Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 604 News about Han Yuwan

Ye Han has known Han Yuwan since he was a child. It can be said that in Qingxuan Sect, he is one of the best classmates in Qingxuan Sect.

He left Qingxuanmen twice and went to find Han Yuwan, which is one of the proofs.

The other one is naturally Zhang Qingshan...

I didn't expect to see Ye Lingzhi here, who I thought had died for several years, and I didn't expect to hear the news about Han Yuwan again, but it was such news.

Let’s not talk about whether the Tianji Palace Treasure Mountain is in the Northern Luzhou Continent. Due to the chaos in the Tianji Palace Treasure Mountain at the Upper Tomb, so many immortal cultivators and the Demon King were unable to come out alive.

And the mysterious Mr. Lan Qing was not able to come out alive. How dangerous it was that day at Jidian Baoshan...

Han Yuwan actually came to Tianji Palace Treasure Mountain with Ye Lingzhi? What's happening here? Really overestimating one's abilities.

Thinking of this, Ye Han was extremely worried and asked: "How is Senior Sister Han Yuwan?" His voice paused, and he said with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "You guys! You are really overestimating your capabilities. With your cultivation... Come on... Didn’t Tianji Palace Baoshan die?”

After listening to Ye Han's words, Ye Lingzhi also looked regretful. She said helplessly: "Actually, we... are not overestimating our capabilities, but the fourth elder brought us here."

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart sank. Now, Senior Sister Han...is it more dangerous than bad? My fingers couldn't help but tremble...

Because after he successfully returned to Qingxuanmen from Baoshan in the Land of Shangling, he also heard on the mountain that the fourth elder of Qingxiu Peak had died...

Even the fourth elder who brought them here has died. The fourth elder is a genuine elder in the Golden Core stage, and his cultivation seems to be in the middle stage of the Golden Core. How can Han Yuwan be okay?

That time, he, Elder Ningyu and others entered the Dark Forbidden Land because of the request of the Fourth Elder and the Seventh Elder. In the Dark Forbidden Land, except for him and Uncle Ningyu who came out alive, everyone else perished.

Although he gained a lot and got the legendary Sky-turning Pagoda, it is not difficult to see that the fourth elder should be the leader in this matter.

For this reason, the fourth elder personally went to Ye Han's cave in an attempt to see through Ye Han's...

On the contrary, the seventh elder did not pursue anything with Ye Han...

It can be said that the four elders have criminal records. This time they brought Han Yuwan and the others with them, maybe they were taking advantage of these disciples...

It's a pity that I didn't expect that I would lose my life.

The sect has always attached great importance to great golden elixir stage monks like the Fourth Elder. They all have life cards and soul cards. Once they fall, the sect will know immediately.

The reason why Ye Han heard that the Fourth Elder had died was because the Soul Card and Life Card of the Fourth Elder were shattered...

In other words, the fourth elder's soul had already fallen without even having time to discuss it.

The great monks who have cultivated in the middle stage of Jindan have fallen. How can Han Yuwan be okay?

However, he saw hope rising in Ye Lingzhi's heart. Ye Lingzhi, who was at the second level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, was still alive. So, Han Yuwan should also have hope, right?

So, Ye Han looked at Ye Lingzhi with hope and asked, "Junior Sister Ye, then Senior Sister Han also... died?"

When he asked about this, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He was confused and lost. It was not a taste. Immortal cultivators cultivated immortality because they wanted to cultivate immortality. How many immortal cultivators died early? Where did they get immortality?

Ye Lingzhi saw that Ye Han was in a low mood, and recalled that Ye Han and Han Yuwan were in a relationship, and there were rumors at Qixuan Peak that their relationship was very close...

But thinking of Han Yuwan, Ye Lingzhi's face trembled slightly and said: "Senior Brother Ye, in fact, I am able to survive because of Senior Sister Han's wish!"

Speaking of this, she explained: "The reason why the Fourth Elder brought several of our female disciples to the Land of Shangling is because she knew a little bit about the secrets of Tianji Palace in the Land of Shangling, and when she learned that the Palace of Heaven appeared in the Land of Shangling, she He brought a few of us here, and after the restrictions were lifted, he took us into Baoshan."

"On Baoshan, with her protection, the other demon kings and cultivators don't dare to embarrass us. They can only enter the Tianji Palace with their own abilities."

"After entering Tianji Hall, we encountered many dangers. Only then did we know that the fourth elder brought us here for sacrifice. We opened a restriction, and Senior Sister Han saw through her conspiracy."

Having said this, Ye Lingzhi's face turned slightly red and said: "I wanted to sacrifice the yin bodies of us... female disciples who have not practiced dual cultivation to open a restriction. Senior Sister Han took us and escaped, but we were almost chased by the Fourth Elder. kill……!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's face became gloomy. This fourth elder was really worthy of his death, and he actually plotted against his disciples like this!

Too bad this guy is dead.

Ye Lingzhi continued: "While we were escaping, several others were killed, and we also encountered a very terrifying Tianji beast. The fourth elder fought against that guy, and we took the opportunity to leave."

Having said this, she patted her storage bag, took out a Secret Token and said, "Senior Sister Han and I got a Secret Token in a place by chance, but then we met another demon. During the king's pursuit, we found a teleportation array, and this secret token teleported me here..."

Speaking of this, she added: "But after being teleported, I entered a pagoda. After entering the pagoda, I attacked the restriction and was teleported here."

Then she looked at Ye Han and said, "Brother Ye, the situation was very chaotic at the time. This Tianji token can only teleport one person. Sister Han asked me to go first... I was injured again..."

Speaking of this, Ye Lingzhi couldn't help but choke up...

When Ye Han heard this, his face was also very gloomy. He could no longer care about other things. He was in a very low mood. How could Han Yuwan's magical power stop the demon king?

How could this happen?

If I didn't know about this, it would be fine. Now that I know, the whole person feels... I don't know how to describe my current mood.

Seeing Ye Han in low spirits, Ye Lingzhi couldn't help but comfort him, saying, "Brother Ye, I actually think... maybe Sister Han is still alive...!"

After hearing this, Ye Han regained hope and asked, "What do you mean? Are you sure?"

Ye Lingzhi nodded and said, "Yes, the reason we were able to escape was because the elders were chasing us, because Sister Han knew a secret that others didn't know. She should have discovered how to get out of the Tianji Palace and was able to avoid danger."

After hearing this, Ye Han regained hope, but he didn't expect that Han Yuwan would have such a wonderful fate?

At this moment.


Qin Jiuzhen on the side suddenly screamed...

What happened?

Ye Han and Ye Lingzhi were both startled and looked at Qin Jiuzhen in unison.

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