Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 598 Another Tianji Palace

After arriving here, the spiritual energy of this piece of heaven and earth, although it was as abundant as before, the fog had dissipated a lot. Under the moonlight, it was very clear that there was an extremely huge mountain in front.

There were many buildings on it, and on the top of the mountain was an extremely huge, layered, intricate, and almost the entire top of the mountain was a majestic and huge palace-style building.

At first glance, Ye Han felt very familiar. Isn't this the Tianji Hall of the treasure mountain in Shangling Land?

Although he only took a look at the huge Tianji Hall when he left the top of the mountain in Shangling Land, the ban on flying was opened, and Ye Han drove the flying sword away...

But it made a very deep impression on him, because it looked exactly the same.

Ye Han couldn't help rubbing his eyes, thinking that he had seen it wrong, and even used the Qingxin Gong to run it to see if he was under an illusion?

There is absolutely no mistake. This huge mountain is really too familiar to him. The two discipline halls, the pagoda, and the location of the medicine garden are exactly the same as what he saw in Shangling.

Could this treasure mountain be the one in Shangling?

Hmm? Ye Han observed for a while and suddenly found that something was wrong. Although the buildings on it were almost the same, the plants and grasses were very similar, but the species were obviously different...

What is going on?

Qin Jiuzhen looked at Ye Han's shock and couldn't help asking Ye Han: "Fellow Daoist Ye! What's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with this place?"

Ye Han came back to his senses and frowned and asked Qin Jiuzhen: "Fellow Daoist Qin, is your compass pointing to the palace in the giant mountain?"

Yes, Ye Han followed Qin Jiuzhen because he got the guidance of the mysterious compass and came to this place.

It is indeed unexpected that in the middle of these cursed pillars, there is actually the Tianji Hall of the treasure mountain.

It was totally beyond Ye Han's expectation. None of the three possibilities he had imagined were correct.

But this is the world of immortal cultivation. There are too many mysterious things happening. Anything is possible. Just like the purple tripod on Ye Han's body, such an omnipotent treasure is very rare even in the world of immortal cultivation.

Even if it exists, it is very rare and may appear on a small mortal like Ye Han.

No, the Tianji Palace and the treasure mountain in front of him are definitely not the same as the one in Shangling Land...

He suddenly remembered that when he first arrived in Beiluzhou Continent, he had asked the people of Qingxuan Sect and mentioned that there was also a treasure mountain in Beiluzhou Continent, and there was the Tianji Palace.

It also caused a great sensation in Beiluzhou Continent. The immortal cultivators and monsters were all competing for the opportunity of the Tianji Palace in the treasure mountain.

This should be true, because the black-clothed old man of Qingxuan Sect told Ye Han that their Jindan period elder died there.

The reason why Qingxuan Sect was destroyed by Zhuyao Sword Sect was because their Jindan-stage elder died. Without the Jindan-stage elder to protect the sect.

But I heard that this so-called Tianji Palace Treasure Mountain appeared in a place in the Black Demon Mountain Range. How could it appear in Wubian Mountain?

And it also let Qin Jiuzhen get a compass to Wubian Mountain, guiding Qin Jiuzhen to Wubian Mountain.

Most importantly, Mr. Lan Qing told Ye Han that Tianji Palace Treasure Mountain might be a huge trap, which is specially used to calculate certain immortal cultivators.

Ye Han thinks that these so-called certain immortal cultivators may be high-level immortal cultivators from major sects.

From what he knows now, many small sects are like Qingxuan Sect. High-level immortal cultivators fell in Tianji Palace Treasure Mountain, which led to the decline of the sect.

Many sects also fought and annexed each other because of this. Why does it feel like a huge trap that wants to weaken the power of immortal cultivators in the entire world.

So Ye Han asked Qin Jiuzhen, what is the matter with the compass?

Because this compass seems to have a huge problem.

After hearing Ye Han's words, Qin Jiuzhen realized that something was wrong and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Ye, I'll tell you the truth about this compass. I got it from a fallen cultivator. He wanted to take over my body, but he didn't succeed much, and this compass ended up in my hands."

Having said that, he gritted his teeth and continued: "Fellow Daoist Ye, you know about the sect war in Qing Country, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Han nodded and replied: "I've heard of it. Does it have anything to do with this?"

Qin Jiuzhen scratched the back of his head and said: "You also know the cause of the sect war, that is, a huge treasure hall appeared in the Tiandao Mountains of our Qing Country, which caused a lot of In the fight between the immortal cultivators, the Blood Light Ancestor in the blood cloud also died in the fight. "

"In addition to the Blood Light Ancestor, there are actually many Jindan-stage immortal cultivators who died in the fight. My array disk is from one of the Jindan-stage immortal cultivators. After his physical body died, his soul escaped and tried to take over my physical body, but failed. Instead, he left this compass on me."

Speaking of this, Qin Jiuzhen showed a helpless look on his face and said, "I was originally a casual cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage. After getting this compass, I did get a lot of benefits, and my cultivation level also advanced to the Foundation Establishment Stage, but I was unlucky and was calculated by the Yin Sha Sect and was hit by the Yin Sha...!"

He looked at Ye Han with a strange look in his eyes and said in frustration: "You will know what happens next, so I won't explain more. Fellow Daoist Ye, if you think this place is too dangerous, let's leave."

Yes, he had not told Ye Han the real situation during this journey with Ye Han, but after getting along with him for such a period of time, he felt that Ye Han was a very lucky person, so he couldn't help but tell Ye Han everything now. Ye Han.

After hearing what Qin Jiuzhen said in one breath, Ye Han had a lot of doubts in his heart, but he finally asked Qin Jiuzhen to tell the truth.

He now found that these things seemed messy and had nothing to do with each other, but everything was connected. This formed a very clear clue.

That is, this Tianji Palace, just as Mr. Lan Qing guessed at the beginning, should be a huge trap, possibly used to plot against the immortal cultivators in the world.

If it appears on both continents, it is very suspicious.

Ye Han said to Qin Jiuzhen in a deep voice: "We've already come, how can we leave? Maybe our chance will come."

After hearing this, Qin Jiuzhen looked at Ye Han in surprise and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, do we still have to go in?"

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