he left the Wanshu Building and walked around Fengtian City for a few hours. He cleaned up a lot of unnecessary treasures and purchased a lot of elixirs, books, alchemy, refining, formations, elixir recipes, puppets and other miscellaneous books and secrets...

These are the most basic, but for Ye Han, it's enough. On the one hand, how can the real good things be bought? On the other hand, he just wants to see what the difference is between these things in Beiluzhou Continent and Fengtian Continent...

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