Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 594 Blood-spotted Ants


The black air of the Black Demon King swirled in circles, and he was running in front. The dark green demonic energy burst out from behind him and caught up...

Behind them, there was a large group of demon beasts with red eyes, chasing them madly...

The Blue Lake Demon King ran at full speed, cursing: "Damn Old Black, I am really sinful, how could I know you?"

The Black Demon King wanted to cry but had no tears, and said: "Blue Lake Demon King, you can call me Old Black from now on!"

As he said that, he cursed angrily: "Damn it, let me catch that kid, first let me torture him, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve my hatred."

Originally, the Black Demon King got involved in this matter because of his friendship with the Blue Lake Demon King. Now that he was embarrassed by Ye Han and the other two cultivators, he was now full of anger, and now it has become a matter of grudges.

This damn guy must be severely tortured.

The Blue Lake Demon King said with a smile: "Okay, okay! Just don't make me feel sick."

At this point, he looked back and cursed: "Where did those damn pillars come from? It's hard for us to come in."

The Black Demon King said: "I don't know. The deeper we go, the more powerful the cursed pillars are. My clansmen dare not come in."

The voice paused, and he said to the Blue Lake Demon King with a serious look: "But I told you that if we meet the Blood Sky Demon King, it's best for us to run away. I don't care about other things."

The Blue Lake Demon King said in a deep voice: "Don't worry! After all, life is more important!"

As he said that, a dark green demonic aura swirled around him, and a rune aura rippled out of his figure. A water light curtain appeared behind him, creating an illusion. The figures of the Blue Lake Demon King and the Black Demon King actually appeared and flew in the same direction.

His figure and the figure of the Black Demon King twisted and flashed in the air and disappeared into the air.

The demon beasts controlled by the cursed pillars roared madly and chased the two figures...

Strangely, the water light curtain had been resting in front of the demon beasts, and flew forward as the demon beasts chased them.

From a distance, it seemed that the demon beasts were chasing the light curtain.

A quarter of an hour later.

It was quiet everywhere, a dark green demon aura swirled, the figure of the Blue Lake Demon King appeared in the air, and the figure of the Black Demon King followed.

The Blue Lake Demon King said complacently: "These guys can't tell the real from the fake, otherwise we'll have to work hard again!"

The Black Demon King scolded: "Don't be so arrogant, if you had used this trick earlier, we would have caught up with them."

The Blue Lake Demon King retorted: "Old Black, if it weren't for you being so dark, how could we have been tricked?"

The Black Demon King said angrily: "You still blame me for this? Be careful or I'll turn against you."

The Blue Lake Demon King said: "Don't do useless things, chase him quickly, the guy's breath is getting weaker and weaker!"

As he said that, a demonic aura shook out of his body and rushed forward.

The Black Demon King followed him and said curiously, "Your move is quite useful. How come I don't smell anything at all?"

The Blue Lake Demon King sneered and said, "My move is unparalleled in the world. How can you, Old Black, have my ability?"

The Black Demon King said angrily, "I say, Blue Lake Demon King, you are getting more and more arrogant. You are allowed to call me Old Black, but you are not allowed to call me that all the time!"

"Hehe! You allowed it. Do you realize that you are black now?"

"Damn it, let me catch that cultivator and crush him to death!"

"Okay, okay, it's not that you are black, it's that the enemy is too Cunning. "

"Bah, not cunning, you want me to help?"

"I say Lao Hei, that damn guy always does this, we are very passive."

"Don't worry, this is just the outer curse pillar. It will be difficult to go further. There are countless blood-spotted ants of the Blood Sky Demon King blocking the way. Otherwise, why do you think I dare not go in?"


"I'm lying to you, I'm Lao Hei!"

"You are Lao Hei!"


Ye Han and Qin Jiuzhen stopped at the edge of a huge rock, looking at a canyon in the distance, frowning.

Only in the center of the canyon in the distance, a huge curse pillar stood in the center of the canyon.

There are no monsters in this place, but there are things more terrifying than monsters.

The ground in front of the canyon is black and red, which looks very strange. If you look closely, you can see clearly that these black and red grounds are not ground at all.

Instead, they are huge ant-like insects with red spots on their bodies. Each one is as big as a fist and is motionless on the ground.

On the surrounding mountain walls, there are huge ants with red spots.

This is not just any ant. Ye Han has seen this ant on the list of strange insects. It is called the blood-spotted ant. It is ranked outside the top 100. It can suck blood, spit silk, and attack quickly.

The reason why this blood-spotted ant ranks low is that if there is only one or a few, it is not very powerful.

But now we see densely packed everywhere. Once disturbed, they rush over in groups, which is too scary.

This is the scary part of the strange insects on the list of strange insects.

The two observed for a while, and Ye Han suddenly frowned and said, "We have to leave quickly, those guys are coming soon."

As he spoke, he casually released a dozen talismans and disappeared into the surrounding mountain walls and ground...

Qin Jiuzhen saw this and said strangely: "Fellow Daoist Ye, don't you use the formation to stop them?"

Ye Han shook his head and said solemnly: "It's useless. These two demon kings are very cunning. The same tricks are no longer useful to them. Moreover, they are coming faster and faster. Obviously, they already know how to avoid and deal with the demon beasts controlled by these pillars."

Ye Han continued: "Remember, just go around them quickly!"

As he spoke, Ye Han quickly climbed up the mountain wall. He was blocked by the canyon in front, so he had to climb up the cliff and bypass these blood-spotted ants...

Qin Jiuzhen also quickly climbed up behind him.

However, when the two climbed up the cliff, they saw that there were still pillars on both sides in the distance, but they were blocked in the cliff canyon and could not be seen.

What was even more surprising was that they could vaguely see that on the misty hilltops in the distance, there were cursed pillars. Although they could not see farther away, these cursed pillars had formed a wall, blocking the way of the two people...

You can see that under these cursed pillars, there are actually blood-spotted ants. The entire world is blocked by blood-spotted ants...

Damn, where do so many blood-spotted ants come from?

Qin Jiuzhen's scalp tingled as he looked at it, and he couldn't help but ask Ye Han: "Fellow Daoist Ye, how do we get through?"

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